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#Features with configurable properties are split into categories
# Enchantment related configs (if disabled, they may still show up as NBT on books and such but have functions disabled and are not obtainable in survival)
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#(Multijump) Set false to disable Multi Jump enchantment
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to disable enchantment
enabled = true
#Enchant level drop rate. % = drop + (level-1)*drop
#Range: 1 ~ 100
percentPerLevel = 15
#Mobs in this list cannot be disarmed and have their weapon stolen by the disarm enchantment
ingoredMobs = ["alexsmobs:mimicube"]
#Set false to disable enchantment
enabled = false
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Beheading enchant add player skin head drop, add any mob id and any skin
EntityMHF = ["minecraft:blaze:MHF_Blaze", "minecraft:cat:MHF_Ocelot", "minecraft:cave_spider:MHF_CaveSpider", "minecraft:chicken:MHF_Chicken", "minecraft:cow:MHF_Cow", "minecraft:enderman:MHF_Enderman", "minecraft:ghast:MHF_Ghast", "minecraft:iron_golem:MHF_Golem", "minecraft:magma_cube:MHF_LavaSlime", "minecraft:mooshroom:MHF_MushroomCow", "minecraft:ocelot:MHF_Ocelot", "minecraft:pig:MHF_Pig", "minecraft:zombie_pigman:MHF_PigZombie", "minecraft:sheep:MHF_Sheep", "minecraft:slime:MHF_Slime", "minecraft:spider:MHF_Spider", "minecraft:squid:MHF_Squid", "minecraft:villager:MHF_Villager", "minecraft:witch:MHF_Witch", "minecraft:wolf:MHF_Wolf", "minecraft:guardian:MHF_Guardian", "minecraft:elder_guardian:MHF_Guardian", "minecraft:snow_golem:MHF_SnowGolem", "minecraft:silverfish:MHF_Silverfish", "minecraft:endermite:MHF_Endermite"]
#Percentage increase per level of enchant. Formula [percent + (level - 1) * per_level]
#Range: 1 ~ 99
per_level = 25
#Base perecentage chance to drop a head on kill
#Range: 1 ~ 99
percent = 20
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#(Gloom) Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = false
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Radius per level. size around player to perform growth logic
#Range: 1 ~ 16
radius = 2
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#How many ticks of Absorption hearts given on trigger, 0 to disable
#Range: 0 ~ 9999
potion_ticks = 600
#Base XP cost to activate at level 1 (level 2 is this/2)
#Range: 1 ~ 9999
xp_cost = 50
#How many ticks of cooldown, 0 to disable
#Range: 0 ~ 99999
cooldown = 20
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
#Set false to stop enchantment from working
enabled = true
# Worldgen settings
#Do the four generate in the world. If false, the 4 flower blocks and 3 features (flower_all, flower_tulip_ flower_lime) will still be registered and can be used externally (data packs etc), but the mod will not use the features to generate/place flowers in world-generation
enabled = false
#Enable the legacy feature that will spawn a Cyan flower when bonemeal is used on Podzol
enabled = false
# Block specific configs
#If true, then all potions marked as harmful/negative will be used in addition to the 'anti_beacon.potion_list' for cures and immunities (used by both sponge and artemisbeacon).
harmful_potions = true
#Reach of the candle for spawn prevention
#Range: 0 ~ 64
radius = 32
#Height reach of the candle for spawn prevention
#Range: 0 ~ 512
height = 8
#Reach for explosion prevention
#Range: 1 ~ 128
radius = 32
#Height for explosion prevention
#Range: 1 ~ 512
height = 8
#Ender Anchor settings
#Maximum distance to activate
#Range: 2 ~ 256
range = 128
#Exp cost on teleport
#Range: 0 ~ 500
exp = 0
#Hunger cost on teleport
#Range: 0 ~ 20
hunger = 1
#Tick delay between checks, faster checks can consume server resources (1 means check every tick; 20 means only check once per second)
#Range: 1 ~ 20
frequency = 5
#Power per use disenchanter
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 2500
#Cost of (or payment for if negative) per enchanted book generated
#Range: -1000 ~ 16000
fluid_cost = 100
#Power per repair anvil
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 250
#Power per use dropper
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 50
#Reach of the candle
#Range: 1 ~ 64
radius = 8
#Tick rate of the candle
#Range: 1 ~ 2000
tick_rate = 60
#Power per use
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 400
#Power per use while crossing dimensions
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost_xdim = 8000
#Sound Recorder - how far out does it listen to record sounds
#Range: 1 ~ 64
radius = 8
#RF energy per tick generated while burning furnace fuel in this machine. Burn time in ticks is the same as furnace values, so 1 coal = 1600 ticks
#Range: 1 ~ 6400
rf_per_tick = 80
#Power per use peat_farm
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 500
#Power per use miner
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 10
#Power per use harvester
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 250
#Power per use forester
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 50
#Power per use crafter
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 500
#Reach of the sponge
#Range: 1 ~ 64
radius = 8
#Payment per void action, if not zero
#Range: 0 ~ 16000
fluid_cost = 25
#Ender Trigger settings
#Maximum distance to activate
#Range: 2 ~ 256
range = 32
#Tick delay between checks, faster checks can consume server resources (1 means check every tick; 20 means only check once per second)
#Range: 1 ~ 20
frequency = 5
#Chance that Peat Bog converts to Peat when wet (is multiplied by the number of surrounding water blocks)
#Range: 0.0010000000474974513 ~ 1.0
conversion_chance = 0.07999999821186066
#Reach of the no_soliciting for spawn prevention
#Range: 0 ~ 64
radius = 32
#Height reach of the no_soliciting for spawn prevention
#Range: 0 ~ 512
height = 32
#Sprinkler settings
#Tick rate. 20 will fire one block per second
#Range: 1 ~ 20
ticks = 20
#Water consumption
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
water = 5
#Range: 1 ~ 32
radius = 4
#Radius to find and muffle sounds.
#Range: 1 ~ 128
radius = 6
#How many buckets of buffer fluid the fluid cable can hold (for each direction. for example 2 here means 2000ub in each face)
#Range: 1 ~ 32
buffer = 16
#How many fluid units per tick can flow through these cables each tick (1 bucket = 1000) including normal flow and extraction mode
#Range: 100 ~ 32000
flow = 1000
#How much buffer the energy cables hold (must not be smaller than flow)
#Range: 1 ~ 128000
buffer = 32000
#How fast energy flows in these cables (must not be greater than buffer)
#Range: 100 ~ 32000
flow = 1000
#RF energy per tick generated while burning food in this machine
#Range: 1 ~ 6400
rf_per_tick = 60
#This [factor * ( + item.saturation) = ticks] results in the number of ticks food will burn at. IE Bread has (5 + 0.6) with factor 100, will burn for 560 ticks.
#Range: 1 ~ 6400
ticks_per_food = 100
#Reach for magnet distance to find items
#Range: 1 ~ 128
radius = 16
#Power per recipe in the packager
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 50
#Power per use collector_fluid
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 500
#Power per tick while in use
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 10
#Controller Max distance to search (using manhattan distance)
#Range: 1 ~ 256
controller_distance = 64
#Each shelf has five rows. Set the number of books stored per row here
#Range: 1 ~ 1024
books_per_row = 64
#Power per use uncraft
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 1000
#Ticks between power gen interval. Example: 40 ticks is 2 seconds. 0 means every tick it generates
#Range: 0 ~ 6400
ticks = 60
#Base level of solar power generation (affected by weather contitions).
#Range: 1 ~ 100
energy = 4
#Power per tick while in use
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 0
#Cost of magma fluid per action
#Range: 1 ~ 64000
fluid_cost = 100
#Growth interval in ticks (100 would be every 5 seconds). Also affects terra glass
#Range: 1 ~ 64000
growth_interval = 100
#Chance that the crop will grow after the interval
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
growth_chance = 0.5
#When searching for a recipe, does it ignore all NBT values (such as enchantments, RepairCost, Damage, etc). For example, if false it will not uncraft damaged or enchanted items
nbt_ignored = false
#Ticks used for each uncraft
#Range: 1 ~ 9999
ticks = 60
#ITEM IDS HERE. Block ALL recipes that output this item, no matter which recipe they use
ignore_list = ["minecraft:elytra", "minecraft:tipped_arrow", "minecraft:magma_block", "minecraft:stick", "minecraft:*_dye", "spectrite:spectrite_arrow", "spectrite:spectrite_arrow_special", "techreborn:uumatter", "projecte:*"]
#RECIPE IDS HERE. Block these recipe ids from being reversed, but do not block all recipes for this output item
ignore_recipes = ["botania:cobweb", "minecraft:magma_cream", "minecraft:beacon", "minecraft:stick_from_bamboo_item", "minecraft:netherite_ingot_from_netherite_block", "mysticalagriculture:essence*", "mysticalagriculture:farmland_till", "refinedstorage:coloring_recipes*", "forcecraft:transmutation*", "cyclic:fireball", "cyclic:shapeless/spark"]
#List of extra effects to clear. supports wildcard such as 'cyclic:*'. (This list is is used even if harmful_potions=false or true both)
potion_list = ["minecraft:poison", "minecraft:*_poison", "minecraft:wither", "cyclic:gravity", "minecraft:weakness", "minecraft:slowness"]
#Ticks to fire anti beacon and remove effects from entities (20 = 1 second). Does not affect potion immunity which applies regardless of ticks. This only used if you gain a potion effect out of range and then walk into range, so keep this large.
#Range: 20 ~ 9999
ticks = 200
#Radius to protect players and entities from potion effects being applied (used by both sponge and artemisbeacon).
#Range: 1 ~ 128
radius = 16
#Power per use user
#Range: 0 ~ 64000
energy_cost = 0
#battery settings
#RF/t charging rate for the battery item slot
#Range: 1 ~ 6400000
charge = 8000
#experience_pylon settings
#Radius to pickup xp orbs
#Range: 1 ~ 64
radius = 16
#fisher settings
#Radius to Fish from nearby water
#Range: 1 ~ 32
radius = 12
#Chance to Fish from nearby water. Smaller values is slower fish
#Range: 1.0E-6 ~ 0.999
chance = 0.06
# Logging related configs
#Unblock info logs; very spammy; can be useful for testing certain issues
info = false
# Item specific configs
#Light level limit for placing torches
#Range: 0 ~ 15
light_level = 9
# Obsidian gear settings
#Weapon damage
#Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 99.0
damage = 10.5
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
chest = 11
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
boots = 7
#Armor toughness
#Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 99.0
toughness = 6.0
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
helm = 7
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
leg = 10
#Sack of Holding settings
#Block these from being picked up
disable_pickup = ["parabox:parabox", "extracells:fluidcrafter", "extracells:ecbaseblock", "extracells:fluidfiller", "exnihilosequentia:*", "refinedstorage:*", "tconstruct:seared_fuel_tank", "tconstruct:smeltery_controller", "tconstruct:seared_drain", "tconstruct:seared_fuel_gauge", "tconstruct:seared_ingot_tank", "tconstruct:seared_ingot_gauge", "tconstruct:seared_melter", "tconstruct:seared_heater", "tconstruct:scorched_drain", "tconstruct:scorched_duct", "tconstruct:scorched_chute", "tconstruct:foundry_controller", "tconstruct:scorched_alloyer", "rftoolspower:cell3", "rftoolspower:cell2", "rftoolspower:cell1", "rftoolspower:cell3", "rftoolspower:cell2", "rftoolspower:cell1"]
#Override chest placement when a 1/2 split chest is picked up, and set placed block as a singleton chests (prevents visual glitch of the open-sided half chest). Set to false to restore old behavior and allow the split-chest placement.
overrideChestSingle = true
#Boost given by item charm_luck
#Range: 0 ~ 100
boost = 10
#Ore Prospector radius around player to search for ores
#Range: 1 ~ 256
range = 32
#Ore Prospector height around player to search for ores
#Range: 1 ~ 128
height = 8
#Seconds of flight per chorus_flight
#Range: 1 ~ 20000
ticks = 1200
#Entity ids that cannot be picked up with the Monster all
ignore_list = ["minecraft:ender_dragon", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:warden"]
#Heart items
#Maximum number of hearts that can be attained (including initial 10)
#Range: 1 ~ 200
maximum = 10
#Experience given when eating a poisoned heart
#Range: 0 ~ 99999
experience = 500
#Range in all directions to search for spawner
#Range: 1 ~ 256
range = 64
#How much weaker than the regular shield is this item (used to calculate damage blocked)
#Range: 0 ~ 100
blocked_damage_percent = 60
#Range to search out enemies for this multi-target attack
#Range: 1 ~ 256
range = 16
#Energy cost per item use
#Range: 1 ~ 50000
energy = 500
#Seconds of noClip per chorus_spectral
#Range: 1 ~ 20000
ticks = 600
#How much weaker than the regular shield is this item (used to calculate damage blocked)
#Range: 0 ~ 100
blocked_damage_percent = 20
#Range to search out enemies for this attack
#Range: 1 ~ 512
range = 64
#Energy cost per item use
#Range: 1 ~ 50000
energy = 150
#Boost given by item charm_attackspeed
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
boost = 0.5
#Boost given by item charm_speed
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
boost = 0.5
# Caving Torch Charm settings
#Light level at which to start placing down a torch
#Range: 0 ~ 14
light_limit = 7
#Light level of the current block after placing down a torch. Must be greater than light_limit
#Higher values means torches will be placed closer to you. Lower values means torches will overlap less,
#but might result in small dark spots between torches
#Range: 1 ~ 14
light_target = 10
#Whether to prioritise placing torches on walls
prefer_walls = true
#Which wall to place torches on when digging a 1-wide tunnel
#True means left, False means right
prefer_left_wall = false
#What % chance does this have to apply thorns damage against ranged non-explosive attackers
#Range: 0 ~ 100
damage = 50
#How much weaker than the regular shield is this item (used to calculate damage blocked)
#Range: 0 ~ 100
blocked_damage_percent = 30
#Wand settings
#Maximum distance to activate
#Range: 8 ~ 1024
range = 256
# Emerald gear settings
#Weapon damage
#Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 99.0
damage = 4.5
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
chest = 9
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
boots = 4
#Armor toughness
#Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 99.0
toughness = 3.0
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
helm = 4
#Damage Reduction
#Range: 1 ~ 99
leg = 7
# scythe_brush settings. note radius is halved while player is sneaking
#Radius defines how far it reaches (for example radius 6 is 13x13 square)
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 6
# scythe_forage settings. note radius is halved while player is sneaking
#Radius defines how far it reaches (for example radius 6 is 13x13 square)
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 6
# scythe_leaves settings. note radius is halved while player is sneaking
#Radius defines how far it reaches (for example radius 6 is 13x13 square)
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 6
# scythe_harvest settings. note radius is halved while player is sneaking
#Radius defines how far it reaches (for example radius 6 is 13x13 square)
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 6
# spell_water settings
#Radius defines how far it reaches
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 3
# spell_ice settings
#Radius defines how far it reaches
#Range: 0 ~ 32
radius = 3
#apple_ender settings
#Which structure tags are looked for
structure_tags = ["minecraft:eye_of_ender_located", "minecraft:on_woodland_explorer_maps", "minecraft:on_ocean_explorer_maps", "minecraft:village"]
#How many results the client will see
#Range: 1 ~ 60
printed = 5
# Edit the permissions of all commands added by the mod. false means anyone can use, true means only OP players can use
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
dev = false
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
ping = false
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
health = true
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
gethome = false
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
home = true
#True means only players with OP can use this /cyclic command
hunger = true
# Configs make sure players will not be able to craft any in survival (api only allows me to disable original base level potion, stuff like splash/tipped arrows are out of my control, for futher steps i suggest modpacks hide them from JEI as well if desired, or bug Mojang to implement JSON brewing stand recipes)
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true
#Set false to disable the base recipe
enabled = true