
122 lines
3.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
2021-12-07 16:19:54 -06:00
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2021-12-07 16:09:50 -06:00
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
margin_left = 20.0
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
script = ExtResource( 1 )
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
hint_tooltip = "Main Menu"
2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
size_flags_horizontal = 3
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
text = "Back"
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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margin_left = 329.0
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
hint_tooltip = "Create your own public lobby that any player may join"
2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
text = "Create Lobby"
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
hint_tooltip = "Join the highlighted lobby ID below"
2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
2021-11-17 13:57:45 -06:00
text = "Join"
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
margin_right = 830.0
margin_bottom = 31.0
size_flags_horizontal = 3
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
text = "Active Lobbies: 0"
2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
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margin_left = 834.0
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
margin_bottom = 471.0
hint_tooltip = "You can double-click a lobby listing to join it."
2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-11-17 13:57:45 -06:00
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2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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2021-12-07 09:32:20 -06:00
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2021-12-06 21:56:37 -06:00
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