Daniel Flanagan 54f2f11251 Phrasing
2019-06-16 01:03:22 -05:00

79 lines
2.1 KiB

# Lytlang
Lytlang's goal is to enable you to write Elixir code more tersely and is itself
written in Elixir. Its syntax is a terrible merging of Elm, CoffeeScript,
Elixir, a sprinkling of Rust, and some made-up crap. Here's a rough preview:
!mod Leetcode
# Look, a comment!
### part of the comment
Look, a multiline comment!
part of the comment ###
LeetCode #1: two_sum
TODO: store a map of complements (differences) as iterating for O(n)
fn two_sum _:list _:int i=0 ::
[] _ _ -> nil
[cur | rest] target current_index
Enum.find_index rest, fn x -> cur + x == target ::
nil -> two_sum rest target current_index
i -> [current_index, 1 + current_index + i]
@doc LeetCode #2: add_two_numbers
fn add_two_numbers _:list _:list _=[] i=0 ::
[] _ l m, _ [] l m -> finish_add_two_numbers l m
[n1 | r1] [n2 | r2] l carry
add_two_numbers r1 r2 [rem (carry + n1 + n2) 10) | l] (div n1 + n2 10)
fn finish_add_two_numbers l:list m:int -> m == 0 ? l : [m | l]
LeetCode #3: longest non-repeating susbtring
TODO: better utility function names?
fn longest_non_repeating_substring s
s |> String.codepoints |> Enum.reduce {0 0 0 %{}} &ln3_reducer/2 |> elem 0
fn ln3_new_least least map char
Map.has_key? map char ::
true -> max least ((Map.get map char) + 1)
_ -> least
fn ln3_reducer char {mx i least map}
least = ln3_new_least least map char
{(max mx (i - least + 1) (i + 1) least (Map.put map char i)}
LeetCode #4: median of sorted arrays
TODO: solution should me O(log(m+n))
TODO: finish an actual solution?
fn median_of_sorted_arrays _ _ -> 3
@doc LeetCode #65: Valid Number
@valid_decimal_number_regex ~r/^\s*(?:\+|-)?\d+(?:\.(?=\d))?\d*(?:e(?=[\d\+-]))?(?:\+|-)?\d*(?:\.(?=\d))?\s*$/
fn valid_decimal_number s -> Regex.match? @valid_decimal_number_regex s
**TODO: Add more description**
**NOTE**: This doesn't work at all. I'm still figuring out how to even go about
creating an AST and converting that into valid Elixir code. This will probably
never happen.
## Development Resources