2022-02-08 11:07:21 -06:00

108 lines
4.2 KiB

# k8s-clusters
This repository contains the configuration, scripts, and other goodies for
building and managing my kubernetes clusters (right now, that's just my home
cluster). I share the source with you so you can make exactly the same mistakes
as I do.
## Setup
Setup the pre-commit hooks before you change anything!
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --install-hooks
pre-commit autoupdate
## Provision Machines
Before we interact with the cluster, we have some manual work to do.
### Manual Preparation
- Currently, my nodes are Arch Linux machines on bare metal
- Nodes must be ready to be controlled via Ansible
- Have `python3` installed
- Need to be `ssh`-able from a controller (my workstation)
- `curl -L files.lyte.dev/key.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
### Automated Provisioning
- Setup Ansible on the controller (from `./ansible`)
- `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force`
- Verify Ansible can reach hosts (from `./ansible`)
- `ansible all -i inventory/hosts.yml --list-hosts`
- `ansible all -i inventory/hosts.yml -m ping`
- Use Ansible to build the cluster as configured on all nodes (from `./ansible`)
- `ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml ./build-k3s-cluster`
And the cluster is up! If you want to interact with it from your controller,
you can do this:
ansible -i ansible/inventory/hosts.yml $REMOTE_HOST -m fetch \
-a "src=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml dest=./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml flat=yes"
# TODO: this did not work for me
# env KUBECONFIG="~/.kube/config:./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml" \
# kubectl config view --flatten | sed "s/$REMOTE_HOST/" > ~/.kube/new-config
- Copy the cluster information from the `./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml` file into
your existing `~/.kube/config` (or just copy it there if it doesn't exist)
- You will need to edit the host from `localhost`/`` to the correct host
### Automated Teardown
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml ./nuke-k3s-cluster
## Setting up Flux
- Install the `flux` CLI on a machine that can `kubectl` into the shiny, new cluster
- `paru -S flux-bin`
- or `curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash`
- https://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/
- Run the pre-flight check (you must have `~/.kube/config` setup!)
- `flux check --pre`
- Create the `flux-system` namespace
- `kubectl create namespace flux-system --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -`
- Add the `sops-age` encryption key to the namespace
pass home-k8s-cluster | grep age-secret-key | aws '{printf $2}' | \
kubectl --namespace flux-system create secret generic sops-age \
- Install Flux
flux bootstrap git --url=$SSH_REPO_URL --branch=master \
--path=./cluster --private-key-file=$FLUX_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
# To Do & Status
- Flux setup needs to be finalized
- Currently having issues getting it to bootstrap since it seems to think my
secrets file is supposed to be a k8s resource
- How am I going to handle highly-available storage?
- `cert-manager` with CloudFlare?
- `external-dns` with CloudFlare?
- I still need to figure out my overall cluster structure
- Since my goal is to have full redundancy, I believe I need at least
2 control plane nodes, which since I need an odd number means 3 control
plane nodes, and at least 2 worker nodes. This means 5 nodes total.
I should be able to use some of my rpi4s in the cluster, probably as
control plane nodes.
- Where/how is storage attached?
- I need to figure out a migration plan from my current Netlify + Custom DDNS + Docker Compose setup
- I should be able to do something like the following:
- Setup all applications on the cluster using some dummy domain
- Make sure everything works with the dummy domain
- Change dummy domain to real domain
- Change domain's nameserver to cloudflare
- Should be all set!
- I want to look into Talos/Sidero + PXEBoot, since that could remove a lot of the ansible stuff?
- `k3s` has a decent amount of magic AFAICT, so I'd like to learn more about it
and all its components so I better understand what my system is actually