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Daniel Flanagan f48c3a36a5 Add some helpers for getting most recent file in directory (and editing)
Great for when you just wanna look at the latest log in a dir without
tab-completing through long dates in the filename.
2019-10-11 11:57:13 -05:00

129 lines
3.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# filesystem aliases
alias lx='ls -lXB' # order by filetype
alias lk='ls -lSr' # order by filesize reversed
alias lt='ls -ltr' # order by file modified time
alias lc='ls -ltcr' # order by filectime
alias lu='ls -ltur' # order by file access time
alias ls='ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # flat view w/ directories first
alias l='ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # same as above
alias ll='ls -lv --group-directories-first' # non-flat view
alias lm='ll | more'
alias lr='ll -R' # please don't - why is this even here...?
alias la='ll -A' # show all
alias tree='tree -Csuh'
alias f='fzf'
alias cp="rsync -ah --progress"
alias year="cal $(date +%Y)"
# gets the newest function for the current directory (or the specified directory
# if one is provided)
function ltl() {
local d="${1-$PWD}"
unset -v l
for f in "$d"/*; do
[[ $f -nt $l ]] && [[ ! -d $f ]] && l="$f"
echo "$l"
alias vltl="vim \"\$(ltl)\""
# navigation aliases
function c() {
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
cd "${NICE_HOME}" || exit 1
cd "${NICE_HOME}" && cd "${1}" || exit 1
alias cd..="cd .."
alias cdd="cd \"\$DOTFILES_PATH\"" # go to dotfiles
alias cdc="cd \"\$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"" # go to
alias cdn="cd \"\$NOTES_PATH\""
alias cdl="cd \"\$NICE_HOME/dl\""
alias cdg="cd \"\$NICE_HOME/games\""
# quick parent-directory aliases
alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias ....="cd ../../.."
alias .....="cd ../../../.."
alias ......="cd ../../../../.."
alias .......="cd ../../../../../.."
alias ........="cd ../../../../../../.."
alias .........="cd ../../../../../../../.."
# tmux aliases
# TODO: see if this can be worked around?
alias tmux='TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux' # syntax higlighting for vim in tmux
alias tmnew="tmux new -s"
alias tmls="tmux list-sessions"
alias tmatt="tmux attach -t"
alias tu="tmux attach -t utils || tmux new -s utils"
alias tdf="tmux attach -t dotfiles || tmux new -s dotfiles -c \"\$DOTFILES_PATH\""
alias tmon="tmux attach -t monitoring || tmux new -s monitoring"
alias tcom="tmux attach -t comms || tmux new -s comms"
alias tn="tmux attach -t notes || tmux new -s notes -c \"\$NOTES_PATH\""
alias tm="tmux attach -t music || tmux new -s music"
# git aliases
# TODO: make these git aliases in the gitconfig?
g() {
if [[ $# == '0' ]]; then
git status
git $*
alias gs="git status"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gds="git diff --staged"
# alias gdv="git dv" # TODO: what is this?
alias gpl="git pull"
alias gp="git push"
alias gpa="git push --all && git push --tags"
alias gpt="git push && git push --tags"
alias gpf="git push --force-with-lease"
alias gac="git add -A && git commit"
alias gsur="git submodule update --remote"
alias glf="git ls-files"
alias gl="git log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad%x09%an%x09%s\" --date=short"
# docker aliases
alias dlf="docker logs --tail=500 -f"
alias dclf="docker-compose logs --tail=500 -f"
alias ctop="docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
# misc aliases
alias p="ping"
alias C="clear && clear"
alias r="ranger"
alias rn="/usr/bin/watch -n 1"
alias sctl="sudo systemctl"
alias btctl="sudo bluetoothctl"
alias pt="htop -t" # experimental htop tree-view-by-default
alias resrc="source \$HOME/.bashrc"
alias redshift="redshift -r -l 39.0997:-94.5786 -t 6500K:2500K"
alias gpmdpe="electron --app=/usr/share/gpmdp/resources/app.asar"
alias t="task"
alias sc="sc-im"
alias scs="sc-im \"\$NOTES_PATH/\""
alias disks="lsblk && df -h"
alias dd="dd status=progress"
# games aliases
# this sometimes fixes steam dynamic library issues?
alias lsteam="LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/' steam"
# override the man commands with vim
alias _man="\\man"
alias man="vman"
# neomutt is better
alias mutt="neomutt"
# fsw aliases
alias fsw-mix-test="fsw \"mix test\" ./**/*.{ex,exs,erl,hrl,xrl,yrl}"