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Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env fish
# ls aliases
alias lk 'ls -lSr' # order by filesize reversed
alias lt 'ls -ltr' # order by file modified time
alias lc 'ls -ltcr' # order by filectime
alias lu 'ls -ltur' # order by file access time
alias ls 'ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # flat view w/ directories first
alias l 'ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # same as above
alias ll 'ls -lv --group-directories-first' # non-flat view
alias la 'll -A' # show all
# other file aliases
alias tree 'tree -Csuh'
alias f fzf
alias rcp 'rsync -r -ah --progress'
alias vltl "$EDITOR (ltl)"
alias cdltl "cd (ltld)"
function d -w cd --description "Quickly jump to NICE_HOME (or given dir) and show files."
if scount $argv
cd $argv || exit 1
cd $NICE_HOME || exit 1
# navigation aliases
function c --description "Quickly jump to a subdirectory of NICE_HOME (or just to NICE_HOME if none given)"
if scount $argv
cd $NICE_HOME && d $argv || exit 1
complete --erase --command c
complete --command c -a "(pushd $NICE_HOME && fd . . --max-depth 1 --min-depth 1 && popd)"
alias cd.. "d .."
alias cdd "d $DOTFILES_PATH" # go to dotfiles
alias cde "d $ENV_PATH" # go to env dotfiles
alias cdc "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME" # go to ~/.config
alias cdn "d $NOTES_PATH"
alias cdl "d $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"
alias cdg "d $XDG_GAMES_DIR"
alias cdnx "d $DOTFILES_PATH/env/nix"
# quick parent-directory aliases
alias .. "d .."
alias ... "d ../.."
alias .... "d ../../.."
alias ..... "d ../../../.."
alias ...... "d ../../../../.."
alias ....... "d ../../../../../.."
alias ........ "d ../../../../../../.."
alias ......... "d ../../../../../../../.."
# tmux aliases
alias tmnew "tmux new -s"
alias tmls "tmux list-sessions | rg --color never -o '^(.*?):.*?\(.*?\)(.*)\$' -r '\$1\$2'"
alias tmatt "tmux attach -t"
alias tms "tmatt (tmls | fzf | field 1)"
function tmux-attach-or-new
tmux attach -t $argv || tmux new -s $argv
alias tu "tmux-attach-or-new utils"
alias tmon "tmux-attach-or-new monitoring"
alias tcom "tmux-attach-or-new comms"
alias tm "tmux-attach-or-new music"
alias tdf "tmux attach -t dotfiles || tmux new -s dotfiles -c $DOTFILES_PATH"
alias tn "tmux attach -t notes || tmux new -s notes -c $NOTES_PATH"
# git aliases
# TODO: make these git aliases in the gitconfig?
function g
if scount $argv
git $argv
git status
alias gs "git status"
alias gd "git diff"
alias gds "gd --staged"
# alias gdv "git dv" # TODO: what is this?
alias gpl "git pull"
alias ga "git add"
alias gcm "git commit -m"
alias gco "git checkout"
alias gp "git push"
alias gpa "git push --all && git push --tags"
alias gpt "git push && git push --tags"
alias gpf "git push --force-with-lease"
alias gac "git add -A && git commit"
alias gacnv "git add -A && git commit --no-verify"
alias gsur "git submodule update --remote"
alias glf "git ls-files"
alias gl "git log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad%x09%an%x09%s\" --date=short"
# docker aliases
alias dlf "docker logs --tail=500 -f"
alias dclf "docker-compose logs --tail=500 -f"
alias ctop "docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
# misc aliases
function pp
while not ping -n 1 -t 5
sleep 1
alias p "ping"
alias C "clear && clear"
alias r "ranger"
alias sctl "sudo systemctl"
alias sctlu "systemctl --user"
alias bt "sudo bluetoothctl"
alias btctl "bt"
alias resrc "source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/"
alias sc "sc-im"
alias scs "sc-im $NOTES_PATH/"
alias disks "lsblk && df -h"
alias dd "dd status=progress"
alias wifi "sudo nmtui"
alias svim "sudo -E nvim"
alias year 'cal (date +%Y)'
alias mount 'sudo -E mount'
alias pa pulsemixer
# weechat aliases
function chat
set -l pass (pass config/weechat-passphrase | head -n 1)
env WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE=$pass weechat
function rgl
# ripgrep | less
rg --color always $argv | less -r
# grep aliases
alias rg "rg --text"
alias grep "rg"
alias vim nvim
alias vi nvim