This commit is contained in:
Daniel Flanagan 2021-12-23 07:01:27 -06:00
parent 5c41d8e523
commit 3e69c4b49b
Signed by: lytedev
GPG key ID: 5B2020A0F9921EF4
6 changed files with 33 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ l common/mutt/rc $h/.muttrc
l common/git/config $h/.gitconfig
l common/elixir/iex.exs $h/.iex.exs
l common/blender/userpref.blend $c/blender/2.93/config/userpref.blend
l common/lemonade/config.toml $c/lemonade.toml
for s in $c/lytedev-env/*/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
host = ''
line-ending = 'cr'

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if grep -E -q '^\[multilib\]$' /etc/pacman.conf; then
echo "Multilib Repository Already Enabled!"
echo "Enabling Multilib Repository (with sudo)..."
sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf'
# if grep -E -q '^\[multilib\]$' /etc/pacman.conf; then
# echo "Multilib Repository Already Enabled!"
# else
# echo "Enabling Multilib Repository (with sudo)..."
# sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf'
# fi
yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm \
fwupd \
@ -25,20 +25,17 @@ yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm \
openssh mosh `# Remote Access` \
openssl `# Crypto` \
asdf-vm `# Runtime Version Manager` \
pass passff-host `# Password Management` \
pass `# Password Management` \
hexyl `# CLI Hex Viewer` \
rsync `# File Transfer` \
neovim-nightly-bin `# Text Editors` \
sc-im `# Spreadsheets` \
neovim `# Text Editors` \
unzip `# Simple Unzipping` \
ctags `# Tags` \
tmux `# Terminal Multiplexer` \
kitty `# Almost Better Terminal Emulator` \
curl `# HTTP Utility` \
kitty-terminfo `# Almost Better Terminal Emulator` \
curl `# It's curl, c'mon` \
w3m `# Terminal Browser` \
jq `# CLI for Interacting with JSON` \
httpie `# httpie and neovim dependencies` \
docker docker-compose `# Yummy containers` \
xh `# New HTTP Utility` \
age sops `# Simple Secretes Managements` \
inotify-tools `# Watching` \
fish `# Shell` \
@ -49,5 +46,4 @@ yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm \
reflector-simple `# Simplify Mirror Management` \
inetutils `# netutils` \
nnn `# CLI File Manager` \
ntfs-3g `# Windows filesystem stuff` \
man-db man-pages `# Come On, Man!`

View file

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if grep -E -q '^\[multilib\]$' /etc/pacman.conf; then
echo "Multilib Repository Already Enabled!"
echo "Enabling Multilib Repository (with sudo)..."
sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf'
# if grep -E -q '^\[multilib\]$' /etc/pacman.conf; then
# echo "Multilib Repository Already Enabled!"
# else
# echo "Enabling Multilib Repository (with sudo)..."
# sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf'
# fi
# TODO: some of these may be laptop-only?
# TODO: switch to Nautilus?
# TODO: switch from Thunar to Nautilus?
yay -Sy --needed \
xf86-input-libinput \
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ yay -Sy --needed \
arc-gtk-theme `# GTK Theme` \
elementary-icon-theme `# GUI File Explorer Icons` \
thunar thunar-volman gvfs `# GUI File Explorer + Volume Management/Auto-Mount Disks)` \
ttf-iosevka-lyte `# My font` \
ttf-opensans `# Fonts` \
avr-libc avr-gcc dfu-programmer dfu-util `# Keyboard Programming Utilities` \
gimp inkscape krita `# Image/Vector Editing Applications` \
@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ yay -Sy --needed \
elixir nodejs erlang rustup `# Langs` \
php `# PHP Language` \
nginx `# Web Server` \
python python-pip `# Python 3 Language` \
ctags `# Tags` \
postgresql pgcli `# RDBMS` \
sc-im `# Spreadsheets` \
cloc `# For counting lines of code` \
noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji `# Emoji` \
discord `# Voice Chat` \
@ -42,8 +45,9 @@ yay -Sy --needed \
glu mesa wxgtk2 libpng `# Graphical Libs` \
gammastep `# Redshift for Wayland` \
dmenu `# Application Launcher` \
python python-pip `# Python 3 Language` \
firefox-nightly `# Default Web Browser` \
firefox-developer-edition `# Default Web Browser` \
passff-host `# Pass integration in Firefox` \
kitty `# Terinal Emulator` \
alsa-utils `# Audio Utilities` \
alsa-plugins `# Plugins for ALSA` \
pavucontrol pulsemixer `# Audio Backend and Controls` \

View file

@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ profile desktop-ultrawide {
# }
profile laptop-with-display {
output "Sharp Corporation 0x144A 0x00000000" enable mode 1920x1080@60Hz position 0,0 scale 1 transform normal
output DP-1 enable mode 1920x1080@60Hz position 0,0 scale 1 transform normal
output eDP-1 enable mode 3200x1800@60Hz position 213,1440 scale 1.5 transform normal
output DP-1 enable mode 3840x2160@60Hz position 0,0 scale 1.5 transform normal
profile laptop {
output "Sharp Corporation 0x144A 0x00000000" enable mode 3200x1800@60Hz position 0,0 scale 2 transform normal
output "Sharp Corporation 0x144A 0x00000000" enable mode 3200x1800@60Hz position 0,0 scale 1.5 transform normal

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@