Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 51 additions and 39 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
LAUNCHER_FONT=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:\(.*\)\-.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
LAUNCHER_FONT_SIZE=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:.*\-\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*color1*:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
BACKGROUND_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*background:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
FOREGROUND_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*foreground:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
LAUNCHER_FONT=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:\(.*\)\-.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
LAUNCHER_FONT_SIZE=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:.*\-\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*color1*:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
BACKGROUND_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*background:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
FOREGROUND_COLOR=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*foreground:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' | head -n 1)
rofi -show run -font "$LAUNCHER_FONT $LAUNCHER_FONT_SIZE" -lines 16 -width 10 -padding 8 -fuzzy -bw "$BORDER_WIDTH" -color-enabled -color-window "$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$BACKGROUND_COLOR" -color-normal "$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$FOREGROUND_COLOR","$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$FOREGROUND_COLOR" -separator-style none -hide-scrollbar
rofi -show run -font "$LAUNCHER_FONT $LAUNCHER_FONT_SIZE" -lines 16 -width 25 -padding 8 -fuzzy -bw "$BORDER_WIDTH" -color-enabled -color-window "$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$BACKGROUND_COLOR" -color-normal "$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$FOREGROUND_COLOR","$BACKGROUND_COLOR","$HIGHLIGHT_COLOR","$FOREGROUND_COLOR" -separator-style none -hide-scrollbar
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
gtk-icon-theme-name = elementary
gtk-theme-name = Arc-Dark
gtk-font-name = Monaco 9
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ super + space
# lock the desktop
super + ctrl + shift + l
dm-tool lock
dm-tool switch-to-greeter
# $SHELL -c '$DOTFILES_PATH/env/x/screensaver/'
# spawn gui file explorer
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ xset r rate 250 80 &
# xset s noblank &
# xset s off &
if command -v xss-lock >/dev/null 2>&1; then
xss-lock -- dm-tool switch-to-greeter &
if [ -d "/usr/lib/nvidia" ]; then
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/nvidia
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
*font: xft:artwiz lemon-10
*faceName: xft:artwiz lemon-10
*boldFont: xft:artwiz lemon-10
*font: xft:xos4 Terminus-12
*faceName: xft:xos4 Terminus-12
*boldFont: xft:xos4 Terminus-12
*letterSpace: 0
*scrollBar: false
*cursorUnderline: true
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ git clone "$REPOSITORY_PATH/pacaur"
# build and install cower
makepkg -i --noconfirm --noedit
makepkg -i --noconfirm
cd -
# build and install pacaur
cd "$REPOSITORY_PATH/pacaur"
makepkg -i --noconfirm --noedit
makepkg -i --noconfirm
cd -
# once installed, let the package manager manage itself and its dependencies
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ pacaur -S \
samba \
pulseaudio-ctl \
alsa-plugins \
unclutter-xfixes-git gtk-theme-arc gtk-engine-murrine xorg-server-devel \
unclutter-xfixes-git gtk-engine-murrine xorg-server-devel \
bspwm-git sxhkd-git xdo-git \
siji-git terminus-font ttf-monaco gohufont artwiz-fonts phallus-fonts-git \
--noconfirm --noedit
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
pacaur -S \
gtk-theme-arc \
gtk-theme-arc-git \
xorg-drivers \
elementary-icon-theme \
lemonbar-xft-git \
thunar thunar-volman gvfs \
thunar-shares-plugin \
gvfs-smb \
ttf-opensans ttf-dejavu \
avr-libc avr-gcc dfu-programmer dfu-util \
@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ pacaur -S \
gimp \
audacity \
reptyr \
cmake python2 python2-pip \
lightdm \
cmake python python2-pip \
accountsservice \
xss-lock \
lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter \
polybar-git \
--noconfirm --noedit
@ -31,37 +31,42 @@ fi
# TODO: make sure we have an even number, here
# desktop environment files
"$dfp/de/bspwmrc" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/bspwmrc"
"$dfp/de/sxhkdrc" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/sxhkdrc"
"$dfp/de/xresources" "$HOME/.Xresources"
"$dfp/de/xinitrc" "$HOME/.xinitrc"
"$dfp/de/xprofile" "$HOME/.xprofile"
"$dfp/common/colors/xresources" "$HOME/.Xresources.colors"
# bar files
"$dfp/de/bar/polybar-config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config"
"$dfp/de/bspwmrc" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/bspwmrc"
"$dfp/de/sxhkdrc" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/sxhkdrc"
"$dfp/de/xresources" "$HOME/.Xresources"
"$dfp/de/xinitrc" "$HOME/.xinitrc"
"$dfp/de/xprofile" "$HOME/.xprofile"
"$dfp/common/colors/xresources" "$HOME/.Xresources.colors"
# shell files
"$dfp/shell/bashrc" "$HOME/.bashrc"
"$dfp/shell/bash_profile" "$HOME/.bash_profile"
"$dfp/shell/tmux.conf" "$HOME/.tmux.conf"
"$dfp/shell/tmux-layouts" "$HOME/.tmux/layouts"
"$dfp/shell/bashrc" "$HOME/.bashrc"
"$dfp/shell/bash_profile" "$HOME/.bash_profile"
"$dfp/shell/tmux.conf" "$HOME/.tmux.conf"
"$dfp/shell/tmux-layouts" "$HOME/.tmux/layouts"
# text editor files
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim"
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/" "$HOME/.vim"
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/init.vim" "$HOME/.vimrc"
"$dfp/common/colors/vim" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/colors/base16-donokai.vim"
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim"
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/" "$HOME/.vim"
"$dfp/text-editor/neovim/init.vim" "$HOME/.vimrc"
"$dfp/common/colors/vim" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/colors/base16-donokai.vim"
# gtk configuration files
"$dfp/de/gtk2rc" "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"
"$dfp/de/gtk2rc" "$HOME/.gtkrc"
"$dfp/de/gtk3settings.ini" "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini"
# irc files
"$dfp/misc/irssi/" "$HOME/.irssi"
"$dfp/misc/weechat/" "$HOME/.weechat"
"$dfp/misc/irssi/" "$HOME/.irssi"
"$dfp/misc/weechat/" "$HOME/.weechat"
# bar files
"$dfp/de/bar/polybar-config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config"
# neofetch config
"$dfp/misc/neofetch/config" "$HOME/.config/neofetch/config"
"$dfp/misc/neofetch/config" "$HOME/.config/neofetch/config"
# git config
"$dfp/misc/git/config" "$HOME/.gitconfig"
"$dfp/misc/git/config" "$HOME/.gitconfig"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
splitw -h -p 50
splitw -v -p 67
splitw -v -p 50
resize-pane -x 100
resize-pane -x 90
selectp -L
Reference in a new issue