This repository has been archived on 2024-03-28. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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2020-01-22 08:34:12 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env sh
pacaur --needed -S \
neomutt `# Email Client` \
weechat `# IRC Client` \
aria2 `# Downloads Manager` \
tree `# Handy Filesystem Viewing Utility` \
dmenu rofi `# Application Launcher` \
ripgrep `# Code Search Utilities` \
fd `# File Search` \
sd `# Easy Find/Replace` \
fzf `# Fuzzy File Finder` \
htop `# Process Management and System Resources Monitoring` \
2019-09-19 15:16:48 -05:00
openssh mosh `# Remote Access` \
openssl `# Crypto` \
2020-01-09 19:02:31 -06:00
erlang elixir `# Elixir Language` \
2019-09-15 08:43:52 -05:00
nodejs npm yarn `# JavaScript Runtime` \
python python-pip `# Python 3 Language` \
pass `# Password Management` \
firefox-developer-edition `# Default Web Browser` \
rsync `# File Transfer` \
alsa-utils `# Audio Utilities` \
alsa-plugins `# Plugins for ALSA` \
pulseaudio pavucontrol pulsemixer `# Audio Backend and Controls` \
pulseaudio-ctl `# CLI Utility for Pulseaudio` \
neovim vim `# Text Editors` \
2019-09-15 08:43:52 -05:00
unzip `# Simple Unzipping` \
xclip xsel `# X Selection & Clipboard Management` \
autocutsel `# Clipboard Helper` \
tmux `# Terminal Multiplexer` \
rxvt-unicode-pixbuf `# Terminal with PixBuf Patches` \
kitty `# Almost Better Terminal Emulator` \
xorg-xinit xorg-server xorg-xrdb `# X Display Server` \
xorg-drivers `# Video Drivers for X` \
xcb-util xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-wm xorg-xrandr xdotool xorg-xprop `# X Utilties` \
feh `# Image Viewer & Wallpaper Manager` \
unclutter-xfixes-git `# Hides cursor after no use for a time` \
gtk-engine-murrine xorg-server-devel `# GTK Theme Base and Headers?` \
bspwm-git sxhkd-git xdo-git `# Window Manager and Tools for its use` \
wlroots-git sway-git `# Wayland Compositor` \
2020-01-07 19:38:43 -06:00
waybar mako `# Wayland Bar & Notifications` \
2019-09-15 08:43:52 -05:00
terminus-font ttf-iosevka-type ttf-iosevka-term `# Primary Fonts` \
2018-10-23 15:00:49 -05:00
ttf-font-awesome `# Icon Font` \
curl `# HTTP Utility` \
2018-02-28 09:49:32 -06:00
w3m `# Viewing Images in Terminals` \
jq `# CLI for Interacting with JSON` \
2019-09-15 08:43:52 -05:00
ranger `# CLI File Manager` \
bash-completion `# Handy Scripts for Tab-Completion in Bash` \
2019-09-26 12:08:50 -05:00
python-neovim python-jedi python-mistune python-psutil python-setproctitle httpie `# httpie and neovim dependencies` \
2019-10-21 17:16:44 -05:00
docker docker-compose `# Yummy containers` \
inotify-tools `# Watching` \
luajit lua luarocks `# Lua` \
2020-01-16 13:30:35 -06:00
fish `# Shell` \
pkgfile `# Package File Metadata` \
2019-12-31 16:55:45 -06:00
swaks `# SMTP CLI` \
2020-01-23 12:38:19 -06:00
fortune-mod fortune-mod-archlinux `# Fortune` \
--noconfirm --noedit
# install rxvt-unicode script for resizing font on-the-fly
2017-07-27 13:00:48 -05:00
mkdir -p "$HOME/.urxvt/ext"
curl -L -o "$HOME/.urxvt/ext/resize-font"
2020-01-22 08:34:12 -06:00
# install our font (customized iosevka from
curl -L -o "$HOME/font.tar.zstd"
mkdir "$HOME/.fonts"
cd "$HOME/.fonts" || return
tar --zstd -xvf "$HOME/font.tar.zstd"
rm "$HOME/font.tar.zstd"
fc-cache -f
# helpful Lua libs
2020-01-22 08:34:12 -06:00
echo "fun moonscript lpeg alt-getopt luafilesystem" | tr ' ' "\n" | xargs -I % sudo luarocks install %
2019-12-01 19:23:52 -06:00
# TODO: recommend systemd services?