--- image: "/img/locks.jpg" date: "2019-03-07T10:17:30-06:00" imageOverlayColor: "#000" imageOverlayOpacity: 0.8 heroBackgroundColor: "#000" description: "Use an amazing terminal client with an amazing Chat framework!" title: Weechat & Matrix Encryption Guide draft: false --- There's a new-fangled [Python WeeChat plugin][weechat-matrix] that supports end-to-end encryption. This guide will walk you through what is currently a semi-annoying setup, as the entire project is still under heavy development. # TL;DR + Setup [dependencies](#dependencies) + Run `git clone https://git.faceless.lyte.dev/lytedev/weechat-matrix-encryption-guide.git /tmp/wmeg && $EDITOR /tmp/wmeg/easy-script.bash && /tmp/wmeg/easy-script.bash` + [Configure](#configuration) as needed # Python Versions We need to establish which version of Python your WeeChat is using. You can find this out in WeeChat with `/python version`. In my case, my `python` binary is 3.7.2 (`python -V`) while my WeeChat Python version is 2.7.15. # Dependencies There are a number of dependencies we can go ahead and start grabbing. The main repository lists a number of them in the `README`, so we will grab those. We also need to install `libolm` however you would do that for your environment. ``` sudo pip2 install pyOpenSSL typing webcolors future atomicwrites attrs logbook pygments pacaur -S libolm # or for Ubuntu (and maybe Debian?): sudo apt-get install libolm-dev ``` Notice that we left out the [`matrix-nio`][matrix-nio] dependency. It's not in PyPi, so we can't just `pip2 install matrix-nio` (yet!) and PyPi's `nio` package is something probably unrelated, so we'll need to install it manually. # Installing `matrix-nio` Let's go ahead and clone down the repository and get ready to do some stuff: ```sh git clone https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio.git cd matrix-nio ``` If you're looking around, documentation seems a bit sparse on how to do this, but it has a mostly normal manual Python package installation workflow. First, lets grab all the dependencies specific to the `matrix-nio` package: ``` sudo pip2 install -r ./rtd-requirements.txt ``` And now we expect to be able to install it: ``` sudo python2 ./setup.py install ``` But you'll see the install script pauses for a second before we get an odd error: ``` Processing dependencies for matrix-nio==0.1 Searching for python-olm@ git+https://github.com/poljar/python-olm.git@master#egg=python-olm-0 Reading https://pypi.org/simple/python-olm/ Couldn't find index page for 'python-olm' (maybe misspelled?) Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while) Reading https://pypi.org/simple/ No local packages or working download links found for python-olm@ git+https://github.com/poljar/python-olm.git@master#egg=python-olm-0 error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('python-olm@ git+https://github.com/poljar/python-olm.git@master#egg=python-olm-0') ``` Out of the box, Python packages' `setup.py` scripts seem to not know how to handle packages whose URL specifies to grab it via VCS, such as `git+`. So we'll just help it out and grab it ourselves (instead of tinkering with anybody's scripts): ``` sudo pip2 install -e git+https://github.com/poljar/python-olm.git@master#egg=python-olm-0 ``` *Now* we should have everything we need to install the `matrix-nio` Python package: ``` sudo python2 ./setup.py install ``` # Weechat Plugin Installation Once we've done that, we should have all the dependencies for `weechat-matrix`, so let's go ahead and clone that and install it! ``` git clone https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix.git cd weechat-matrix make install ``` Done! # Configuration The rest is up to you! You'll need to [configure your Matrix servers within WeeChat][weechat-matrix-config] and then verify keys. Verifying keys isn't a particularly clean process at the moment, but I expect it shall improve. For now, I followed this basic process in WeeChat: + Open a split at your status window so you can see it and the encrypted channel at the same time. (`/window splitv`) + Open the encrypted channel whose keys you need to verify. + List the unverified keys in the current channel. (`/olm info unverified`) + For each user with keys listed there, verify all of their listed keys via your preferred method. Alternatively, you can do this on a per-device basis. See `/help olm` for details. + Once all keys are verified, tell WeeChat you have done so. (`/olm verify @username:homeserver.example.com`) + Repeat until there are no unverified keys remaining in the current channel and repeat for each channel. Whew! [weechat-matrix]: https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix [weechat-matrix-config]: https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix#Configuration [matrix-nio]: https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio