# ranch-talk I was asked to give a 5-15 minute talk on [Ranch][ranch], a TCP socket acceptor pool, to show how OTP constructs are used in the real world and expose some of [Phoenix's][phoenix] underpinnings. This [Livebook][livebook] contains my code and notes for that talk. Thanks to [Divvy][divvy] for inviting me to give this talk. # Usage Install and run a local Livebook in `attached` mode and automatically grab my code: ```bash mix escript.install github livebook-dev/livebook git clone https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/ranch-talk.git mix deps.get env LIVEBOOK_PORT=5588 LIVEBOOK_IFRAME_PORT=5589 \ livebook server --name ranch_is_neat@localhost --cookie yes-please \ --default-runtime attached:ranch_is_neat@localhost:yes-please \ "$(pwd)/ranch-talk.livemd" ``` Enjoy! [ranch]: https://github.com/ninenines/ranch [phoenix]: https://www.phoenixframework.org/ [livebook]: https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook [divvy]: https://getdivvy.com/