72 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
72 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# TODO: we're mixing bash arrays and not-arrays - get it together
#define icons for workspaces 1-9
ic=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
occ() { export o"$1"="occupied"; }
unocc() { unset -v o"$1"; }
active() { export a"$1"="active"; }
unactive() { unset -v a"$1"; }
focus() { export f"$1"="focused"; }
unfocus() { unset -v f"$1"; }
workspaces() {
for num in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
unfocus $num
unactive $num
unocc $num
# TODO: avoid recomputing these each time and actually listen to the events?
mons_json=$(hyprctl monitors -j)
for num in $(hyprctl workspaces -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.windows > 0) | .id'); do
occ "$num"
for num in $(echo "$mons_json" | jq -r '.[].activeWorkspace.id'); do
active "$num"
for num in $(echo "$mons_json" | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .activeWorkspace.id'); do
focus "$num"
# TODO: would be nice to have monitors' workspaces show up in left-to-right
# order as laid out in physical/pixel space
# this would make glancing at the workspace indicator more intuitive
# TODO: might be nice to exclude certain windows as counting towards "occupation" such as xwaylandvideobridge or w/e
# NOTE: maybe I can group workspaces by their monitor with some mechanism for "unassigned" workspace to show up by a "primary" monitor
# render eww widget
echo "(eventbox :onscroll \"echo {} | sed -e 's/up/-1/g' -e 's/down/+1/g' | xargs hyprctl dispatch workspace\" \
(box :class \"workspaces\" :orientation \"h\" :spacing 0 :space-evenly \"true\" \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 1\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 1\" :class \"workspace $a1 $o1 $f1\" \"${ic[0]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 2\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 2\" :class \"workspace $a2 $o2 $f2\" \"${ic[1]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 3\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 3\" :class \"workspace $a3 $o3 $f3\" \"${ic[2]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 4\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 4\" :class \"workspace $a4 $o4 $f4\" \"${ic[3]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 5\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 5\" :class \"workspace $a5 $o5 $f5\" \"${ic[4]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 6\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 6\" :class \"workspace $a6 $o6 $f6\" \"${ic[5]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 7\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 7\" :class \"workspace $a7 $o7 $f7\" \"${ic[6]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 8\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 8\" :class \"workspace $a8 $o8 $f8\" \"${ic[7]}\") \
(button :onclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 9\" :onrightclick \"hyprctl dispatch workspace 9\" :class \"workspace $a9 $o9 $f9\" \"${ic[8]}\") \
) \
workspace_reader() {
while read -r l; do
workspaces "$l"
# initial render
# listen to events and re-render
nc -U "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE/.socket2.sock" | workspace_reader
echo '(box "EXITING")'