
302 lines
9.3 KiB

{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
# TODO: email access?
# = {
# google = {
# address = "";
# };
# };
# TODO: copy all by binaries/scripts from dotfiles into ~/.local/bin or
# something?
home.username = "daniel";
home.homeDirectory = lib.mkDefault "/home/daniel/.home";
home.stateVersion = "23.05";
home.packages = [
# TODO: os-specific scripts? macOS versus Linux (arch or nixos? do I need to distinguish at that point?)
(pkgs.buildEnv { name = "my-scripts"; paths = [ ./scripts ]; })
programs.password-store = {
enable = true;
package = (pkgs.pass.withExtensions (exts: [ exts.pass-otp ]));
programs.zellij = {
# TODO: enable after port config
enable = false;
enableFishIntegration = true;
settings = {
# TODO: port config
programs.broot = {
enable = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
settings = {
modal = true;
skin = {
# this is a crappy copy of broot's catppuccin mocha theme
input = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none";
selected_line = "none rgb(88, 91, 112)";
default = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none";
tree = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none";
parent = "rgb(116, 199, 236) none";
file = "none none";
perm__ = "rgb(186, 194, 222) none";
perm_r = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
perm_w = "rgb(235, 160, 172) none";
perm_x = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none";
owner = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none";
group = "rgb(137, 220, 235) none";
dates = "rgb(186, 194, 222) none";
directory = "rgb(180, 190, 254) none Bold";
exe = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none";
link = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none";
pruning = "rgb(166, 173, 200) none Italic";
preview_title = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)";
preview = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)";
preview_line_number = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none";
char_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic";
content_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic";
preview_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic";
count = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none";
sparse = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none";
content_extract = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Italic";
git_branch = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_insertions = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_deletions = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_status_current = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_status_modified = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_status_new = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold";
git_status_ignored = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_status_conflicted = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
git_status_other = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
staging_area_title = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
flag_label = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none";
flag_value = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold";
status_normal = "none rgb(24, 24, 37)";
status_italic = "rgb(243, 139, 168) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic";
status_bold = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold";
status_ellipsis = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold";
status_error = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(243, 139, 168)";
status_job = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(40, 38, 37)";
status_code = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic";
mode_command_mark = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold";
help_paragraph = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none";
help_headers = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold";
help_bold = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold";
help_italic = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none Italic";
help_code = "rgb(166, 227, 161) rgb(49, 50, 68)";
help_table_border = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none";
hex_null = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none";
hex_ascii_graphic = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
hex_ascii_whitespace = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none";
hex_ascii_other = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none";
hex_non_ascii = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none";
file_error = "rgb(251, 73, 52) none";
purpose_normal = "none none";
purpose_italic = "rgb(177, 98, 134) none Italic";
purpose_bold = "rgb(177, 98, 134) none Bold";
purpose_ellipsis = "none none";
scrollbar_track = "rgb(49, 50, 68) none";
scrollbar_thumb = "rgb(88, 91, 112) none";
good_to_bad_0 = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none";
good_to_bad_1 = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none";
good_to_bad_2 = "rgb(137, 220, 235) none";
good_to_bad_3 = "rgb(116, 199, 236) none";
good_to_bad_4 = "rgb(137, 180, 250) none";
good_to_bad_5 = "rgb(180, 190, 254) none";
good_to_bad_6 = "rgb(203, 166, 247) none";
good_to_bad_7 = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none";
good_to_bad_8 = "rgb(235, 160, 172) none";
good_to_bad_9 = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none";
verbs = [
{ invocation = "edit"; shortcut = "e"; execution = "$EDITOR {file}"; }
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
programs.direnv.enable = true;
programs.direnv.nix-direnv.enable = true; = {
enable = true;
# I load long scripts from files for a better editing experience
shellInit = builtins.readFile ./fish/;
interactiveShellInit = builtins.readFile ./fish/;
loginShellInit = "";
functions = {
# I think these should be loaded from fish files too for better editor experience
d = ''
# --wraps=cd --description "Quickly jump to NICE_HOME (or given relative or absolute path) and list files."
if count $argv > /dev/null
cd $argv
c = ''
if count $argv > /dev/null
cd $NICE_HOME && d $argv
g = ''
if count $argv > /dev/null
git $argv
git status
ltl = ''
set d $argv[1] .
set -l l ""
for f in $d[1]/*
if test -z $l; set l $f; continue; end
if command test $f -nt $l; and test ! -d $f
set l $f
echo $l
has_command = "command --quiet --search $argv[1]";
shellAbbrs = { };
shellAliases = {
l = "br";
ls = "exa --group-directories-first --classify";
la = "exa -la --group-directories-first --classify";
lA = "exa -la --all --group-directories-first --classify";
tree = "exa --tree --level=3";
lt = "exa -l --sort=modified";
lat = "exa -la --sort=modified";
lc = "lt --sort=accessed";
lT = "lt --reverse";
lC = "lc --reverse";
lD = "la --only-dirs";
"cd.." = "d ..";
"cdd" = "d $DOTFILES_PATH";
"cde" = "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env";
"cdc" = "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME";
"cdn" = "d $NOTES_PATH";
"cdl" = "d $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR";
"cdg" = "d $XDG_GAMES_DIR";
".." = "d ..";
"..." = "d ../..";
"...." = "d ../../..";
"....." = "d ../../../..";
"......" = "d ../../../../..";
"......." = "d ../../../../../..";
"........" = "d ../../../../../../..";
"........." = "d ../../../../../../../..";
cat = "bat";
dc = "docker compose";
k = "kubectl";
kg = "kubectl get";
v = "$EDITOR";
sv = "sudo $EDITOR";
kssh = "kitty +kitten ssh";
programs.exa.enable = true;
programs.skim = {
enable = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
programs.nix-index = {
enable = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
home.pointerCursor = {
name = "Catppuccin-Mocha-Sapphire-Cursors";
package = pkgs.catppuccin-cursors.mochaSapphire;
size = 64; # TODO: this doesn't seem to work -- at least in Sway
programs.firefox = {
# TODO: enable dark theme by default
enable = true;
package = (pkgs.firefox.override { extraNativeMessagingHosts = [ pkgs.passff-host ]; });
# extensions = with pkgs.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons; [
# ublock-origin
# ]; # TODO: would be nice to have _all_ my firefox stuff managed here instead of Firefox Sync maybe?
profiles = {
daniel = {
id = 0;
settings = {
"general.smoothScroll" = true;
extraConfig = ''
user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);
// user_pref("full-screen-api.ignore-widgets", true);
user_pref("media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled", true);
user_pref("media.rdd-vpx.enabled", true);
userChrome = ''
#webrtcIndicator {
display: none;
#main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar>.toolbar-items {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
#main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse !important;
# userContent = ''
# '';
# wayland.windowManager.sway = {
# enable = true;
# }; # TODO: would be nice to have my sway config declared here instead of symlinked in by dotfiles scripts?
# maybe we can share somehow so things for nix-y systems and non-nix-y systems alike
# am I going to _have_ non-nix systems anymore?