{ self, slippi, ... }: let inherit (self) outputs; inherit (outputs) homeManagerModules style; in { default = { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { imports = with homeManagerModules; [ slippi.homeManagerModules.default fish helix git jujutsu zellij htop linux sshconfig senpai iex helix cargo desktop /* broot nnn tmux */ ]; options = { lyte = { shell = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption ( builtins.trace "looked at lyte options" "Enable home-manager shell configuration for the user" ); }; }; }; config = { programs.helix.enable = true; programs.zellij.enable = true; programs.eza.enable = true; programs.bat = { enable = true; config = { theme = "ansi"; }; /* themes = { "Catppuccin-mocha" = builtins.readFile (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "catppuccin"; repo = "bat"; rev = "477622171ec0529505b0ca3cada68fc9433648c6"; sha256 = "6WVKQErGdaqb++oaXnY3i6/GuH2FhTgK0v4TN4Y0Wbw="; } + "/Catppuccin-mocha.tmTheme"); }; */ }; home.shellAliases = { cat = "bat"; }; programs.home-manager.enable = true; programs.direnv.mise = { enable = true; }; programs.mise = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.jujutsu = { enable = true; }; programs.jq = { enable = true; }; programs.btop = { enable = true; package = pkgs.btop.override { rocmSupport = true; }; }; # services.ssh-agent.enable = true; home = { sessionVariables = { TERMINAL = "ghostty"; EDITOR = "hx"; VISUAL = "hx"; PAGER = "less"; MANPAGER = "less"; }; packages = with pkgs; [ # tools I use when editing nix code # kanidm alejandra gnupg (pkgs.buildEnv { name = "my-common-scripts"; paths = [ ./scripts/common ]; }) ]; }; programs.direnv = { enable = true; nix-direnv.enable = true; }; programs.skim = { # https://github.com/lotabout/skim/issues/494 enable = false; enableFishIntegration = true; defaultOptions = [ "--no-clear-start" "--color=16" "--height=20" ]; }; programs.atuin = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = config.programs.bash.enable; enableFishIntegration = config.programs.fish.enable; enableZshIntegration = config.programs.zsh.enable; enableNushellIntegration = config.programs.nushell.enable; flags = [ "--disable-up-arrow" ]; settings = { auto_sync = true; sync_frequency = "1m"; sync_address = "https://atuin.h.lyte.dev"; keymap_mode = "vim-insert"; inline_height = 20; show_preview = true; sync = { records = true; }; dotfiles = { enabled = true; }; }; }; programs.fzf = { # using good ol' fzf until skim sucks less out of the box I guess enable = true; /* enableFishIntegration = true; defaultCommand = "fd --type f"; defaultOptions = ["--height 40%"]; fileWidgetOptions = ["--preview 'head {}'"]; */ }; # TODO: regular cron or something? programs.nix-index = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = config.programs.bash.enable; enableFishIntegration = config.programs.fish.enable; enableZshIntegration = config.programs.zsh.enable; }; }; }; eww = { config, ... }: { # programs.eww = { # enable = true; # }; home.file.".config/eww".source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink /etc/nixos/modules/home-manager/eww; }; cargo = { config, ... }: { home.file."${config.home.homeDirectory}/.cargo/config.toml" = { enable = true; text = '' [build] rustdocflags = ["--default-theme=ayu"] ''; }; /* home.sessionVariables = { RUSTDOCFLAGS = "--default-theme=ayu"; }; */ }; desktop = { config, lib, ... }: { imports = with homeManagerModules; [ firefox ghostty ]; options = { lyte = { desktop = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Enable my default desktop configuration and applications"; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf config.lyte.desktop.enable { programs.firefox.enable = true; programs.ghostty.enable = true; }; }; firefox = import ./firefox.nix; fish = import ./fish.nix; jujutsu = { config, lib, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf (builtins.hasAttr "primary" config.accounts.email.accounts) { programs.jujutsu = { enable = true; settings = { user = { email = config.accounts.email.accounts.primary.address; name = "Daniel Flanagan"; }; }; }; }; }; git = { lib, ... }: let email = lib.mkDefault "daniel@lyte.dev"; in { programs.git = { enable = true; userName = lib.mkDefault "Daniel Flanagan"; userEmail = email; delta = { enable = true; options = { }; }; lfs = { enable = true; }; /* signing = { signByDefault = false; key = ~/.ssh/personal-ed25519; }; */ aliases = { a = "add -A"; ac = "commit -a"; acm = "commit -a -m"; c = "commit"; cm = "commit -m"; co = "checkout"; b = "rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD"; cnv = "commit --no-verify"; cns = "commit --no-gpg-sign"; cnvs = "commit --no-verify --no-gpg-sign"; cnsv = "commit --no-verify --no-gpg-sign"; d = "diff"; ds = "diff --staged"; dt = "difftool"; f = "fetch"; fa = "fetch --all"; l = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --oneline --all"; plainlog = " log --pretty=format:'%h %ad%x09%an%x09%s' --date=short --decorate"; ls = "ls-files"; mm = "merge master"; p = "push"; pf = "push --force-with-lease"; pl = "pull"; rim = "rebase -i master"; s = "status"; }; # TODO: https://blog.scottlowe.org/2023/12/15/conditional-git-configuration/ extraConfig = { commit = { verbose = true; # gpgSign = true; }; tag = { # gpgSign = true; sort = "version:refname"; }; # include.path = local.gitconfig # gpg.format = "ssh"; log.date = "local"; init.defaultBranch = "main"; merge.conflictstyle = "zdiff3"; push.autoSetupRemote = true; pull.ff = "only"; branch.autoSetupMerge = true; sendemail = { smtpserver = "smtp.mailgun.org"; smtpuser = email; smtrpencryption = "tls"; smtpserverport = 587; }; url = { # TODO: how to have per-machine not-in-git configuration? "git@git.hq.bill.com:" = { insteadOf = "https://git.hq.bill.com"; }; }; }; }; programs.fish.functions = { g = { wraps = "git"; body = '' if test (count $argv) -gt 0 git $argv else git status end ''; }; lag = { wraps = "g"; body = '' lA g $argv ''; }; }; }; gnome = { pkgs, ... }: { dconf = { enable = true; settings = { "org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys" = { screensaver = [ "l" ]; # lock screen mic-mute = [ "v" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/keyboard" = { # gnome key repeat repeat-interval = 7; delay = 200; }; "org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences" = { resize-with-right-button = true; # mouse-button-modifier = ''; # default }; "org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings" = { minimize = [ "h" ]; show-desktop = [ "d" ]; move-to-workspace-left = [ "h" ]; move-to-workspace-right = [ "l" ]; switch-to-workspace-left = [ "h" ]; switch-to-workspace-right = [ "l" ]; # mouse-button-modifier = ''; # default }; "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { show-battery-percentage = true; clock-show-weekday = true; font-name = "IosevkaLyteTerm 12"; monospace-font-name = "IosevkaLyteTerm 12"; color-scheme = "prefer-dark"; # scaling-factor = 1.75; }; "org/gnome/mutter" = { experimental-features = [ "variable-refresh-rate" ]; }; "org/gnome/shell" = { disable-user-extensions = false; enabled-extensions = with pkgs.gnomeExtensions; [ tiling-shell.extensionUuid appindicator.extensionUuid blur-my-shell.extensionUuid ]; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/tilingshell" = { inner-gaps = 8; outer-gaps = 8; window-border-width = 2; window-border-color = "rgba(116,199,236,0.47)"; focus-window-right = [ "l" ]; focus-window-left = [ "h" ]; focus-window-up = [ "k" ]; focus-window-down = [ "j" ]; }; }; }; home = { packages = with pkgs.gnomeExtensions; [ tiling-shell blur-my-shell appindicator ]; file.".face" = { enable = true; source = builtins.fetchurl { url = "https://lyte.dev/img/avatar3-square-512.png"; sha256 = "sha256:15zwbwisrc01m7ad684rsyq19wl4s33ry9xmgzmi88k1myxhs93x"; }; }; }; programs.gnome-shell = { enable = true; extensions = [ { package = pkgs.gnomeExtensions.gsconnect; } ]; }; }; helix = { lib, config, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.programs.helix.enable { # helix rust debugger stuff # https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Debugger-Configurations home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/lldb_vscode_rustc_primer.py" = { text = '' import subprocess import pathlib import lldb # Determine the sysroot for the active Rust interpreter rustlib_etc = pathlib.Path(subprocess.getoutput('rustc --print sysroot')) / 'lib' / 'rustlib' / 'etc' if not rustlib_etc.exists(): raise RuntimeError('Unable to determine rustc sysroot') # Load lldb_lookup.py and execute lldb_commands with the correct path lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(f"""command script import "{rustlib_etc / 'lldb_lookup.py'}" """) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(f"""command source -s 0 "{rustlib_etc / 'lldb_commands'}" """) ''; }; /* NOTE: Currently, helix crashes when editing markdown in certain scenarios, presumably due to an old markdown treesitter grammar https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/issues/9011 https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/issues/8821 https://github.com/tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-markdown/issues/114 */ programs.helix = { languages = { language-server = { lexical = { command = "lexical"; args = [ "start" ]; }; /* next-ls = { command = "next-ls"; args = ["--stdout"]; }; deno = { command = "deno"; args = ["lsp"]; config = { enable = true; lint = true; unstable = true; }; }; */ }; language = [ /* { name = "heex"; scope = "source.heex"; injection-regex = "heex"; language-servers = ["lexical"]; # "lexical" "next-ls" ? auto-format = true; file-types = ["heex"]; roots = ["mix.exs" "mix.lock"]; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = " "; }; } { name = "elixir"; language-servers = ["lexical"]; # "lexical" "next-ls" ? auto-format = true; } */ { name = "rust"; debugger = { name = "lldb-vscode"; transport = "stdio"; command = "lldb-vscode"; templates = [ { name = "binary"; request = "launch"; completion = [ { name = "binary"; completion = "filename"; } ]; args = { program = "{0}"; initCommands = [ "command script import ${config.xdg.configHome}/lldb_vscode_rustc_primer.py" ]; }; } ]; }; } { name = "html"; file-types = [ "html" ]; scope = "source.html"; auto-format = false; } { name = "nix"; file-types = [ "nix" ]; scope = "source.nix"; auto-format = true; formatter = { command = "alejandra"; args = [ "-" ]; }; } { name = "fish"; file-types = [ "fish" ]; scope = "source.fish"; auto-format = true; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "toml"; file-types = [ "toml" ]; scope = "source.toml"; auto-format = true; } /* { name = "javascript"; language-id = "javascript"; grammar = "javascript"; scope = "source.js"; injection-regex = "^(js|javascript)$"; file-types = ["js" "mjs"]; shebangs = ["deno"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; formatter = { command = "deno"; args = ["fmt"]; }; auto-format = true; comment-token = "//"; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "typescript"; language-id = "typescript"; grammar = "typescript"; scope = "source.ts"; injection-regex = "^(ts|typescript)$"; file-types = ["ts"]; shebangs = ["deno"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; formatter = { command = "deno"; args = ["fmt"]; }; auto-format = true; comment-token = "//"; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "jsonc"; language-id = "json"; grammar = "jsonc"; scope = "source.jsonc"; injection-regex = "^(jsonc)$"; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; file-types = ["jsonc"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = " "; }; auto-format = true; } */ ]; }; settings = { theme = "custom"; editor = { soft-wrap.enable = true; auto-pairs = false; bufferline = "multiple"; rulers = [ 81 121 ]; cursorline = true; /* auto-save = false; completion-trigger-len = 1; color-modes = false; scrolloff = 8; */ inline-diagnostics = { cursor-line = "hint"; other-lines = "error"; }; cursor-shape = { normal = "block"; insert = "bar"; select = "underline"; }; file-picker.hidden = false; indent-guides = { render = true; character = "▏"; }; lsp = { display-messages = true; # display-inlay-hints = true; }; statusline = { separator = " "; mode = { "normal" = "N"; "insert" = "I"; "select" = "S"; }; left = [ "file-name" "mode" /* "selections" "primary-selection-length" "position" "position-percentage" */ "spinner" "diagnostics" "workspace-diagnostics" ]; /* center = ["file-name"]; right = ["version-control" "total-line-numbers" "file-encoding"]; */ }; }; keys = { insert = { j = { k = "normal_mode"; j = "normal_mode"; K = "normal_mode"; J = "normal_mode"; }; }; normal = { "C-k" = "jump_view_up"; "C-j" = "jump_view_down"; "C-h" = "jump_view_left"; "C-l" = "jump_view_right"; "C-q" = ":quit-all!"; # "L" = "repeat_last_motion"; space = { q = ":reflow 80"; Q = ":reflow 120"; C = ":bc!"; h = ":toggle lsp.display-inlay-hints"; # O = ["select_textobject_inner WORD", ":pipe-to xargs xdg-open"]; }; }; select = { space = { q = ":reflow 80"; Q = ":reflow 120"; }; # "L" = "repeat_last_motion"; }; }; }; themes = with style.colors.withHashPrefix; { custom = { "type" = orange; "constructor" = blue; "constant" = orange; "constant.builtin" = orange; "constant.character" = yellow; "constant.character.escape" = orange; "string" = green; "string.regexp" = orange; "string.special" = blue; "comment" = { fg = fgdim; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "variable" = text; "variable.parameter" = { fg = red; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "variable.builtin" = red; "variable.other.member" = text; "label" = blue; "punctuation" = fgdim; "punctuation.special" = blue; "keyword" = purple; "keyword.storage.modifier.ref" = yellow; "keyword.control.conditional" = { fg = purple; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "operator" = blue; "function" = blue; "function.macro" = purple; "tag" = purple; "attribute" = blue; "namespace" = { fg = blue; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "special" = blue; "markup.heading.marker" = { fg = orange; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "markup.heading.1" = blue; "markup.heading.2" = yellow; "markup.heading.3" = green; "markup.heading.4" = orange; "markup.heading.5" = red; "markup.heading.6" = fg3; "markup.list" = purple; "markup.bold" = { modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "markup.italic" = { modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "markup.strikethrough" = { modifiers = [ "crossed_out" ]; }; "markup.link.url" = { fg = red; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "markup.link.text" = blue; "markup.raw" = red; "diff.plus" = green; "diff.minus" = red; "diff.delta" = blue; "ui.linenr" = { fg = fgdim; }; "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = fg2; }; "ui.statusline" = { fg = fgdim; bg = bg; }; "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = fg3; bg = bg2; }; "ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = bg; bg = purple; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = bg; bg = green; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.statusline.select" = { fg = bg; bg = red; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.popup" = { fg = text; bg = bg2; }; "ui.window" = { fg = fgdim; }; "ui.help" = { fg = fg2; bg = bg2; }; "ui.bufferline" = { fg = fgdim; bg = bg2; }; "ui.bufferline.background" = { bg = bg2; }; "ui.text" = text; "ui.text.focus" = { fg = text; bg = bg3; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.text.inactive" = { fg = fg2; }; "ui.virtual" = fg2; "ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = bg3; }; "ui.virtual.indent-guide" = bg3; "ui.virtual.inlay-hint" = { fg = bg3; bg = bg; }; "ui.selection" = { bg = bg5; }; "ui.cursor" = { fg = bg; bg = text; }; "ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = bg; bg = red; }; "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = orange; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.cursor.primary.normal" = { fg = bg; bg = text; }; "ui.cursor.primary.insert" = { fg = bg; bg = text; }; "ui.cursor.primary.select" = { fg = bg; bg = text; }; "ui.cursor.normal" = { fg = bg; bg = fg; }; "ui.cursor.insert" = { fg = bg; bg = fg; }; "ui.cursor.select" = { fg = bg; bg = fg; }; "ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = bg3; }; "ui.highlight" = { bg = bg3; fg = bg; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.menu" = { fg = fg3; bg = bg2; }; "ui.menu.selected" = { fg = text; bg = bg3; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = red; style = "curl"; }; }; "diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = orange; style = "curl"; }; }; "diagnostic.info" = { underline = { color = blue; style = "curl"; }; }; "diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = blue; style = "curl"; }; }; error = red; warning = orange; info = blue; hint = yellow; "ui.background" = { bg = bg; fg = fgdim; }; /* "ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "default" } "ui.cursorline.secondary" = { bg = "default" } */ "ui.cursorcolumn.primary" = { bg = bg3; }; "ui.cursorcolumn.secondary" = { bg = bg3; }; "ui.bufferline.active" = { fg = primary; bg = bg3; underline = { color = primary; style = ""; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; htop = { programs.htop = { enable = true; settings = { /* hide_kernel_threads = 1; hide_userland_threads = 1; show_program_path = 0; header_margin = 0; show_cpu_frequency = 1; highlight_base_name = 1; tree_view = 0; htop_version = "3.2.2"; config_reader_min_version = 3; */ fields = "0 48 17 18 38 39 40 2 46 47 49 1"; hide_kernel_threads = 1; hide_userland_threads = 1; show_program_path = 0; header_margin = 0; show_cpu_frequency = 1; highlight_base_name = 1; tree_view = 0; hide_running_in_container = 0; shadow_other_users = 0; show_thread_names = 0; highlight_deleted_exe = 1; shadow_distribution_path_prefix = 0; highlight_megabytes = 1; highlight_threads = 1; highlight_changes = 0; highlight_changes_delay_secs = 5; find_comm_in_cmdline = 1; strip_exe_from_cmdline = 1; show_merged_command = 0; screen_tabs = 1; detailed_cpu_time = 0; cpu_count_from_one = 0; show_cpu_usage = 1; show_cpu_temperature = 0; degree_fahrenheit = 0; update_process_names = 0; account_guest_in_cpu_meter = 0; enable_mouse = 1; delay = 15; hide_function_bar = 0; header_layout = "two_50_50"; column_meters_0 = "LeftCPUs Memory Swap"; column_meter_modes_0 = "1 1 1"; column_meters_1 = "RightCPUs Tasks LoadAverage Uptime"; column_meter_modes_1 = "1 2 2 2"; sort_key = 47; tree_sort_key = 0; sort_direction = -1; tree_sort_direction = 1; tree_view_always_by_pid = 0; all_branches_collapsed = 0; /* screen:Main=PID USER PRIORITY NICE M_VIRT M_RESIDENT M_SHARE STATE PERCENT_CPU PERCENT_MEM TIME Command .sort_key=PERCENT_MEM .tree_sort_key=PID .tree_view=0 .tree_view_always_by_pid=0 .sort_direction=-1 .tree_sort_direction=1 .all_branches_collapsed=0 screen:I/O=PID USER IO_PRIORITY IO_RATE IO_READ_RATE IO_WRITE_RATE Command .sort_key=IO_RATE .tree_sort_key=PID .tree_view=0 .tree_view_always_by_pid=0 .sort_direction=-1 .tree_sort_direction=1 .all_branches_collapsed=0 */ }; }; }; iex = { home.file.".iex.exs" = { enable = true; text = '' Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true) # PROTIP: to break, `#iex:break` IEx.configure( colors: [enabled: true], inspect: [ pretty: true, printable_limit: :infinity, limit: :infinity, charlists: :as_lists ], default_prompt: [ # ANSI CHA, move cursor to column 1 # "\e[G", :magenta, # IEx prompt variable "%prefix", "#", # IEx prompt variable "%counter", # plain string ">", :reset ] |> IO.ANSI.format() |> IO.chardata_to_string() ) ''; }; }; # kitty = {}; linux = { pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf (config.lyte.shell.enable && (lib.strings.hasSuffix "linux" pkgs.system)) { programs.fish = { shellAliases = { disks = "df -h && lsblk"; sctl = "sudo systemctl"; bt = "bluetoothctl"; pa = "pulsemixer"; sctlu = "systemctl --user"; }; functions = { pp = '' if test (count $argv) -gt 0 while true; ping -O -i 1 -w 5 -c 10000000 $argv; sleep 1; end else while true; ping -O -i 1 -w 5 -c 10000000; sleep 1; end end ''; }; }; home.packages = [ (pkgs.buildEnv { name = "my-linux-scripts"; paths = [ ./scripts/linux ]; }) ]; }; }; password-manager = { pkgs, ... }: { imports = with homeManagerModules; [ pass ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ passage rage age-plugin-yubikey bitwarden-cli oath-toolkit # bitwarden-desktop ]; }; pass = { pkgs, ... }: { programs.password-store = { enable = true; package = pkgs.pass.withExtensions (exts: [ exts.pass-otp ]); }; }; senpai = { lib, config, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.programs.senpai.enable { programs.senpai = { config = { address = "irc+insecure://beefcake.hare-cod.ts.net:6667"; nickname = "lytedev"; password-cmd = [ "pass" "soju" ]; }; }; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/senpai/senpai.scfg" = { enable = true; text = '' address irc+insecure://beefcake:6667 nickname lytedev password-cmd pass soju ''; }; }; }; ghostty = { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { # options = { # }; config = lib.mkIf config.programs.ghostty.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ ghostty ]; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/ghostty" = { source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink /etc/nix/flake/modules/home-manager/ghostty; }; }; }; zellij = { config, lib, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.programs.zellij.enable { # zellij does not support modern terminal keyboard input: # https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/735 programs.zellij = { # enable = true; # This causes fish to start zellij immediately # enableFishIntegration = true; # uses home manager's toKDL generator settings = { pane_frames = false; simplified_ui = true; default_mode = "locked"; mouse_mode = true; copy_clipboard = "primary"; copy_on_select = true; mirror_session = false; # keybinds = with builtins; let # binder = bind: let # keys = elemAt bind 0; # action = elemAt bind 1; # argKeys = map (k: "\"${k}\"") (lib.lists.flatten [keys]); # in { # name = "bind ${concatStringsSep " " argKeys}"; # value = action; # }; # layer = binds: (listToAttrs (map binder binds)); # in { # # _props = {clear-defaults = true;}; # normal = {}; # locked = layer [ # [["Ctrl g"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [["Ctrl L"] {NewPane = "Right";}] # [["Ctrl Z"] {NewPane = "Right";}] # [["Ctrl J"] {NewPane = "Down";}] # [["Ctrl h"] {MoveFocus = "Left";}] # [["Ctrl l"] {MoveFocus = "Right";}] # [["Ctrl j"] {MoveFocus = "Down";}] # [["Ctrl k"] {MoveFocus = "Up";}] # ]; # resize = layer [ # [["Ctrl n"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [["h" "Left"] {Resize = "Increase Left";}] # [["j" "Down"] {Resize = "Increase Down";}] # [["k" "Up"] {Resize = "Increase Up";}] # [["l" "Right"] {Resize = "Increase Right";}] # [["H"] {Resize = "Decrease Left";}] # [["J"] {Resize = "Decrease Down";}] # [["K"] {Resize = "Decrease Up";}] # [["L"] {Resize = "Decrease Right";}] # [["=" "+"] {Resize = "Increase";}] # [["-"] {Resize = "Decrease";}] # ]; # pane = layer [ # [["Ctrl p"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [["h" "Left"] {MoveFocus = "Left";}] # [["l" "Right"] {MoveFocus = "Right";}] # [["j" "Down"] {MoveFocus = "Down";}] # [["k" "Up"] {MoveFocus = "Up";}] # [["p"] {SwitchFocus = [];}] # [ # ["n"] # { # NewPane = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["d"] # { # NewPane = "Down"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["r"] # { # NewPane = "Right"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["x"] # { # CloseFocus = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["f"] # { # ToggleFocusFullscreen = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["z"] # { # TogglePaneFrames = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["w"] # { # ToggleFloatingPanes = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["e"] # { # TogglePaneEmbedOrFloating = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["c"] # { # SwitchToMode = "RenamePane"; # PaneNameInput = 0; # } # ] # ]; # move = layer [ # [["Ctrl h"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [["n" "Tab"] {MovePane = [];}] # [["p"] {MovePaneBackwards = [];}] # [["h" "Left"] {MovePane = "Left";}] # [["j" "Down"] {MovePane = "Down";}] # [["k" "Up"] {MovePane = "Up";}] # [["l" "Right"] {MovePane = "Right";}] # ]; # tab = layer [ # [["Ctrl t"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [ # ["r"] # { # SwitchToMode = "RenameTab"; # TabNameInput = 0; # } # ] # [["h" "Left" "Up" "k"] {GoToPreviousTab = [];}] # [["l" "Right" "Down" "j"] {GoToNextTab = [];}] # [ # ["n"] # { # NewTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["x"] # { # CloseTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["s"] # { # ToggleActiveSyncTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["1"] # { # GoToTab = 1; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["2"] # { # GoToTab = 2; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["3"] # { # GoToTab = 3; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["4"] # { # GoToTab = 4; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["5"] # { # GoToTab = 5; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["6"] # { # GoToTab = 6; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["7"] # { # GoToTab = 7; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["8"] # { # GoToTab = 8; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["9"] # { # GoToTab = 9; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [["Tab"] {ToggleTab = [];}] # ]; # scroll = layer [ # [["Ctrl s"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [ # ["e"] # { # EditScrollback = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["s"] # { # SwitchToMode = "EnterSearch"; # SearchInput = 0; # } # ] # [ # ["Ctrl c"] # { # ScrollToBottom = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [["j" "Down"] {ScrollDown = [];}] # [["k" "Up"] {ScrollUp = [];}] # [["Ctrl f" "PageDown" "Right" "l"] {PageScrollDown = [];}] # [["Ctrl b" "PageUp" "Left" "h"] {PageScrollUp = [];}] # [["d"] {HalfPageScrollDown = [];}] # [["u"] {HalfPageScrollUp = [];}] # # uncomment this and adjust key if using copy_on_select=false # # bind "Alt c" { Copy; } # ]; # search = layer [ # [["Ctrl s"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [ # ["Ctrl c"] # { # ScrollToBottom = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [["j" "Down"] {ScrollDown = [];}] # [["k" "Up"] {ScrollUp = [];}] # [["Ctrl f" "PageDown" "Right" "l"] {PageScrollDown = [];}] # [["Ctrl b" "PageUp" "Left" "h"] {PageScrollUp = [];}] # [["d"] {HalfPageScrollDown = [];}] # [["u"] {HalfPageScrollUp = [];}] # [["n"] {Search = "down";}] # [["p"] {Search = "up";}] # [["c"] {SearchToggleOption = "CaseSensitivity";}] # [["w"] {SearchToggleOption = "Wrap";}] # [["o"] {SearchToggleOption = "WholeWord";}] # ]; # entersearch = layer [ # [["Ctrl c" "Esc"] {SwitchToMode = "Scroll";}] # [["Enter"] {SwitchToMode = "Search";}] # ]; # renametab = layer [ # [["Ctrl c"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [ # ["Esc"] # { # UndoRenameTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Tab"; # } # ] # ]; # renamepane = layer [ # [["Ctrl c"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [ # ["Esc"] # { # UndoRenamePane = []; # SwitchToMode = "Pane"; # } # ] # ]; # session = layer [ # [["Ctrl o"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # [["Ctrl s"] {SwitchToMode = "Scroll";}] # [["d"] {Detach = [];}] # ]; # tmux = layer [ # [["["] {SwitchToMode = "Scroll";}] # [ # ["Ctrl b"] # { # Write = 2; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["\\\""] # { # NewPane = "Down"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["%"] # { # NewPane = "Right"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["z"] # { # ToggleFocusFullscreen = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["c"] # { # NewTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [[","] {SwitchToMode = "RenameTab";}] # [ # ["p"] # { # GoToPreviousTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["n"] # { # GoToNextTab = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["Left"] # { # MoveFocus = "Left"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["Right"] # { # MoveFocus = "Right"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["Down"] # { # MoveFocus = "Down"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["Up"] # { # MoveFocus = "Up"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["h"] # { # MoveFocus = "Left"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["l"] # { # MoveFocus = "Right"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["j"] # { # MoveFocus = "Down"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [ # ["k"] # { # MoveFocus = "Up"; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # [["o"] {FocusNextPane = [];}] # [["d"] {Detach = [];}] # [["Space"] {NextSwapLayout = [];}] # [ # ["x"] # { # CloseFocus = []; # SwitchToMode = "Normal"; # } # ] # ]; # "shared_except \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl g"] {SwitchToMode = "Locked";}] # [["Ctrl q"] {Quit = [];}] # [["Alt n"] {NewPane = [];}] # [["Alt h" "Alt Left"] {MoveFocusOrTab = "Left";}] # [["Alt l" "Alt Right"] {MoveFocusOrTab = "Right";}] # [["Alt j" "Alt Down"] {MoveFocus = "Down";}] # [["Alt k" "Alt Up"] {MoveFocus = "Up";}] # [["Alt ]" "Alt +"] {Resize = "Increase";}] # [["Alt -"] {Resize = "Decrease";}] # [["Alt ["] {PreviousSwapLayout = [];}] # [["Alt ]"] {NextSwapLayout = [];}] # ]; # "shared_except \"normal\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Enter" "Esc"] {SwitchToMode = "Normal";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"pane\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl p"] {SwitchToMode = "Pane";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"resize\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl n"] {SwitchToMode = "Resize";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"scroll\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl s"] {SwitchToMode = "Scroll";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"session\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl o"] {SwitchToMode = "Session";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"tab\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl t"] {SwitchToMode = "Tab";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"move\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl h"] {SwitchToMode = "Move";}] # ]; # "shared_except \"tmux\" \"locked\"" = layer [ # [["Ctrl b"] {SwitchToMode = "Tmux";}] # ]; # }; # default_layout = "compact"; theme = "match"; themes = { match = with style.colors.withHashPrefix; { fg = fg; bg = bg; black = bg; white = fg; red = red; green = green; yellow = yellow; blue = blue; magenta = purple; cyan = blue; orange = orange; }; }; # TODO: port config ui = { pane_frames = { rounded_corners = true; hide_session_name = true; }; }; }; }; home.shellAliases = { z = "zellij"; }; }; }; sshconfig = { programs.ssh = { enable = true; matchBlocks = { "git.lyte.dev" = { # hostname = "git.lyte.dev"; user = "forgejo"; }; "github.com" = { user = "git"; }; "gitlab.com" = { user = "git"; }; "codeberg.org" = { user = "git"; }; "git.hq.bill.com" = { user = "git"; }; "steam-deck-oled" = { user = "deck"; hostname = "sdo"; }; "steam-deck" = { user = "deck"; hostname = "steamdeck"; }; work = { user = "daniel.flanagan"; }; }; extraConfig = '' Include config.d/* # pass obscure/keys/ssh-key-ed25519 | tail -n 7 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ''; }; }; daniel = { ... }: { home = { username = "daniel"; homeDirectory = "/home/daniel/.home"; }; accounts.email.accounts = { primary = { primary = true; address = "daniel@lyte.dev"; }; legacy = { address = "wraithx2@gmail.com"; }; io = { # TODO: finalize deprecation address = "daniel@lytedev.io"; }; }; }; }