{ pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "installer"; runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ fzf jq gawk ]; text = '' repo='https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/nix' if ! [[ -f flake.nix ]]; then dir="$(mktemp -d)" echo "No flake detected. Cloning '$repo' to '$dir/nix'" cd "$dir" git clone "$repo" cd nix fi read -r -p 'Swap Size:' swap_size echo read -s -r -p 'Disk Encryption Password:' pass1 echo read -s -r -p 'Disk Encryption Password (Again):' pass2 echo if ! [[ $pass1 = "$pass2" ]]; then echo "error: disk encryption passwords did not match!" exit 1 fi nixos_host="$(nix --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' eval --accept-flake-config --json .#nixosConfigurations --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | jq -r .[] | fzf --prompt 'Select NixOS configuration')" partition_scheme="$(nix --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' eval --accept-flake-config --json .#diskoConfigurations --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | jq -r .[] | fzf --prompt 'Select disk partition scheme (must match NixOS configuration!)')" disk_path="/dev/$(lsblk -d --raw | tail -n +2 | fzf --prompt 'Select local disk device' | awk '{print $1}')" echo "$pass1" | tr -d "\n" > /tmp/secret.key echo "This will install the host configuration for '$nixos_host' to '$disk_path' using partition scheme '$partition_scheme'. All data on the disk will be lost." echo "Press enter to proceed. Press Ctrl-C to cancel." read -r echo "Starting..." nix-shell --packages git --run "sudo nix run \ --extra-experimental-features nix-command \ --extra-experimental-features flakes \ github:nix-community/disko -- \ --flake '.#$partition_scheme' \ --mode disko \ --arg disk '\"$disk_path\"' \ --arg swapSize '\"$swap_size\"'" nix-shell --packages git \ --run "sudo nixos-install \ --no-write-lock-file \ --flake '.#$nixos_host' \ --option trusted-substituters 'https://cache.nixos.org https://nix.h.lyte.dev' \ --option trusted-public-keys 'cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= h.lyte.dev-2:te9xK/GcWPA/5aXav8+e5RHImKYMug8hIIbhHsKPN0M='" ''; }