{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let email = "daniel@lyte.dev"; name = "Daniel Flanagan"; in { # TODO: email access? # accounts.email.accounts = { # google = { # address = "wraithx2@gmail.com"; # }; # }; # TODO: fonts? right now I do this: # curl -o ~/Downloads/iosevkalyte.tar.zstd https://files.lyte.dev/iosevkalyte/rel/iosevkalyteterm-16.4.0.tar.zstd # tar --zstd -xvf ~/Downloads/iosevka.tar.zstd # mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts # cp -r iosevkalyteterm/ttf/* ~/.local/share/fonts # TODO: I bet I can declare an iosevka font build, too, instead # TODO: wallpaper? home = { username = lib.mkDefault "daniel"; homeDirectory = lib.mkDefault "/home/daniel/.home"; stateVersion = "23.11"; packages = [ # I use rtx for managing the following programs' versions instead of nix: # kubectl, aws pkgs.rtx # I need gawk for my fish prompt pkgs.gawk pkgs.nil pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt # TODO: os-specific scripts? macOS versus Linux (arch or nixos? do I need to distinguish at that point?) (pkgs.buildEnv { name = "my-scripts-common"; paths = [../scripts/common]; }) ]; file = { ".iex.exs" = { enable = true; text = '' Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true) # PROTIP: to break, `#iex:break` IEx.configure( colors: [enabled: true], inspect: [ pretty: true, printable_limit: :infinity, limit: :infinity ], default_prompt: [ # ANSI CHA, move cursor to column 1 "\e[G", :magenta, # IEx prompt variable "%prefix", "#", # IEx prompt variable "%counter", # plain string ">", :reset ] |> IO.ANSI.format() |> IO.chardata_to_string() ) ''; }; }; }; programs = { password-store = { enable = true; package = pkgs.pass.withExtensions (exts: [exts.pass-otp]); }; git = { enable = true; userEmail = email; userName = name; delta = { enable = true; options = {}; }; lfs = { enable = true; }; signing = { signByDefault = true; key = "daniel@lyte.dev"; }; aliases = { a = "add -A"; ac = "commit -a"; b = "rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD"; c = "commit"; cm = "commit -m"; cnv = "commit --no-verify"; co = "checkout"; d = "diff"; ds = "diff --staged"; dt = "difftool"; f = "fetch"; l = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --oneline --all"; plainlog = " log --pretty=format:'%h %ad%x09%an%x09%s' --date=short --decorate"; ls = "ls-files"; mm = "merge master"; p = "push"; pf = "push --force-with-lease"; pl = "pull"; rim = "rebase -i master"; s = "status"; }; extraConfig = { push = { autoSetupRemote = true; }; branch = { autoSetupMerge = true; }; sendemail = { smtpserver = "smtp.mailgun.org"; smtpuser = "daniel@lyte.dev"; smtrpencryption = "tls"; smtpserverport = 587; }; url = { # TODO: how to have per-machine not-in-git configuration? "git@git.hq.bill.com:" = { insteadOf = "https://git.hq.bill.com"; }; }; }; }; gitui = { enable = true; }; helix = { enable = true; package = pkgs.helix; languages = { language-server = { lexical = { command = "lexical"; args = ["start"]; }; next-ls = { command = "next-ls"; args = ["--stdout"]; }; deno = { command = "deno"; args = ["lsp"]; config = { enable = true; lint = true; unstable = true; }; }; }; language = [ { name = "elixir"; language-servers = ["elixir-ls"]; # "lexical" "next-ls" auto-format = true; } { name = "html"; auto-format = false; } { name = "nix"; auto-format = true; formatter = { command = "nixpkgs-fmt"; args = []; }; } { name = "fish"; auto-format = true; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "javascript"; language-id = "javascript"; grammar = "javascript"; scope = "source.js"; injection-regex = "^(js|javascript)$"; file-types = ["js" "mjs"]; shebangs = ["deno"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; formatter = { command = "deno"; args = ["fmt"]; }; auto-format = true; comment-token = "//"; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "typescript"; language-id = "typescript"; grammar = "typescript"; scope = "source.ts"; injection-regex = "^(ts|typescript)$"; file-types = ["ts"]; shebangs = ["deno"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; formatter = { command = "deno"; args = ["fmt"]; }; auto-format = true; comment-token = "//"; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = "\t"; }; } { name = "jsonc"; language-id = "json"; grammar = "jsonc"; scope = "source.jsonc"; injection-regex = "^(jsonc)$"; roots = ["deno.jsonc" "deno.json"]; file-types = ["jsonc"]; language-servers = ["deno"]; indent = { tab-width = 2; unit = " "; }; auto-format = true; } # [[language]] # name = "jsx" # scope = "source.jsx" # injection-regex = "jsx" # file-types = ["jsx"] # shebangs = ["deno", "node"] # roots = ["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "package.json", "tsconfig.json"] # comment-token = "//" # config = { enable = true, lint = true, unstable = true } # language-server = { command = "deno", args = ["lsp"], language-id = "javascriptreact" } # indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " } # grammar = "javascript" # auto-format = true # [[language]] # name = "tsx" # scope = "source.tsx" # injection-regex = "^(tsx)$" # |typescript # file-types = ["tsx"] # shebangs = ["deno", "node"] # roots = ["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "package.json", "tsconfig.json"] # config = { enable = true, lint = true, unstable = true } # language-server = { command = "deno", args = ["lsp"], language-id = "typescriptreact" } # indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " } # auto-format = true # [[language]] # name = "jsonc" # scope = "source.jsonc" # injection-regex = "^(jsonc)$" # file-types = ["jsonc"] # shebangs = ["deno", "node"] # roots = ["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "package.json", "tsconfig.json"] # config = { enable = true, lint = true, unstable = true } # language-server = { command = "deno", args = ["lsp"], language-id = "jsonc" } # indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " } # auto-format = true ]; }; settings = { theme = "custom"; editor = { soft-wrap.enable = true; auto-pairs = false; auto-save = false; completion-trigger-len = 1; color-modes = false; bufferline = "multiple"; scrolloff = 8; rulers = [80 120]; cursorline = true; cursor-shape = { normal = "block"; insert = "bar"; select = "underline"; }; file-picker.hidden = false; indent-guides = { render = true; character = "▏"; }; lsp = { display-messages = true; display-inlay-hints = true; }; statusline = { left = ["mode" "spinner" "selections" "primary-selection-length" "position" "position-percentage" "diagnostics" "workspace-diagnostics"]; center = ["file-name"]; right = ["version-control" "total-line-numbers" "file-encoding"]; }; }; keys = { insert = { j = { k = "normal_mode"; j = "normal_mode"; K = "normal_mode"; J = "normal_mode"; }; }; normal = { D = "kill_to_line_end"; "^" = "goto_line_start"; "C-k" = "jump_view_up"; "C-j" = "jump_view_down"; "C-h" = "jump_view_left"; "C-l" = "jump_view_right"; "C-q" = ":quit-all!"; "L" = "repeat_last_motion"; space = { q = ":reflow 80"; Q = ":reflow 120"; v = ":run-shell-command fish -c 'env > /tmp/env'"; C = ":bc!"; h = ":toggle lsp.display-inlay-hints"; # O = ["select_textobject_inner WORD", ":pipe-to xargs xdg-open"]; }; }; select = { space = { q = ":reflow 80"; Q = ":reflow 120"; }; "L" = "repeat_last_motion"; }; }; }; themes = { custom = { "inherits" = "catppuccin_mocha"; "ui.background" = "default"; # "ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "default" } # "ui.cursorline.secondary" = { bg = "default" } # "ui.cursorcolumn.primary" = { bg = "default" } # "ui.cursorcolumn.secondary" = { bg = "default" } # "ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "default" } "ui.bufferline.active" = { fg = "sapphire"; bg = "base"; underline = { color = "sapphire"; style = ""; }; }; }; }; }; bat = { enable = true; config = { theme = "Catppuccin-mocha"; }; themes = { "Catppuccin-mocha" = builtins.readFile (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "catppuccin"; repo = "bat"; rev = "477622171ec0529505b0ca3cada68fc9433648c6"; sha256 = "6WVKQErGdaqb++oaXnY3i6/GuH2FhTgK0v4TN4Y0Wbw="; } + "/Catppuccin-mocha.tmTheme"); }; }; kitty = { enable = true; darwinLaunchOptions = ["--single-instance"]; shellIntegration = { enableFishIntegration = true; }; settings = { "font_family" = "IosevkaLyteTerm"; "bold_font" = "IosevkaLyteTerm Heavy"; "italic_font" = "IosevkaLyteTerm Italic"; "bold_italic_font" = "IosevkaLyteTerm Heavy Italic"; "font_size" = "12.5"; "inactive_text_alpha" = "0.5"; "copy_on_select" = true; "scrollback_lines" = 500000; "symbol_map" = "U+23FB-U+23FE,U+2665,U+26A1,U+2B58,U+E000-U+E00A,U+E0A0-U+E0A3,U+E0B0-U+E0D4,U+E200-U+E2A9,U+E300-U+E3E3,U+E5FA-U+E6AA,U+E700-U+E7C5,U+EA60-U+EBEB,U+F000-U+F2E0,U+F300-U+F32F,U+F400-U+F4A9,U+F500-U+F8FF,U+F0001-U+F1AF0 Symbols Nerd Font Mono"; # use `kitty + list-fonts --psnames` to get the font's PostScript name "allow_remote_control" = true; "listen_on" = "unix:/tmp/kitty"; "repaint_delay" = 3; "input_delay" = 3; "sync_to_monitor" = true; "adjust_line_height" = 0; "window_padding_width" = "10.0"; "window_margin_width" = "0.0"; "confirm_os_window_close" = 0; "enabled_layouts" = "splits:split_axis=vertical,stack"; "shell_integration" = "disabled"; "enable_audio_bell" = true; "visual_bell_duration" = "0.25"; "visual_bell_color" = "#333033"; "url_style" = "single"; "strip_trailing_spaces" = "smart"; # open_url_modifiers ctrl "tab_bar_align" = "center"; "tab_bar_style" = "separator"; "tab_separator" = ''""''; "tab_bar_edge" = "top"; "tab_title_template" = ''"{fmt.fg.tab}{fmt.bg.tab} {activity_symbol}{title} "''; "active_tab_font_style" = "normal"; ## name: Catppuccin Kitty Mocha ## author: Catppuccin Org ## license: MIT ## upstream: https://github.com/catppuccin/kitty/blob/main/mocha.conf ## blurb: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited! # The basic colors "foreground" = "#CDD6F4"; "background" = "#1E1E2E"; "selection_foreground" = "#1E1E2E"; "selection_background" = "#F5E0DC"; # Cursor colors "cursor" = "#F5E0DC"; "cursor_text_color" = "#1E1E2E"; # URL underline color when hovering with mouse "url_color" = "#F5E0DC"; # Kitty window border colors "active_border_color" = "#74c7ec"; "inactive_border_color" = "#313244"; "bell_border_color" = "#F9E2AF"; # OS Window titlebar colors "wayland_titlebar_color" = "system"; "macos_titlebar_color" = "system"; # Tab bar colors "active_tab_foreground" = "#11111B"; "active_tab_background" = "#74c7ec"; "inactive_tab_foreground" = "#CDD6F4"; "inactive_tab_background" = "#181825"; "tab_bar_background" = "#11111B"; # Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal) "mark1_foreground" = "#1E1E2E"; "mark1_background" = "#B4BEFE"; "mark2_foreground" = "#1E1E2E"; "mark2_background" = "#74c7ec"; "mark3_foreground" = "#1E1E2E"; "mark3_background" = "#74C7EC"; # The 16 terminal colors # black "color0" = "#45475A"; "color8" = "#585B70"; # red "color1" = "#F38BA8"; "color9" = "#F38BA8"; # green "color2" = "#A6E3A1"; "color10" = "#A6E3A1"; # yellow "color3" = "#F9E2AF"; "color11" = "#F9E2AF"; # blue "color4" = "#89B4FA"; "color12" = "#89B4FA"; # magenta "color5" = "#F5C2E7"; "color13" = "#F5C2E7"; # cyan "color6" = "#94E2D5"; "color14" = "#94E2D5"; # white "color7" = "#BAC2DE"; "color15" = "#A6ADC8"; }; keybindings = { "ctrl+shift+1" = "change_font_size all 12.5"; "ctrl+shift+2" = "change_font_size all 18.5"; "ctrl+shift+3" = "change_font_size all 26"; "ctrl+shift+4" = "change_font_size all 32"; "ctrl+shift+5" = "change_font_size all 48"; "ctrl+shift+o" = "launch --type=tab --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback $EDITOR"; "ctrl+shift+equal" = "change_font_size all +0.5"; "ctrl+shift+minus" = "change_font_size all -0.5"; "shift+insert" = "paste_from_clipboard"; "ctrl+shift+v" = "paste_from_selection"; "ctrl+shift+c" = "copy_to_clipboard"; # kill pane "ctrl+shift+q" = "close_window"; # kill tab "ctrl+alt+shift+q" = "close_tab"; "ctrl+shift+j" = "launch --location=hsplit --cwd=current"; "ctrl+shift+l" = "launch --location=vsplit --cwd=current"; "ctrl+alt+shift+k" = "move_window up"; "ctrl+alt+shift+h" = "move_window left"; "ctrl+alt+shift+l" = "move_window right"; "ctrl+alt+shift+j" = "move_window down"; "ctrl+h" = "neighboring_window left"; "ctrl+l" = "neighboring_window right"; "ctrl+k" = "neighboring_window up"; "ctrl+j" = "neighboring_window down"; "ctrl+shift+n" = "nth_window -1"; "ctrl+shift+space>u" = "kitten hints --type=url --program @"; "ctrl+shift+z" = "toggle_layout stack"; }; }; zellij = { # TODO: enable after port config enable = false; enableFishIntegration = true; settings = { # TODO: port config }; }; broot = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; settings = { modal = true; skin = { # this is a crappy copy of broot's catppuccin mocha theme input = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none"; selected_line = "none rgb(88, 91, 112)"; default = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none"; tree = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none"; parent = "rgb(116, 199, 236) none"; file = "none none"; perm__ = "rgb(186, 194, 222) none"; perm_r = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; perm_w = "rgb(235, 160, 172) none"; perm_x = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none"; owner = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none"; group = "rgb(137, 220, 235) none"; dates = "rgb(186, 194, 222) none"; directory = "rgb(180, 190, 254) none Bold"; exe = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none"; link = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none"; pruning = "rgb(166, 173, 200) none Italic"; preview_title = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)"; preview = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)"; preview_line_number = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none"; char_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic"; content_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic"; preview_match = "rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic"; count = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none"; sparse = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none"; content_extract = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Italic"; git_branch = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_insertions = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_deletions = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_status_current = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_status_modified = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_status_new = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold"; git_status_ignored = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_status_conflicted = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; git_status_other = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; staging_area_title = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; flag_label = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none"; flag_value = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold"; status_normal = "none rgb(24, 24, 37)"; status_italic = "rgb(243, 139, 168) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic"; status_bold = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold"; status_ellipsis = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold"; status_error = "rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(243, 139, 168)"; status_job = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(40, 38, 37)"; status_code = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic"; mode_command_mark = "rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold"; help_paragraph = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none"; help_headers = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold"; help_bold = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold"; help_italic = "rgb(249, 226, 175) none Italic"; help_code = "rgb(166, 227, 161) rgb(49, 50, 68)"; help_table_border = "rgb(108, 112, 134) none"; hex_null = "rgb(205, 214, 244) none"; hex_ascii_graphic = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; hex_ascii_whitespace = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none"; hex_ascii_other = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none"; hex_non_ascii = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none"; file_error = "rgb(251, 73, 52) none"; purpose_normal = "none none"; purpose_italic = "rgb(177, 98, 134) none Italic"; purpose_bold = "rgb(177, 98, 134) none Bold"; purpose_ellipsis = "none none"; scrollbar_track = "rgb(49, 50, 68) none"; scrollbar_thumb = "rgb(88, 91, 112) none"; good_to_bad_0 = "rgb(166, 227, 161) none"; good_to_bad_1 = "rgb(148, 226, 213) none"; good_to_bad_2 = "rgb(137, 220, 235) none"; good_to_bad_3 = "rgb(116, 199, 236) none"; good_to_bad_4 = "rgb(137, 180, 250) none"; good_to_bad_5 = "rgb(180, 190, 254) none"; good_to_bad_6 = "rgb(203, 166, 247) none"; good_to_bad_7 = "rgb(250, 179, 135) none"; good_to_bad_8 = "rgb(235, 160, 172) none"; good_to_bad_9 = "rgb(243, 139, 168) none"; }; verbs = [ { invocation = "edit"; shortcut = "e"; execution = "$EDITOR {file}"; } ]; }; }; direnv = { enable = true; nix-direnv.enable = true; }; fish = { enable = true; # I load long scripts from files for a better editing experience shellInit = builtins.readFile ../fish/shellInit.fish; interactiveShellInit = builtins.readFile ../fish/interactiveShellInit.fish; loginShellInit = ""; functions = { # TODO: I think these should be loaded from fish files too for better editor experience? d = '' # --wraps=cd --description "Quickly jump to NICE_HOME (or given relative or absolute path) and list files." if count $argv > /dev/null cd $argv else cd $NICE_HOME end la ''; c = '' if count $argv > /dev/null cd $NICE_HOME && d $argv else d $NICE_HOME end ''; g = '' if test (count $argv) -gt 0 git $argv else git status end ''; ltl = '' set d $argv[1] . set -l l "" for f in $d[1]/* if test -z $l; set l $f; continue; end if command test $f -nt $l; and test ! -d $f set l $f end end echo $l ''; has_command = "command --quiet --search $argv[1]"; }; shellAbbrs = {}; shellAliases = { l = "br"; ls = "eza --group-directories-first --classify"; la = "eza -la --group-directories-first --classify"; lA = "eza -la --all --group-directories-first --classify"; tree = "eza --tree --level=3"; lt = "eza -l --sort=modified"; lat = "eza -la --sort=modified"; lc = "lt --sort=accessed"; lT = "lt --reverse"; lC = "lc --reverse"; lD = "la --only-dirs"; "cd.." = "d .."; "cdc" = "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME"; "cdn" = "d $NOTES_PATH"; "cdl" = "d $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"; "cdg" = "d $XDG_GAMES_DIR"; ".." = "d .."; "..." = "d ../.."; "...." = "d ../../.."; "....." = "d ../../../.."; "......" = "d ../../../../.."; "......." = "d ../../../../../.."; "........" = "d ../../../../../../.."; "........." = "d ../../../../../../../.."; cat = "bat"; p = "ping"; dc = "docker compose"; k = "kubectl"; kg = "kubectl get"; v = "$EDITOR"; sv = "sudo $EDITOR"; kssh = "kitty +kitten ssh"; }; }; eza = { enable = true; }; skim = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; nix-index = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; }; # maybe we can share somehow so things for nix-y systems and non-nix-y systems alike # am I going to _have_ non-nix systems anymore? }