{ home-manager, nixpkgs-unstable, self, ... }@inputs: { meta = let nixpkgsSet = nixpkgs: (import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = [ self.outputs.flakeLib.forSelfOverlay ]; }); nixpkgs = nixpkgsSet nixpkgs-unstable; stable = nixpkgsSet nixpkgs; in { inherit nixpkgs; nodeNixpkgs = { # router = stable; beefcake = stable; }; specialArgs = { inherit home-manager; hardware = inputs.hardware.outputs.nixosModules; diskoConfigurations = inputs.self.outputs.diskoConfigurations; }; }; # TODO: setup builders? foxtrot = { # name, # nodes, # pkgs, ... }: { deployment = { # Allow local deployment with `colmena apply-local` allowLocalDeployment = true; # Disable SSH deployment. This node will be skipped in a # normal`colmena apply`. targetHost = null; }; imports = [ inputs.self.outputs.nixosModules.default (import ./../../packages/hosts/foxtrot.nix) ]; # boot.isContainer = true; # time.timeZone = nodes.host-b.config.time.timeZone; }; beefcake = { ... }: { deployment = { buildOnTarget = true; }; imports = [ inputs.self.outputs.nixosModules.default (import ./../../packages/hosts/beefcake.nix) ]; }; }