Ghostty since wezterm struggles to integrate nicely with GNOME?
Some checks failed
/ check (push) Failing after 1m52s
Some checks failed
/ check (push) Failing after 1m52s
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 106 additions and 79 deletions
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function _last_cmd_duration
set_color -b normal green
set -q CMD_DURATION && printf " %dms" $CMD_DURATION
if test $CMD_DURATION -gt 5000 && test $this_shell_should_notify = 1
printf "\e]777;notify;%s;%s\e\\" "WezTerm: Command Finished" (history --max 1)
printf "\e]777;notify;%s;%s\e\\" "Terminal Command Finished" (history --max 1)
set this_shell_should_notify 0
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
font-family = "IosevkaLyteTerm"
# The font families to use.
# You can generate the list of valid values using the CLI:
@ -39,8 +37,11 @@ font-family = "IosevkaLyteTerm"
# specify the value as `""` (empty string) to reset the list and then set the
# new values. For example:
# font-family = ""
# font-family = "My Favorite Font"
font-family = "IosevkaLyteTerm"
font-family = "Symbols Nerd Font Mono"
font-family = "Noto Color Emoji"
font-family-bold = "IosevkaLyteTerm"
# font-family = "My Favorite Font"
# Setting any of these as CLI arguments will automatically clear the
# values set in configuration files so you don't need to specify
@ -51,11 +52,11 @@ font-family = "IosevkaLyteTerm"
# Changing this configuration at runtime will only affect new terminals, i.e.
# new windows, tabs, etc.
font-family =
# font-family =
font-family-bold =
font-family-italic =
font-family-bold-italic =
# font-family-bold =
# font-family-italic =
# font-family-bold-italic =
# The named font style to use for each of the requested terminal font styles.
# This looks up the style based on the font style string advertised by the
# font itself. For example, "Iosevka Heavy" has a style of "Heavy".
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ font-family-bold-italic =
# disabling the font style.
font-style = default
font-style-bold = default
font-style-bold = Heavy
font-style-italic = default
font-style-bold-italic = default
# Control whether Ghostty should synthesize a style if the requested style is
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ font-codepoint-map =
# Draw fonts with a thicker stroke, if supported.
# This is currently only supported on macOS.
font-thicken = false
# font-thicken = false
# Strength of thickening when `font-thicken` is enabled.
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ font-thicken = false
# Has no effect when `font-thicken` is set to `false`.
# This is currently only supported on macOS.
font-thicken-strength = 255
# font-thicken-strength = 255
# All of the configurations behavior adjust various metrics determined by the
# font. The values can be integers (1, -1, etc.) or a percentage (20%, -15%,
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ freetype-load-flags = hinting,force-autohint,monochrome,autohint
# - macOS: titlebar tabs style is not updated when switching themes.
theme = "catppuccin-mocha"
theme = "dark:catppuccin-mocha-sapphire-custom,light:catppuccin-latte"
# Swap the foreground and background colors of cells for selection. This
# option overrides the `selection-foreground` and `selection-background`
@ -826,7 +827,7 @@ background-opacity = 1
# need to set environment-specific settings and/or install third-party plugins
# in order to support background blur, as there isn't a unified interface for
# doing so.
background-blur-radius = false
# background-blur-radius = false
# The opacity level (opposite of transparency) of an unfocused split.
# Unfocused splits by default are slightly faded out to make it easier to see
@ -850,7 +851,7 @@ unfocused-split-fill =
# The color of the split divider. If this is not set, a default will be chosen.
# Specified as either hex (`#RRGGBB` or `RRGGBB`) or a named X11 color.
split-divider-color =
# split-divider-color =
# The command to run, usually a shell. If this is not an absolute path, it'll
# be looked up in the `PATH`. If this is not set, a default will be looked up
@ -1196,65 +1197,65 @@ working-directory =
# Ghostty will attempt to request these permissions. If the permissions are
# not granted, the keybind will not work. On macOS, you can find these
# permissions in System Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Accessibility.
keybind = ctrl+comma=open_config
keybind = shift+insert=paste_from_selection
keybind = ctrl+page_down=next_tab
keybind = ctrl+shift+v=paste_from_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+alt+up=goto_split:up
keybind = ctrl+shift+a=select_all
keybind = shift+up=adjust_selection:up
keybind = alt+five=goto_tab:5
keybind = super+ctrl+right_bracket=goto_split:next
keybind = ctrl+equal=increase_font_size:1
keybind = ctrl+shift+o=new_split:right
keybind = ctrl+shift+c=copy_to_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+shift+q=quit
keybind = ctrl+shift+n=new_window
keybind = ctrl+shift+page_down=jump_to_prompt:1
keybind = ctrl+shift+comma=reload_config
keybind = ctrl+minus=decrease_font_size:1
keybind = shift+left=adjust_selection:left
keybind = super+ctrl+shift+up=resize_split:up,10
keybind = alt+eight=goto_tab:8
keybind = shift+page_up=scroll_page_up
keybind = ctrl+alt+shift+j=write_scrollback_file:open
keybind = ctrl+shift+left=previous_tab
keybind = ctrl+shift+w=close_surface
keybind = super+ctrl+shift+equal=equalize_splits
keybind = shift+end=scroll_to_bottom
keybind = ctrl+zero=reset_font_size
keybind = alt+three=goto_tab:3
keybind = ctrl+shift+j=write_scrollback_file:paste
keybind = ctrl+enter=toggle_fullscreen
keybind = ctrl+page_up=previous_tab
keybind = shift+right=adjust_selection:right
keybind = ctrl+tab=next_tab
keybind = ctrl+alt+left=goto_split:left
keybind = shift+page_down=scroll_page_down
keybind = ctrl+shift+right=next_tab
keybind = ctrl+shift+page_up=jump_to_prompt:-1
keybind = alt+nine=last_tab
keybind = ctrl+shift+t=new_tab
keybind = shift+down=adjust_selection:down
keybind = super+ctrl+shift+left=resize_split:left,10
keybind = ctrl+shift+tab=previous_tab
keybind = alt+two=goto_tab:2
keybind = ctrl+alt+down=goto_split:down
keybind = super+ctrl+shift+down=resize_split:down,10
keybind = super+ctrl+shift+right=resize_split:right,10
keybind = ctrl+plus=increase_font_size:1
keybind = alt+four=goto_tab:4
keybind = ctrl+insert=copy_to_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+shift+e=new_split:down
keybind = ctrl+alt+right=goto_split:right
keybind = alt+f4=close_window
keybind = alt+one=goto_tab:1
keybind = ctrl+shift+enter=toggle_split_zoom
keybind = shift+home=scroll_to_top
keybind = super+ctrl+left_bracket=goto_split:previous
keybind = ctrl+shift+i=inspector:toggle
keybind = alt+six=goto_tab:6
keybind = alt+seven=goto_tab:7
# keybind = ctrl+comma=open_config
# keybind = shift+insert=paste_from_selection
# keybind = ctrl+page_down=next_tab
# keybind = ctrl+shift+v=paste_from_clipboard
# keybind = ctrl+alt+up=goto_split:up
# keybind = ctrl+shift+a=select_all
# keybind = shift+up=adjust_selection:up
# keybind = alt+five=goto_tab:5
# keybind = super+ctrl+right_bracket=goto_split:next
# keybind = ctrl+equal=increase_font_size:1
# keybind = ctrl+shift+o=new_split:right
# keybind = ctrl+shift+c=copy_to_clipboard
# keybind = ctrl+shift+q=quit
# keybind = ctrl+shift+n=new_window
# keybind = ctrl+shift+page_down=jump_to_prompt:1
# keybind = ctrl+shift+comma=reload_config
# keybind = ctrl+minus=decrease_font_size:1
# keybind = shift+left=adjust_selection:left
# keybind = super+ctrl+shift+up=resize_split:up,10
# keybind = alt+eight=goto_tab:8
# keybind = shift+page_up=scroll_page_up
# keybind = ctrl+alt+shift+j=write_scrollback_file:open
# keybind = ctrl+shift+left=previous_tab
# keybind = ctrl+shift+w=close_surface
# keybind = super+ctrl+shift+equal=equalize_splits
# keybind = shift+end=scroll_to_bottom
# keybind = ctrl+zero=reset_font_size
# keybind = alt+three=goto_tab:3
# keybind = ctrl+shift+j=write_scrollback_file:paste
# keybind = ctrl+enter=toggle_fullscreen
# keybind = ctrl+page_up=previous_tab
# keybind = shift+right=adjust_selection:right
# keybind = ctrl+tab=next_tab
# keybind = ctrl+alt+left=goto_split:left
# keybind = shift+page_down=scroll_page_down
# keybind = ctrl+shift+right=next_tab
# keybind = ctrl+shift+page_up=jump_to_prompt:-1
# keybind = alt+nine=last_tab
# keybind = ctrl+shift+t=new_tab
# keybind = shift+down=adjust_selection:down
# keybind = super+ctrl+shift+left=resize_split:left,10
# keybind = ctrl+shift+tab=previous_tab
# keybind = alt+two=goto_tab:2
# keybind = ctrl+alt+down=goto_split:down
# keybind = super+ctrl+shift+down=resize_split:down,10
# keybind = super+ctrl+shift+right=resize_split:right,10
# keybind = ctrl+plus=increase_font_size:1
# keybind = alt+four=goto_tab:4
# keybind = ctrl+insert=copy_to_clipboard
# keybind = ctrl+shift+e=new_split:down
# keybind = ctrl+alt+right=goto_split:right
# keybind = alt+f4=close_window
# keybind = alt+one=goto_tab:1
# keybind = ctrl+shift+enter=toggle_split_zoom
# keybind = shift+home=scroll_to_top
# keybind = super+ctrl+left_bracket=goto_split:previous
# keybind = ctrl+shift+i=inspector:toggle
# keybind = alt+six=goto_tab:6
# keybind = alt+seven=goto_tab:7
# Horizontal window padding. This applies padding between the terminal cells
# and the left and right window borders. The value is in points, meaning that
@ -1462,9 +1463,9 @@ window-width = 0
# Note: this is only supported on macOS and Linux GLFW builds. The GTK
# runtime does not support setting the window position (this is a limitation
# of GTK 4.0).
window-position-x =
# window-position-x =
window-position-y =
# window-position-y =
# Whether to enable saving and restoring window state. Window state includes
# their position, size, tabs, splits, etc. Some window state requires shell
# integration, such as preserving working directories. See `shell-integration`
@ -2285,7 +2286,7 @@ adw-toolbar-style = raised
# enable all toasts.
# This configuration only applies to GTK with Adwaita enabled.
adw-toast = clipboard-copy
# adw-toast = clipboard-copy
# If `true` (default), then the Ghostty GTK tabs will be "wide." Wide tabs
# are the new typical Gnome style where tabs fill their available space.
@ -2314,7 +2315,7 @@ gtk-adwaita = true
# not exist. If you want to include a file that begins with a literal ?
# character, surround the file path in double quotes (").
# The file size limit for a single stylesheet is 5MiB.
gtk-custom-css =
# gtk-custom-css =
# If `true` (default), applications running in the terminal can show desktop
# notifications using certain escape sequences such as OSC 9 or OSC 777.
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
palette = 0=#45475a
palette = 1=#f38ba8
palette = 2=#a6e3a1
palette = 3=#fab387
palette = 4=#74c7ec
palette = 5=#cba6f7
palette = 6=#f9e2af
palette = 8=#585b70
palette = 9=#f38ba8
palette = 10=#a6e3a1
palette = 11=#fab387
palette = 12=#74c7ec
palette = 13=#cba6f7
palette = 14=#f9e2af
palette = 15=#a6adc8
background = #1e1e2e
foreground = #cdd6f4
cursor-color = "#cdd6f4"
cursor-text = "#c6d0f5"
selection-background = #f9e2af
selection-foreground = #1e1e2e
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local config = wezterm.config_builder()
config.enable_wayland = true
config.enable_wayland = false
config.adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size = false
config.front_end = "OpenGL"
config.color_scheme = 'catppuccin-mocha-sapphire';
config.font_size = 12.0
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