diff --git a/modules/home-manager/eww/scripts/hypr-workspaces.bash b/modules/home-manager/eww/scripts/hypr-workspaces.bash index 3829c24..6c46e0b 100755 --- a/modules/home-manager/eww/scripts/hypr-workspaces.bash +++ b/modules/home-manager/eww/scripts/hypr-workspaces.bash @@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ workspaces() { focus "$num" done + # TODO: would be nice to have monitors' workspaces show up in left-to-right + # order as laid out in physical/pixel space + # this would make glancing at the workspace indicator more intuitive + # TODO: might be nice to exclude certain windows as counting towards "occupation" such as xwaylandvideobridge or w/e + # NOTE: maybe I can group workspaces by their monitor with some mechanism for "unassigned" workspace to show up by a "primary" monitor + # render eww widget echo "(eventbox :onscroll \"echo {} | sed -e 's/up/-1/g' -e 's/down/+1/g' | xargs hyprctl dispatch workspace\" \ (box :class \"workspaces\" :orientation \"h\" :spacing 0 :space-evenly \"true\" \