This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 541 additions and 128 deletions
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
"constraint valid_username check (username ~* '^[a-z\\d\\-_]{2,38}$')",
"user_token": {
"token": {
columns: [
"digest bytea not null unique",
"user_id uuid not null",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
additionalStatements: [
"create index team_data_type on user_token using hash ((data->'type'))",
"create index team_data_type on token using hash ((data->'type'))",
additionalTableStatements: [
'constraint fk_user foreign key(user_id) references "user"(id) on delete cascade',
@ -100,6 +100,110 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
'constraint fk_user foreign key(user_id) references "user"(id) on delete cascade',
"playlist": {
columns: [
"display_name text not null",
"team_id uuid not null",
additionalTableStatements: [
'constraint fk_team foreign key(team_id) references "team"(id) on delete cascade',
"display": {
columns: [
"display_name text default null",
"team_id uuid not null",
"is_frozen boolean default false",
"is_blanked boolean default false",
"playlist_id uuid not null",
"current_song_index integer default 0",
"current_verse_index integer default 0",
additionalTableStatements: [
// TODO: index timestamps?
'constraint fk_playlist foreign key(playlist_id) references "playlist"(id) on delete cascade',
"song": {
columns: [
"team_id uuid not null",
additionalTableStatements: [
// TODO: index timestamps?
'constraint fk_team foreign key(team_id) references "team"(id) on delete cascade',
"verse": {
columns: [
"display_name text default null",
"content text not null default ''",
"song_id uuid not null",
additionalTableStatements: [
'constraint fk_song foreign key(song_id) references "song"(id) on delete cascade',
"map": {
columns: [
"display_name text not null",
"song_id uuid not null",
additionalTableStatements: [
'constraint fk_song foreign key(song_id) references "song"(id) on delete cascade',
"map_verse": {
columns: [
"map_id uuid",
"verse_id uuid",
'"index" integer not null',
additionalTableStatements: [
// TODO: is there a way to enforce that both of these must have the same song_id?
'constraint fk_map foreign key(map_id) references "map"(id) on delete cascade',
'constraint fk_song foreign key(verse_id) references "verse"(id) on delete cascade',
additionalStatements: [
'create index map_verse_idx on "map_verse" (map_id) include (verse_id)',
'create index map_idx on "map_verse" (map_id)',
'create index verse_idx on "map_verse" (verse_id)',
'create unique index map_index_idx on "map_verse" (map_id) include ("index")',
"playlist_song": {
columns: [
"playlist_id uuid",
"song_id uuid",
"map_id uuid",
'"index" integer not null',
additionalTableStatements: [
// TODO: is there a way to enforce that playlist and song have the same team_id?
// TODO: is there a way to enforce that map.song_id is the same as song.id?
// TODO: if the map is deleted, do we really want to cascade it across playlists?
'constraint fk_playlist foreign key(playlist_id) references "playlist"(id) on delete cascade',
'constraint fk_song foreign key(song_id) references "song"(id) on delete cascade',
'constraint fk_map foreign key(map_id) references "map"(id) on delete cascade',
additionalStatements: [
'create index playlist_song_idx on "playlist_song" (playlist_id) include (song_id)',
'create index playlist_idx on "playlist_song" (playlist_id)',
'create index song_idx on "playlist_song" (song_id)',
'create unique index playlist_index_idx on "playlist_song" (playlist_id) include ("index")',
const createExtensions = extensions.map((s) =>
@ -128,11 +232,26 @@ ${(meta.additionalStatements || []).map((s) => `${s.trim()};`).join("\n")}
}).map((s) => s.trim()).join("\n\n");
const queryString = `
const cleanupQuery = `
try {
const setupResult = await queryArray(cleanupQuery);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Failed to run migration cleanup query:", { ...err });
throw err;
const queryString = `
@ -153,16 +272,15 @@ try {
try {
await Promise.all([
createNote({ content: "Hello, notes!" }),
username: "lytedev",
const [note, user] = await Promise.all([
createNote({ userId: null, content: "Hello, notes!" }),
username: "lytedev",
console.debug({ note, user });
} catch (err) {
console.log("Failed to run seed database:", { ...err });
throw err;
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import {
type TransactionOptions,
} from "https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.16.1/mod.ts";
import {
type QueryArguments,
@ -13,12 +15,14 @@ import * as base64 from "$std/encoding/base64.ts";
import { log } from "@/log.ts";
import {
type Identifiable,
type Display,
type Note,
type Playlist,
type Team,
type Timestamped,
type TeamUser,
type Token,
type TokenDigest,
type Ungenerated,
type User,
} from "@/types.ts";
@ -29,15 +33,53 @@ export { type QueryObjectResult };
const pool = new Pool(config.postgres.url, 3, true);
async function dbOp<T>(op: (connection: PoolClient) => Promise<T>) {
let result = null;
type QueryResult<T> = { rows: T[] } | null;
class NoRowsError<T> extends Error {
result: QueryResult<T>;
constructor(result: QueryResult<T>) {
const message = `No rows in query result: ${result}`;
this.result = result;
class TooManyRowsError<T> extends Error {
result: QueryResult<T>;
constructor(result: QueryResult<T>) {
const message = `Too many rows in query result: ${result}`;
this.result = result;
function someRows<T>(result: QueryResult<T>): T[] {
if (!result || result.rows.length < 1) {
throw new NoRowsError(result);
} else {
return result.rows;
function singleRow<T>(result: QueryResult<T>): T {
if (!result || result.rows.length < 1) throw new NoRowsError(result);
else if (result.rows.length > 1) throw new TooManyRowsError(result);
else return result.rows[0];
export async function dbOp<T>(
op: (connection: PoolClient) => Promise<T>,
): Promise<T> {
let result: T | null = null;
let exception = null;
try {
const connection = await pool.connect();
try {
result = await op(connection);
} catch (err) {
log.error("Error querying database:", { ...err });
log.error("Error querying database:", err, { ...err });
exception = err;
} finally {
@ -47,37 +89,54 @@ async function dbOp<T>(op: (connection: PoolClient) => Promise<T>) {
log.error("Error connecting to database:", err);
if (exception != null) throw exception;
if (result == null) {
throw "Database operation failed to properly load a result";
return result;
export async function queryObject<T>(
sql: string,
args?: QueryArguments,
connection?: PoolClient | Transaction,
): Promise<QueryObjectResult<T> | null> {
return await dbOp(async (connection) => {
console.debug(`queryObject: ${sql}`);
if (!connection) {
return await dbOp(async (connection) => {
return await queryObject(sql, args, connection);
} else {
const result = await connection.queryObject<T>({
camelcase: true,
text: sql.trim(),
log.debug("queryObject Result:", result);
return result;
export async function queryArray<T extends []>(
sql: string,
args?: QueryArguments,
connection?: PoolClient,
): Promise<QueryArrayResult<T> | null> {
return await dbOp(async (connection) =>
await connection.queryArray<T>({
console.debug(`queryArray: ${sql}`);
if (!connection) {
return await dbOp(async (connection) => {
return await queryArray<T>(sql, args, connection);
} else {
const result = await connection.queryArray<T>({
text: sql.trim(),
log.debug("queryArray Result:", result);
return result;
export async function listNotes(): Promise<Note[] | null> {
export async function listNotes(): Promise<(Note & User)[]> {
return someRows(
await queryObject<Note & User>(
'select u.username as user_username, u.display_name as user_display_name, n.* from note n left join "user" u on u.id = n.user_id order by n.created_at desc',
@ -87,7 +146,7 @@ export async function listNotes(): Promise<Note[] | null> {
export async function getNote(
id: string | { id: string },
): Promise<Note | null> {
): Promise<Note> {
const idVal = typeof id == "object" ? id.id : id;
log.debug("getNote id =", JSON.stringify(idVal));
return singleRow(
@ -98,8 +157,6 @@ export async function getNote(
type Ungenerated<T> = Omit<T, keyof Identifiable | keyof Timestamped>;
export async function createNote(
{ content, userId }: Ungenerated<Note>,
): Promise<Note | null> {
@ -111,44 +168,137 @@ export async function createNote(
export async function createUser(
{ username, passwordDigest }: Ungenerated<User>,
): Promise<[User | null, Team | null] | null> {
const result = singleRow(
await queryObject<{ teamId: string; userId: string }>(
export async function createTeamUser(
{ teamId, userId, status }: TeamUser,
transaction?: Transaction,
): Promise<TeamUser | null> {
return singleRow(
await queryObject<TeamUser>(
with new_user as (
insert into "user" (username, password_digest)
values ($username, $passwordDigest)
returning id as user_id
), new_team as (
insert into "team" (display_name)
values ($teamName)
returning id as team_id
insert into "team_user" (user_id, team_id, status)
values (
(select user_id from new_user),
(select team_id from new_team),
) returning user_id, team_id
{ username, passwordDigest, teamName: `${username}'s First Team` },
insert into "team_user" (user_id, team_id, status)
values (
) returning *`,
{ userId, teamId, status },
if (!result) return null;
const { userId, teamId } = result;
return await Promise.all([
getUser({ id: userId }),
getTeam({ id: teamId }),
export async function createTeam(
data: {
team: Ungenerated<Team>;
creator?: User;
transaction?: Transaction,
): Promise<Team> {
console.debug("createTeam tx:", transaction);
if (!transaction) {
return await wrapWithTransaction<Team>(
(t) => createTeam(data, t),
} else {
try {
const { team: { displayName }, creator } = data;
const team = singleRow(
await queryObject<Team>(
`insert into "team" (display_name) values ($displayName) returning *`,
{ displayName },
if (creator) {
await createTeamUser(
{ teamId: team.id, userId: creator.id, status: "owner" },
return team;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error creating team:", e);
throw e;
export async function wrapWithTransaction<T>(
transactionName: string,
callback: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<T>,
transactionOptions?: TransactionOptions,
): Promise<T> {
const result = await dbOp<T>(async (connection) => {
try {
const transaction = connection.createTransaction(
try {
await transaction.begin();
`started ${transactionName} tx with options ${
const result: T = await callback(transaction);
await transaction.commit();
return result;
} catch (e) {
await transaction.rollback();
console.error("Failed to complete transaction:", e);
throw e;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to create transaction");
throw e;
if (!result) throw "Failed to finish transactional database operation";
return result;
export async function createUser(
data: Ungenerated<User>,
transaction?: Transaction,
): Promise<User> {
if (!transaction) {
return await wrapWithTransaction<User>(
(t) => createUser(data, t),
} else {
try {
const { username, passwordDigest } = data;
const user = singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
`insert into "user" (username, password_digest)
values ($username, $passwordDigest)
returning *`,
{ username, passwordDigest },
await createTeam({
team: { displayName: `${username}'s First Team` },
creator: user,
}, transaction);
return user;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error creating user:", e);
throw e;
const TOKEN_SIZE = 32;
export async function createToken(
token: Omit<Ungenerated<Token>, "digest">,
): Promise<Token | null> {
): Promise<Token> {
const intermediateToken: Partial<Token> = { ...token };
if (!intermediateToken.bytes) {
intermediateToken.bytes = new Uint8Array(TOKEN_SIZE);
@ -169,15 +319,14 @@ export async function createToken(
const result = singleRow(
await queryObject<Token>(
insert into "user_token" (digest, user_id, data)
insert into "token" (digest, user_id, data)
values ($digest, $userId, $data)
returning *
if (result) return { ...intermediateToken, ...result };
return null;
return { ...intermediateToken, ...result };
export async function deleteToken(
@ -185,52 +334,63 @@ export async function deleteToken(
) {
const digest = sha256(base64.decode(token));
return await queryObject(
delete from user_token where digest = $1
`delete from "token" where digest = $1`,
export async function getToken(token: TokenDigest): Promise<Token | null> {
export async function getToken(token: TokenDigest): Promise<Token> {
const digest = sha256(base64.decode(token));
return singleRow(
await queryObject(
select * from user_token where digest = $1
`select * from "token" where digest = $1`,
export async function getUser(
{ id, username }: Partial<User>,
): Promise<User | null> {
if (!id && !username) throw "getUser called without id or username";
const column = id ? "id" : "username";
return singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
`select * from "user" where "${column}" = $1`,
[id || username],
idOrUsername: { id: string } | { username: string } | string,
): Promise<User> {
if (typeof idOrUsername == "string") {
try {
return singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
`select * from "user" where "id" = $1`,
} catch (_) {
return singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
`select * from "user" where "username" = $1`,
} else {
const column = "id" in idOrUsername ? "id" : "username";
return singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
`select * from "user" where "${column}" = $1`,
[(idOrUsername as { id?: string; username?: string })[column]],
export async function getUserFromNonExpiredLoginToken(
token: TokenDigest,
): Promise<User | null> {
): Promise<User> {
// TODO: if the token has expired, return a specific error?
const digest = sha256(base64.decode(token));
return singleRow(
await queryObject<User>(
select u.* from "user_token" ut
`select u.* from "token" ut
left join "user" u on u.id = ut.user_id
where ut."digest" = $1
and ut."data"->>'type' = 'login'
and now() < (ut.created_at + '14 days'::interval)
and now() < (ut.created_at + '14 days'::interval)`,
@ -238,7 +398,7 @@ export async function getUserFromNonExpiredLoginToken(
export async function getTeam(
{ id }: Partial<Team>,
): Promise<Team | null> {
): Promise<Team> {
return singleRow(
await queryObject<Team>(
`select * from "team" where "id" = $1`,
@ -247,19 +407,31 @@ export async function getTeam(
function someRows<T>(result: { rows: T[] } | null): T[] | null {
if (!result || result.rows.length < 1) return null;
else return result.rows;
export async function getUserTeams(
{ id }: Partial<User>,
): Promise<Team[]> {
return someRows(
await queryObject<Team>(
`select t.* from "team" t
left join "team_user" tu on t.id = tu.team_id
where tu."user_id" = $1`,
export async function getTeamUsers(
{ id }: Partial<Team>,
): Promise<User[]> {
return someRows(
await queryObject<User>(
`select u.* from "user" u
left join "team_user" tu on u.id = tu.user_id
where tu."team_id" = $1`,
function singleRow<T>(result: { rows: T[] } | null): T | null {
if (!result || result.rows.length < 1) return null;
else if (result.rows.length > 1) {
"This singleRow result brought back more than 1 row:",
return null;
} else return result.rows[0];
// export async function createDisplay(display: Ungenerated<Display>, transaction?: Transaction) {
// display
// }
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import * as $17 from "./routes/plain.ts";
import * as $18 from "./routes/register.tsx";
import * as $19 from "./routes/route-config-example.tsx";
import * as $20 from "./routes/search.tsx";
import * as $21 from "./routes/team/[id].tsx";
import * as $22 from "./routes/user/[id].tsx";
import * as $$0 from "./islands/Countdown.tsx";
import * as $$1 from "./islands/Counter.tsx";
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ const manifest = {
"./routes/register.tsx": $18,
"./routes/route-config-example.tsx": $19,
"./routes/search.tsx": $20,
"./routes/team/[id].tsx": $21,
"./routes/user/[id].tsx": $22,
islands: {
"./islands/Countdown.tsx": $$0,
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"imports": {
"@/": "./",
"$std/": "https://deno.land/std@0.158.0/",
"$freshbranch/": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lytedev/fresh/v1.1.2-df/",
"$fresh/": "../fresh/",
"$fresh/": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lytedev/fresh/v1.1.2-df/",
"$freshrel/": "../fresh/",
"preact": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.11.0",
"preact/": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.11.0/",
"preact-render-to-string": "https://esm.sh/*preact-render-to-string@5.2.4",
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { type AppProps, Handlers } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { type PublicUser } from "@/types.ts";
import { type AppProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { type ContextState } from "@/types.ts";
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ export default function App(
<h1 class="text-2xl">LyricScreen</h1>
<a tabIndex={11} href="/note" class={NAV_ITEM_CLASSES}>Notes</a>
{contextState.user ? UserNavItems() : LoginNavItems()}
{contextState?.user ? UserNavItems() : LoginNavItems()}
<main class="p-2">
@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ async function currentUser(
const { lsauth } = getCookies(request.headers);
log.debug("lsauth cookie:", lsauth);
if (lsauth) {
const user = await getUserFromNonExpiredLoginToken(lsauth);
if (!user) hasBadAuthCookie = true;
else {
context.state.user = toPublicUser(user);
try {
context.state.user = toPublicUser(
await getUserFromNonExpiredLoginToken(lsauth),
} catch (e) {
hasBadAuthCookie = true;
const resp = await context.next();
@ -1,27 +1,49 @@
// import { getToken, getUser } from "@/db/mod.ts";
// import * as base64 from "$std/encoding/base64.ts";
import { getUserTeams } from "@/db/mod.ts";
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { type ContextState } from "@/types.ts";
import { type ContextState, type PublicUser, type Team } from "@/types.ts";
interface DashboardProps {
user: PublicUser;
teams: Team[];
export const handler: Handlers<unknown, ContextState> = {
async GET(_request: Request, context) {
return await context.render(context.state.user);
if (context.state.user?.id) {
const teams = await getUserTeams(context.state.user) || [];
return await context.render({ user: context.state.user, teams });
return await context.render();
export default function Dashboard({ data }: PageProps) {
export default function Page(
{ data }: PageProps<DashboardProps | undefined>,
) {
if (data) {
return You(data);
return Dashboard(data);
} else {
return LoginRequired();
function You(data: unknown) {
function Dashboard({ teams, user }: DashboardProps) {
return (
You are <pre>{JSON.stringify(data)}</pre>.
<h2 class="text-4xl mb-2">
Hello, {(user.displayName || user.username).trim()}!
<h3 class="text-lg">
Which team are we working with today?
{teams.map((team) => (
<li key={team.id}>
<a href={`/team/${team.id}`}>{team.displayName}</a>
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import { Handlers } from "$fresh/server.ts";
// import { getToken, getUser } from "@/db/mod.ts";
// import * as base64 from "$std/encoding/base64.ts";
import { deleteCookie, getCookies } from "$std/http/cookie.ts";
import { deleteToken } from "@/db/mod.ts";
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { createUser, PostgresError } from "@/db/mod.ts";
import { hash } from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.4.1/mod.ts";
type UserId = string;
interface RegistrationError {
message: string;
export const handler: Handlers<UserID | RegistrationError | null> = {
export const handler: Handlers<UserId | RegistrationError | null> = {
async POST(request, context) {
const formData = (await request.formData());
const username = formData.get("username");
@ -20,14 +22,10 @@ export const handler: Handlers<UserID | RegistrationError | null> = {
const passwordDigest = await hash(password.toString());
try {
const result = await createUser({
const user = await createUser({
username: username.toString(),
if (!result) throw "insert failed";
const [user, _team] = result;
if (!user) throw "insert failed";
return await context.render(user.id);
} catch (err) {
if (
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ export const handler: Handlers<UserID | RegistrationError | null> = {
export default function Register(
{ data: userId }: PageProps<UserID | RegistrationError | null>,
{ data: userId }: PageProps<UserId | RegistrationError | null>,
) {
if (typeof userId == "string") {
return RegistrationSuccessful(userId);
@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ export default function Register(
function RegistrationSuccessful(_userId: UserID) {
function RegistrationSuccessful(_userId: UserId) {
return (
You're all signed up! Let's go <a href="/login">log in</a>!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { getTeam, getTeamUsers } from "@/db/mod.ts";
import { type Team, type User } from "@/types.ts";
interface TeamPageProps {
team: Team;
users: User[];
export const handler: Handlers<TeamPageProps> = {
async GET(request, context) {
const { id } = context.params;
console.debug({ request, context });
try {
const team = await getTeam({ id });
const users = await getTeamUsers(team) || [];
return await context.render({ team, users });
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error handling team page for ID '${id}'`, e);
return await context.renderNotFound();
export default function Team(
{ data: { team: { createdAt, displayName }, users } }: PageProps<
) {
return (
<a href="/dashboard">Back to dashboard</a>
<h1>{displayName} - created {createdAt.toLocaleString()}</h1>
<h1 class="mt-4">Team Members</h1>
{users.map((user) => (
<li key={user.id}>
<a href={`/user/${user.id}`}>
{(user.displayName || user.username).trim()}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { getUser } from "@/db/mod.ts";
import { type Team, type User } from "@/types.ts";
interface UserPageProps {
user: User;
export const handler: Handlers<UserPageProps> = {
async GET(request, context) {
console.debug({ request, context });
const user = await getUser({ id: context.params.id });
if (!user) throw "unable to fetch from database";
return await context.render({ user });
export default function Team(
{ data: { user: { username, createdAt, displayName } } }: PageProps<
) {
return (
{(displayName || username).trim()} - joined {createdAt.toLocaleString()}
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ export default {
"::-moz-focus-inner": { border: 0 },
"body input, body textarea": input,
"body button, body input[type=submit]": button,
"body ul": apply`list-disc ml-4`,
"body a":
apply`rounded ${focusRing} text-blue(600 700(hover:&) dark:(400 300(hover:&))`,
@ -48,7 +48,30 @@ export interface Token extends Created {
/** 32 bytes base64-encoded */
export type TokenDigest = string;
export interface ContextState {
export interface ContextState extends Record<string, unknown> {
user?: PublicUser;
something?: string;
export type TeamUserStatus = "invited" | "accepted" | "owner";
export interface TeamUser {
userId: IdentifierFor<User>;
teamId: IdentifierFor<Team>;
status: TeamUserStatus;
export interface Playlist extends Identifiable, Timestamped {
displayName: string;
teamId: IdentifierFor<Team>;
export interface Display extends Identifiable, Timestamped {
displayName: string;
teamId: IdentifierFor<Team>;
playlistId: IdentifierFor<Playlist>;
isFrozen: boolean;
isBlanked: boolean;
currentSongIndex: number;
currentVerseIndex: number;
export type Ungenerated<T> = Omit<T, keyof Identifiable | keyof Timestamped>;
Add table
Reference in a new issue