Login and default team
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 154 additions and 24 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const id = "id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4()";
interface TableSpec {
columns: string[];
additionalTableStatements?: string[];
additionalStatements?: string[];
prepStatements?: string[];
@ -18,22 +19,32 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
columns: [id, "content text not null", ...timestamps],
"user": {
prepStatements: [
"drop type if exists user_status",
"create type user_status as enum ('unverified', 'verified', 'owner', 'superadmin')",
columns: [
"username text not null unique",
"hashed_password text not null",
"name text",
"status user_status not null",
"display_name text",
"user_token": {
columns: [
"team": {
columns: [
"name text not null",
"display_name text not null",
additionalStatements: [
'create index name_idx on team ("name")',
'create index display_name_idx on team ("display_name")',
"team_user": {
@ -44,9 +55,13 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
columns: [
"team_id uuid",
"user_id uuid",
"status team_user_status",
"status team_user_status not null",
additionalTableStatements: [
'constraint fk_team foreign key(team_id) references "team"(id) on delete cascade',
'constraint fk_user foreign key(user_id) references "user"(id) on delete cascade',
additionalStatements: [
"create index team_user_idx on team_user (team_id) include (user_id)",
"create index team_idx on team_user (team_id)",
@ -56,19 +71,51 @@ const tables: Record<string, TableSpec> = {
const tableStatements = Object.entries(tables).map(([name, meta]) => `
const dropTables = Object.entries(tables).reverse().map(([name, _meta]) =>
`drop table if exists "${name}";`
const createTables = Object.entries(tables).map(([name, meta]) => `
-- CREATE TABLE ${name}
${(meta.prepStatements || []).map((s) => `${s};`).join("\n")}
-- TABLE ${name}
drop table if exists "${name}";
create table "${name}" (
${meta.columns.join(",\n ")}
${meta.columns.concat(meta.additionalTableStatements || []).join(",\n ")}
${(meta.additionalStatements || []).map((s) => `${s};`).join("\n")}
`).map((s) => s.trim()).join("\n\n");
const queryString = `
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
${tableStatements.map((s) => s.trim()).join("\n\n")}
with new_user as (
insert into "user" (username, hashed_password, status)
values ('lytedev', '$2a$10$9fyDAOz6H4a393KHyjbvIe1WFxbhCJhq/CZmlXcEg4d1bE9Ey25WW', 'superadmin')
returning id as user_id
), new_team as (
insert into "team" (display_name)
values ('superadmins')
returning id as team_id
insert into "team_user" (user_id, team_id, status)
values (
(select user_id from new_user),
(select team_id from new_team),
const result = await query(queryString);
await query(queryString);
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export { PostgresError };
export { type QueryObjectResult };
const databaseUrl = Deno.env.get("DATABASE_URL") ||
const pool = new Pool(databaseUrl, 3, true);
export async function query<T>(
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"tasks": {
"start": "deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts"
"start": "deno run -A --watch=. dev.ts"
"importMap": "./import_map.json",
"compilerOptions": {
@ -1,8 +1,76 @@
import { Page } from "../components/Page.tsx";
import { HandlerContext, Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { compare } from "https://deno.land/x/bcrypt@v0.4.1/mod.ts";
import { Page } from "@/components/Page.tsx";
import { query } from "../db.ts";
export default function Login() {
type UserID = string;
interface LoginError {
message: string;
async function invalidLogin<LoginError>(context: HandlerContext<LoginError>) {
return await context.render({ message: "Invalid login" } as LoginError);
export const handler: Handlers<UserID | LoginError | null> = {
async POST(request: Request, context) {
const formData = (await request.formData());
const username = formData.get("username");
const password = formData.get("password");
if (!username) {
return await context.render({ message: "no username provided" });
if (!password) {
return await context.render({ message: "no password provided" });
const result = await query<
{ id: string; username: string; hashed_password: string }
`select * from "user" where username = $1`,
if (result == null || result.rows.length < 1) {
return await invalidLogin(context);
const { rows: [{ id, hashed_password }] } = result;
if (await compare(password.toString(), hashed_password)) {
return await context.render(id);
} else {
return await invalidLogin(context);
export default function Login({ data }: PageProps) {
if (typeof data == "string") {
return LoginSuccessful(data);
} else {
return LoginForm(data);
function LoginSuccessful(_userId: UserID) {
return (
You are now logged in. Let's go to your{" "}
<a href="/dashboard">dashboard</a>!
function LoginForm(props?: LoginError | null) {
return (
{props != null &&
<p class="text-red-500">
<strong>Error</strong>: {props.message}
<h1 class="text-4xl mb-4 outline-white">
Log in to your account
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { query } from "../db.ts";
import { Page } from "../components/Page.tsx";
import { query } from "@/db.ts";
import { Page } from "@/components/Page.tsx";
interface Note {
id: string;
@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ interface Note {
export const handler: Handlers<Note[]> = {
async GET(request, context) {
console.debug({ request, context });
async GET(_request, context) {
const result = await query("select * from note order by created_at desc");
if (result == null) throw "unable to fetch from database";
const notes = result.rows as Note[];
return await context.render(notes);
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export const handler: Handlers<UserID | RegistrationError | null> = {
const formData = (await request.formData());
const username = formData.get("username");
const password = formData.get("password");
// TODO: verify that username conforms to some regex? no spaces?
if (!username) {
return await context.render({ message: "no username provided" });
@ -22,13 +23,29 @@ export const handler: Handlers<UserID | RegistrationError | null> = {
const hashed_password = await hash(password.toString());
try {
const result = await query<{ id: string }>(
`insert into "user" (username, hashed_password) values ($1, $2) returning id`,
[username, hashed_password],
const result = await query<{ user_id: string }>(
with new_user as (
insert into "user" (username, hashed_password, status)
values ($username, $hashed_password, 'unverified')
returning id as user_id
), new_team as (
insert into "team" (display_name)
values ($team_name)
returning id as team_id
insert into "team_user" (user_id, team_id, status)
values (
(select user_id from new_user),
(select team_id from new_team),
) returning user_id
{ username, hashed_password, team_name: `${username}'s First Team` },
if (!result) throw "insert failed";
const { rows: [{ id }] } = result;
const { rows: [{ user_id: id }] } = result;
return await context.render(id);
} catch (err) {
if (
Add table
Reference in a new issue