# home-k8s-cluster This repository contains the configuration, scripts, and other goodies for building and managing my home cluster. I share the source with you so you can make exactly the same mistakes as I do. ## Setup Setup the pre-commit hooks before you change anything! ``` pip install pre-commit pre-commit install --install-hooks pre-commit autoupdate ``` ## Provision Machines Before we interact with the cluster, we have some manual work to do. ### Manual Preparation - Currently, my nodes are Arch Linux machines on bare metal - Nodes must be ready to be controlled via Ansible - Have `python3` installed - Need to be `ssh`-able from a controller (my workstation) - `curl -L files.lyte.dev/key.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys` **TODO**: script this? maybe custom ISO+PXEBoot? Talos+Sidero? ### Automated Provisioning - Setup Ansible on the controller (from `./ansible`) - `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force` - Verify Ansible can reach hosts (from `./ansible`) - `ansible all -i inventory/hosts.yml --list-hosts` - `ansible all -i inventory/hosts.yml -m ping` - Use Ansible to build the cluster as configured on all nodes (from `./ansible`) - `ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml ./build-k3s-cluster` And the cluster is up! If you want to interact with it from your controller, you can do this: ```bash ansible -i ansible/inventory/hosts.yml $REMOTE_HOST -m fetch \ -a "src=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml dest=./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml flat=yes" # TODO: this did not work for me # env KUBECONFIG="~/.kube/config:./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml" \ # kubectl config view --flatten | sed "s/$REMOTE_HOST/" > ~/.kube/new-config ``` - Copy the cluster information from the `./k3s-cluster-config.kubeconfig.yaml` file into your existing `~/.kube/config` (or just copy it there if it doesn't exist) - You will need to edit the host from `localhost`/`` to the correct host ### Automated Teardown ```bash ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml ./nuke-k3s-cluster ``` ## Setting up Flux -