[recipes] #Stew pot cooking mininum time in ticks #Range: > 1 potCookMinTicks = 100 #Stew pot mixture mininum time in ticks #Range: > 1 potMixMinTicks = 50 #Pan frying mininum time in ticks #Range: > 1 fryMinTicks = 100 #Tick interval between container input check #Range: > 1 containTick = 10 [chimney] #How many ticks does a chimney pot needed to make a soot ChimneySootTicks = 80 #Interval in ticks for a chimney to check it's validity #Range: > 1 ChimneyCheckTicks = 20 #Max soot stored in a chimney #Range: 1 ~ 64 ChimneySootStorage = 8 [stoves] #How many ticks should the stove pause burning when work is done StovePauseTimer = 100 #Stove fuel value multiplier StoveFuelMultiplier = 1.0 [fumarole] #Interval in ticks for a fumarole vent to generate pumice bloom #Range: > 1 FumaroleTicks = 100 #Interval in ticks for a fumarole vent to check its heat source #Range: > 1 FumaroleCheckTicks = 20 #Fumarole heat value, set to 0 to disable fumarole heat. #Range: > 0 FumaroleHeat = 1 [hypocast] #Actual expectation of experience per tick is change x exp #How many exp add to bathing play when conditions meet, set 0 to disable #Range: > 0 BathExperience = 1 #The chance add the exp to player per tick per caliduct block #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 BathGetExpChance = 0.004999999888241291 #Interval for bath heat check #Range: > 1 BathHeatTicks = 20 #Interval for wolf statue heat check #Range: > 1 WolfTicks = 10 #Firebox heat conduct radius #Range: > 0 FireboxRadius = 4 #Strict player in water check, player must be in water to get bonus. StrictInWaterCheck = true [misc] #Super secret special content specialContents = true #Add manual to player on start addManual = false [compat] [compat.diet] #You would only need to modify this when diet mod installed, otherwist this does not take effect #Benefitial diet value modifier for cooking food into stew benefitialModifier = 1.2 #Harmful diet value modifier for cooking food into stew harmfulModifier = 0.8