[Theater] [Theater.placement] # # The average distance between structures of this type, measured in chunks. # Default: 40 #Range: > 1 spacing = 40 # # A random offset applied to spacing. Values closer to 0 produce a grid effect while values closer to spacing are more random. # Default: 35 #Range: > 0 offset = 35 # # Percent chance of generating in an allowed chunk. # Default: 50 #Range: 0 ~ 100 probability = 50 [Theater.structures] [Theater.structures.structure] [Theater.structures.structure.biomes] # # A filter for which biomes this structure should generate in. Entries are formatted as follows: # - Biome: "minecraft:plains" # - Tag: "#minecraft:is_forest" # - Prefix an entry with ! to exclude it: "!#minecraft:is_ocean" # Example: ["#minecraft:is_forest", "!minecraft:flower_forest"] This will include all biomes tagged as forests except for flower forests. # Default: ["minecraft:dark_forest"] biomes = ["minecraft:dark_forest"]