[General] #Show additional information in the tooltip of certain items and blocks beginnerTooltips = false #By default, mega torches only block natural spawns (i.e. from low light levels). Setting this to false will also block spawns from spawners blockOnlyNaturalSpawns = true #If this setting is enabled, the mega torch will block all natural spawn attempts from Lycanites Mobs in its radius lycanitesMobsBlockAll = true #If this setting is enabled, the mega torch will block village sieges from zombies blockVillageSieges = true #The radius of the mega torch in each direction (cube) with the torch at its center #Range: > 0 megaTorchRadius = 64 #The radius of the dread lamp in each direction (cube) with the torch at its center #Range: > 0 dreadLampRadius = 64 #Use this setting to override the internal lists for entity blocking #You can use this to block more entities or even allow certain entities to still spawn #The + prefix will add the entity to the list, effectivly denying its spawns #The - prefix will remove the entity from the list (if necessary), effectivly allowing its spawns #Note: Each entry needs to be put in quotes! Multiple Entries should be separated by comma. #Block zombies: "+minecraft:zombie" #Allow creepers: "-minecraft:creeper" megaTorchEntityBlockListOverrides = [] #Same as the mega torch block list override, just for the dread lamp #Block squid: +minecraft:squid #Allow pigs: -minecraft:pig dreadLampEntityBlockListOverrides = [] #The radius in which the feral flare should try to place lights #Range: 1 ~ 127 feralFlareRadius = 16 #Controls how often the flare should try to place lights. 1 means every tick, 10 every 10th tick, etc #Range: > 1 feralFlareTickRate = 5 #The target minimum light level to place lights for #Range: 0 ~ 15 feralFlareMinLightLevel = 10 #The maximum amount of invisble lights a feral flare lantern can place. Set to 0 to disable light placement. #Warning: Setting this value too high in conjunction with the feralFlareMinLightLevel and Radius can lead to world corruption! #(Badly compressed packet error) #Range: 0 ~ 32767 feralFlareLanternLightCountHardcap = 255 #Durability of the frozen pearl. Each removed light will remove one charge from the pearl. Set to 0 to disable durability #Range: 0 ~ 32767 frozenPearlDurability = 1024 #Print entity spawn checks to the debug log logSpawnChecks = false #Configures the spawn check to be more aggressive, effectivly overriding the CheckSpawn results of other mods aggressiveSpawnChecks = false