#Easy to access switches to toggle newer features on and off. #Most of them requires server restart or datapack reload. All of them, actually. [features] #For those who wants to remove entirety of Spirit Orbs generated from chests, more specifically... # * Spirit Orbs generated in various chests # * Spirit Orbs dropped by spawners and such #Note that bargain recipe for Heart Containers/Stamina Vessels will persist, even if this option is disabled. spiritOrbGens = true #For those who wants to remove entirety of Heart Containers from the game, more specifically... # * Heart Containers obtained by "challenges" (i.e. Killing dragon, wither, raid) # * Bargains using Heart Containers (custom recipes won't be affected) #Note that if this option is disabled while staminaVessels is enabled, "challenges" will drop stamina vessels instead. heartContainers = true #For those who wants to remove entirety of Stamina Vessels from the game, more specifically... # * Bargains using Stamina Vessels (custom recipes won't be affected) staminaVessels = true #For those who wants to remove all structures added by this mod. Requires restart. structures = true [debug] debugPlayerMovement = false traceMovementPacket = false traceParaglidingPacket = false traceVesselPacket = false