#Time in seconds for which a golden lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 golden_lasso_time = 120 #Time in seconds for which a creative lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 creative_lasso_time = -1 #Time interval in seconds after which the player is hurt by half a heart for carrying any hostile lasso containing a monster. #Set to -1 to disable. #Range: > -1 hostile_damage_rate = 5 #Time in seconds for which a diamond lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 diamond_lasso_time = -1 #Time in seconds for which an emerald lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 emerald_lasso_time = 300 #Percentage of its total health or less a hostile mob must have in order for a hostile lasso to be able to pick it up. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 hostile_mob_health = 0.5 #The percentage each level of the holding enchantment will increase a lasso's holding time by. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 holding_multiplier = 0.2 #Time in seconds for which an aqua lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 aqua_lasso_time = 240 #Time in seconds for which a hostile lasso is able to hold a mob. #Set to -1 to disable the timer. #Range: > -1 hostile_lasso_time = 180 #The chance for a villager to accept a contract allowing it to be captured by an emerald lasso. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 villager_accepts_contract_chance = 0.2