##################################################################################### #Client-side properties ##################################################################################### [cyclic] ##################################################################################### #Block Rendering properties. Color MUST have one # symbol and then six spots after so #000000 up to #FFFFFF ##################################################################################### [cyclic.blocks] [cyclic.blocks.text] #True means this will hide the fluid contents chat message (right click) on relevant blocks (pylon, fluid generator, fluid hopper, solidifier, sprinkler, tank, cask) FluidContents = true [cyclic.blocks.colors] #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #00EE00 harvester = "#00EE00" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #11BB00 forester = "#11BB00" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #444044 collector_item = "#444044" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #AA0011 dropper = "#AA0011" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #00AA00 detector_item = "#00AA00" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #404040 peat_farm = "#404040" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #444044 collector_fluid = "#444044" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #0000AA miner = "#0000AA" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #FF0000 structure = "#FF0000" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #00FF00 detector_entity = "#00FF00" ##################################################################################### #Item Rendering properties. Color MUST have one # symbol and then six spots after so #000000 up to #FFFFFF ##################################################################################### [cyclic.items] [cyclic.items.colors] #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #FFC800 shape_data = "#FFC800" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #0000FF replace_scepter = "#FFFF00" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #0000FF offset_scepter = "#00FF00" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #0000FF build_scepter = "#0000FF" #Specify hex color of preview mode for the GPS data card. default #0000FF location = "#0000FF" #Specify hex color of preview mode. default #0000FF randomize_scepter = "#00EE00"