#Affects how common artifacts are (does not affect mimics) #When this is 1, the default artifact spawn rates will be used #Values higher that 1 will decrease spawn rates while values lower than 1 will increase spawn rates #Doubling this value will (roughly) halve the chance a container contains an artifact #Setting this to 10000 will completely prevent artifacts from spawning #When set to 0, every container that can contain artifacts will contain an artifact #Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 artifact_rarity = 1.0 [campsite] #Probability that a campsite has a mimic instead of a chest #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 mimic_chance = 0.3 #Whether to use wooden chests from other mods when generating campsites #(keeping this enabled may make it easier to distinguish them from mimics) use_modded_chests = true #Affects the amount of campsites generating in the world #This is the amount of times a campsite attempts to generate in each chunk #The actual amount of campsites per chunk is lower than this value, since not every attempt at generating a campsite is successful #Set this to 0 to prevent campsites from generating entirely #Range: > 0 count = 4 #Rarity of campsites generating in the world #You don't need this unless you want to make campsites rarer than 1 attempt per chunk #Each attempt to generate a campsite will succeed with a chance of 1/rarity #Range: > 1 rarity = 1 #The minimum y-level campsites can spawn at #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 min_y = -60 #The maximum y-level campsites can spawn at #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 max_y = 40 #After choosing an initial position between min_y and max_y, a downwards scan will be performed to find a suitable non-air block to place the campsite on #(This means campsites can spawn slightly below min_y) #The scan range is the amount of blocks downwards to search for #If no suitable location is found, no campsite will spawn #Range: 1 ~ 4096 scan_range = 8 #The maximum amount of air blocks above a campsite #To prevent too many campsites from spawning in large, open caves, campsites will not spawn if the cave ceiling in a candidate location is higher than this value #Set this to 0 to allow campsites to be placed regardless of ceiling height #Range: 0 ~ 4096 max_ceiling_height = 6