"Enable Wither" = true "Enable Ender Dragon" = true "Enable Elder Guardian" = true [Wither] #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities "Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true #How difficulty is handled for the Wither. "Enable Difficulty Settings" = true #Wither will spawn deadly Minions "Enable Minions" = true #Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder "Enable Attack" = true #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn. "Enable Health" = true #Bonus Experience and Drops "Enable Rewards" = true #Handles various small features, such as the explosion "Enable Misc" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities [Wither."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"] #Percentage Melee Damage Reduction (at max difficulty) while the Wither is above half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage reduction above half health" = 0.24 #Cap for 'Melee Damage reduction above half health' #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Max Melee Damage reduction before half health" = 0.24 #Percentage Melee Damage Reduction (at max difficulty) as the Wither drops below half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.48 #Cap for 'Melee Damage Reduction below half health' #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Max Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.48 #Bonus magic damage based off missing health. 250 means that every 250 missing health the damage will be amplified by 100%. E.g. The first Wither (with 300 max health) is at 50 health (so it's missing 250hp), on magic damage he will receive 'magic_damage * (missing_health / magic_damage_bonus + 1)' = 'magic_damage * (250 / 250 + 1)' = 'magic_damage * 2'. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 "Magic Damage Bonus" = 250.0 #How difficulty is handled for the Wither. [Wither."Difficulty Settings"] #The Maximum difficulty (times spawned) reachable by Wither. #Range: > 1 "Max Difficulty" = 8 #How much difficulty will players start with when joining a world? Note that this will apply when the first Wither is spawned so if the player has already spawned one this will not apply. #Range: > 0 "Starting Difficulty" = 0 #How much blocks from wither will be scanned for players to check for difficulty #Range: > 16 "Spawn Radius Player Check" = 128 #If false and there's more than 1 player around the Wither, difficulty will be the average of all the players' difficulty instead of summing them. "Sum Spawned Wither Difficulty" = false #Percentage bonus difficulty added to the Wither when more than one player is present. Each player past the first one will add this percentage to the difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25 #Set to false to disable the first Wither summoned message. "Show First Summoned Wither Message" = true #Entities that extend the vanilla Wither but shouldn't be taken into account by the mod (e.g. Botania's Pink Wither). [Wither."Difficulty Settings"."Entity Blacklist"] Blacklist = ["botania:pink_wither"] #If true the list will be treated as a whitelist instead of blacklist "List as Whitelist" = false #Wither will spawn deadly Minions [Wither.Minions] #At which difficulty the Wither starts spawning Minions #Range: > 0 "Minion at Difficulty" = 1 #As the Wither starts spawning Minions, every how much difficulty the Wither will spawn one more Minion #Range: > 0 "Bonus Minion Every Difficulty" = 1 #Maximum Minions spawned by the Wither #Range: > 0 "Max Minions Spawned" = 6 #Maximum amount of Minions that can be around the Wither in a 16 block radius. After this number is reached the Wither will stop spawning minions. Set to 0 to disable this check #Range: > 0 "Max Minions Around" = 18 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 400 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 800 #Min and Max cooldowns are multiplied by this value when the Wither drops below half health. Set to 1 to not change the cooldown when the wither's health drops below half. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Cooldown Multiplier Below Half Health" = 0.5 #Percentage bonus speed at max difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Movement Speed Per Difficulty" = 0.25 #Wither Minions will take magic damage multiplied by this value. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Magic Damage Taken Multiplier" = 3.0 #Wither Minions will die when the Wither that summoned them dies. "Kill Minions on Wither Death" = true [Wither.Minions.Equipment] #Chance for the Wither Minion to spawn with a bow instead of a Stone Sword when Wither's above Half Health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bow Chance Above Half Health" = 0.6 #Chance for the Wither Minion to spawn with a bow instead of a Stone Sword when Wither's below Half Health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bow Chance Below Half Health" = 0.08 [Wither.Minions.Equipment.Enchantments] #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Sword to be enchanted with Sharpness. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 127.0 "Sharpness Chance" = 2.4 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Sword to be enchanted with Knockback. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 127.0 "Knockback Chance" = 2.4 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Bow to be enchanted with Power. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 127.0 "Power Chance" = 3.2 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Bow to be enchanted with Punch. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 127.0 "Punch Chance" = 1.5 #Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder [Wither.Attack] #How much experience will an Elder Guardian drop. -1 will make the Elder Guardian drop vanilla experience. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Increased Damage" = 0.96 #Wither Skull Projectiles speed will be multiplied by this value. Set to 1 to not change the speed. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Skull Velocity Multiplier" = 2.5 [Wither.Attack."Charge attack"] #Chance every time the Wither takes damage to start a charge attack. Lower health and more damage taken increases the chance. #This value is the chance at 0% health and when taking 10 damage. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 Chance = 0.06 #Base damage of the charge attack. Increased by 'Increased Damage' config option. #Range: 0.0 ~ 50.0 "Base Damage" = 16.0 [Wither.Attack."Barrage Attack"] #Chance (at max difficulty) every time the Wither takes damage to start a barrage attack. More damage taken increases the chance. #This value is the chance when taking 10 damage. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 Chance = 0.075 #Min time (in ticks) for the duration of the barrage attack. Less health = longer barrage. #Range: > 0 "Min Duration" = 20 #Max time (in ticks) for the duration of the barrage attack. Less health = longer barrage #Range: > 0 "Max Duration" = 150 [Wither.Attack."Attack Speed"] #Every how many ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) the middle head will fire a projectile to the target. #Range: > 1 Interval = 35 #The middle head will attack faster (up to this bonus percentage) the nearer the target is to the Wither. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bonus when near" = 0.6 #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn. [Wither.Health] #Increase Wither's Health by this value at max difficulty (scales accordingly at lower difficulties) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 720.0 #Maximum bonus regeneration per second given by "Bonus Regeneration". #Set to 0 to disable bonus health regeneration. This doesn't affect the natural regeneration of the Wither (1 Health per Second). #Note that this bonus health regen is disabled when Wither's health is between 49% and 50% to prevent making it impossible to approach when reaches half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 2.0 #How many half hearts will the Wither regen at max difficulty. This is added to the natural regeneration of the Wither (1 Health per Second). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Regeneration" = 2.4 #Bonus regeneration will be multiplied by this ratio when the Wither has been hit in the last 3 seconds. #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 "Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.6 #Bonus Experience and Drops [Wither.Rewards] #How much more experience (percentage, 60 means +6000%) will Wither drop at max Difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience" = 60.0 #If true default mod drops are added to the Wither. #Note that replacing the Wither loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true #Handles various small features, such as the explosion [Wither.Misc] #How much explosion power (after the invulnerability) will the Wither have at max difficulty. Explosion Radius is capped to 13. Base Wither Explosion Power is 7.0. Setting this to 0 will not increase the Wither Explosion Power #Range: 0.0 ~ 8.0 "Explosion Power Bonus" = 8.0 #At this difficulty the Wither Explosion will cause fire. Set to -1 to disable. #Range: > -1 "Explosion Causes Fire at Difficulty" = -1 #The Wither will no longer wait 1.0 seconds before breaking blocks when he's hit, instead just 0.5s "Faster Breaking Blocks" = true #The Wither will break even blocks below him when hit. "Bigger Breaking Blocks" = true #If true the Wither will break even blocks that are wither-proof. Unbreakable blocks will still be unbreakable, so it's really useful with other mods as in vanilla Wither Proof Blocks are all the unbreakable blocks. "Ignore Wither-proof Blocks" = false #The wither can only be spawned in the Nether. #Note that this feature completely disables Wither Skulls from begin placed nearby Soul Sand when not in the Nether or when on the Nether Roof. #Requires Minecraft restart. "Wither Nether Only" = false ["Elder Guardian"] #Handles the Damage Resistances "Enable Resistances" = true #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions. "Enable Minions" = true #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player "Enable Rewards" = true #Bonus Health and Health regeneration. "Enable Health" = true #More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated "Enable Attack" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances ["Elder Guardian".Resistances] #Percentage Damage Reduction for each Elder Guardian Defeated. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Damage Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.3 #Base feature for the Elder Guardian harder fights. ["Elder Guardian".Base] #If true, the player will not be able to break blocks when an Elder Guardian is nearby. "Adventure mode" = true #The range from any Elder Guardian at which players get adventure mode. It's advised to increase this (to about 80) with YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments. #Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Adventure mode Range" = 48.0 #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions. ["Elder Guardian".Minions] #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions every this tick value (20 ticks = 1 sec). #Range: > 0 "Base Cooldown" = 200 #The base cooldown is reduced by this value for each missing Elder Guardian. #Range: > 0 "Cooldown Reduction per Missing Elder" = 60 #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player ["Elder Guardian".Rewards] #How much experience will an Elder Guardian drop. -1 will make the Elder Guardian drop vanilla experience. #Range: -1 ~ 1024 "Base Experience" = 40 #How much more experience (percentage) will Elder Guardian drop per killed Elder Guardian. The percentage is additive (e.g. with this set to 100%, the last Elder will drop 200% more experience) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience" = 1.0 #If true default mod drops are added to the Elder Guardian. #Note that replacing the Elder Guardian loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true #Bonus Health and Health regeneration. ["Elder Guardian".Health] #Increase Elder Guardians' Health by this percentage (1 = +100% health) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 0.5 #Adds absorption health to Elder Guradians (health that doesn't regen) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Absorption Health" = 40.0 #Health Regen per second #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Regen" = 0.5 #More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated ["Elder Guardian".Attack] #Percentage Bonus damage per defeated Elder Guardian. #Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0 "Bonus Damage per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.0 #How many ticks faster will Elder Guardian attack (multiplied by defeated Elder Guardians). Vanilla Attack Duration is 60 ticks (3 secs) #Range: 0 ~ 60 "Attack Duration Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 25 ["Ender Dragon"] #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. "Enable Health" = true #Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways "Enable Attack" = true #Mini things that are just annoying. "Enable Larva" = true #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player "Enable Rewards" = true #Shulkers that will make you float around. "Enable Minions" = true #Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages. "Enable Crystals" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities "Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. ["Ender Dragon".Health] #Ender Dragon health will be increased by this value at max difficulty (scaling accordingly at lower difficulties) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus at Max Difficulty" = 200.0 #How much health will the Ender Dragon regen at max difficulty (scaling accordingly at lower difficulties). This doesn't affect the health regen given by crystals. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Regeneration" = 1.0 #Maximum bonus regeneration per second given by "Bonus Regeneration". Set to 0 to disable bonus health regeneration. Can be lower than "Bonus Regeneration". This doesn't affect the health regen given by crystals. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 1.0 #How much health (when missing 100% health) will the Ender Dragon regen at max difficulty each second whenever she's attached to a Crystal. So if she's missing 30% health, this will be 30% effective. This is added to the normal Crystal regen. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Crystal Regeneration" = 0.0 #Bonus regeneration (also bonus crystal regen) will be multiplied by this ratio when the Dragon has been hit in the last 3 seconds. #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 "Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.4 #Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways ["Ender Dragon".Attack] #How much more damage at max difficulty (percentage) does the Ender Dragon deal per difficulty? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Direct Damage" = 2.25 #How much more damage at max difficulty (percentage) does the Ender Dragon's Acid fireball and pool deal per difficulty? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Acid Pool Damage" = 2.4 #Normally the Ender Dragon attacks only when leaving the center platform. With this active she has a chance when she has finished charging / fireballing or before checking if she should land in the center to charge the player. #This is the chance to start a charge attack when the difficulty is at max. Otherwise it scales accordingly. #The actual chance is: (this_value * (difficulty / max difficulty)). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Charge Player Max Chance" = 0.45 #Normally the Ender Dragon spits fireballs when a Crystal is destroyed and rarely during the fight. With this active she has a chance when she has finished charging / fireballing or before checking if she should land in the center to spit a fireball. #This is the chance to start a fireball attack when the difficulty is at max. Otherwise it scales accordingly. #The actual chance is: (this_value * (difficulty / max difficulty)). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Fireball Max Chance" = 0.35 #Since around 1.13/1.14 the Ender Dragon can no longer dive for more than about 3 blocks so she takes a lot to rise / fall. With this active the dragon will be able to rise and fall many more blocks, making easier to hit the player and approach the center. "Increase Max Rise and Fall" = true #On impact the Acid Fireball will deal magic damage in an area. "Fireball Explosion Magic Damage" = true #On impact the Acid Fireball will generate a 3D area of effect cloud instead of a normal flat one. The 3D cloud lasts for half the time. "Fireball 3D Area Effect Cloud" = true #Speed multiplier for the Dragon Fireball. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Fireball Velocity Multiplier" = 2.5 #The dragon will fire (up to) this more fireballs at max difficulty. The bonus fireballs have a slight shotting error so aren't all directly aimed at the player. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Fireballs" = 15.0 #Mini things that are just annoying. ["Ender Dragon".Larva] #At which difficulty the Ender Dragon starts spawning Larvae #Range: > 0 "Larva at Difficulty" = 1 #As the Ender Dragon starts spawning Minions, every how much difficulty she will spawn one more Minions #Range: > 0 "Bonus Larva Every Difficulty" = 1 #Maximum Larva spawned by the Ender Dragon #Range: > 0 "Max Larvae Spawned" = 7 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 800 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 1400 #If true, Larvae will take only 10% damage from the Ender Dragon. "Reduced Dragon Damage" = true #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player ["Ender Dragon".Rewards] #How much more experience (percentage, 36 means +3600%) will Dragon drop at max Difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience" = 36.0 #If true whenever a player, that has never killed the dragon, kills the dragon a Dragon Egg ìì will drop. E.g. If 2 players kill the Dragon for the first time, she will drop 2 Dragon Eggs "Dragon Egg per Player" = true #If true default mod drops are added to the Ender Dragon. #Note that replacing the Ender Dragon loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true #How difficulty is handled for the Dragon. ["Ender Dragon"."Difficulty Settings"] #The Maximum difficulty (times killed) reachable by Ender Dragon. By default is set to 24 because it's the last spawning end gate. #Range: > 1 "Max Difficulty" = 8 #How much difficulty will players start with when joining a world? Note that this will apply when the player joins the world if the current player difficulty is below this value. #Range: > 0 "Starting Difficulty" = 0 #If false and there's more than 1 player around the Dragon, difficulty will be the average of all the players' difficulty instead of summing them. "Sum Killed Dragons Difficulty" = false #Percentage bonus difficulty added to the Dragon when more than one player is present. Each player past the first one will add this percentage to the difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25 #Set to false to disable the first Dragon killed message. "Show First Killed Dragon Message" = true #Shulkers that will make you float around. ["Ender Dragon".Minions] #At which difficulty the Ender Dragon starts spawning Minions #Range: > 0 "Minion at Difficulty" = 1 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 1400 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 2000 #Percentage cooldown reduction at max difficulty for the cooldown of Minion spawning. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Cooldown Reduction" = 0.4 #Percentage chance at max difficulty for a Minion to spawn as a Blinding Minion. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Blinding Chance" = 0.4 #Time (in ticks) for the blinding effect when hit by a blinding bullet. #Range: 0 ~ 1200 "Blinding duration" = 150 #If true, Dragon Minions will take only 10% damage from the Ender Dragon. "Reduced Dragon Damage" = true #Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages. ["Ender Dragon".Crystals] #At this difficulty cages will start to appear around other crystals too. -1 will disable this feature. #Range: > -1 "More Cages at Difficulty" = 1 #Max number of bonus cages that can spawn around the crystals. (Vanilla already has 2 cages) #Range: 0 ~ 8 "Max Bonus Cages" = 6 #At this difficulty one crystal will start to appear inside obsidian towers. -1 will disable this feature. #Range: > -1 "More Crystals at Difficulty" = 2 #Every how much difficulty one more crystal will be spawned inside towers #Range: > -1 "More Crystals Step" = 3 #Max number of bonus crystals that can spawn inside the towers. #Range: 0 ~ 10 "More Crystals Max" = 3 #Everytime the dragon is hit (when below 50% of health) there's a chance to to trigger a Crystal respawn Phase. The chance is 0% when health >=50% and 100% when health <=30%, the health threshold decreases by 20% every time the dragon respawns crystals. "Enable crystal respawn" = true #At max Difficulty how many crystals will the dragon respawn. #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 "Crystal Respawn Per Difficulty" = 3.0 #Crystals can no longer be destroyed by other explosions. "Explosion Immune" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities ["Ender Dragon"."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"] #Melee Damage reduction at max difficulty while the Ender Dragon is at the center. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage reduction while at the center" = 0.24 #Melee Damage is increased by this percentage while the Ender Dragon is not at the center. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage increase while not at the center" = 0.24 #Damage reduction when hit by explosions (firework rockets excluded). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Explosion Damage reduction" = 0.667