#Peripherals config [Peripherals] [Peripherals.Player_Detector] #Enable the Player Detector or not. enablePlayerDetector = true #The max range of the player detector functions. If anyone use a higher range, the detector will use this max range. -1 for unlimited #Range: > -1 playerDetMaxRange = 100000000 #Activates the "getPlayerPos" function of the Player Detector enablePlayerPosFunction = true #Adds more information to `getPlayerPos` of the Player Detector. Like rotation and dimension morePlayerInformation = true #If true, the player detector can observe players which aren't in the same dimension as the detector itself. `playerDetMaxRange` needs to be infinite(-1) for it to work. chatBoxMultiDimensional = true [Peripherals.Energy_Detector] #Enable the Energy Detector or not. enableEnergyDetector = true #Defines the maximum energy flow of the energy detector. #Range: > 1 energyDetectorMaxFlow = 2147483647 [Peripherals.NBT_Storage] #Enable the nbt storage block or not enableNBTStorage = true #Defines max nbt string length that can be stored in nbt storage #Range: > 0 nbtStorageMaxSize = 1048576 [Peripherals.Chunky_Turtle] #Enable the Chunky Turtle or not. enableChunkyTurtle = true #Time in seconds, while loaded chunk can be consider as valid without touch #Range: > 60 chunkLoadValidTime = 600 #Radius in chunks a single chunky turtle will load. The default value (0) only loads the chunk the turtle is in, 1 would also load the 8 surrounding chunks (9 in total) and so on #Range: 0 ~ 16 chunkyTurtleRadius = 0 [Peripherals.Chat_Box] #Enable the Chat Box or not. enableChatBox = true #Defines default chatbox prefix defaultChatBoxPrefix = "AP" #Defines the maximal range of the chat box in blocks. -1 for infinite. If the range is not -1, players in other dimensions won't able to receive messages #Range: -1 ~ 30000000 chatBoxMaxRange = -1 #If true, the chat box is able to send messages to other dimensions than its own chatBoxMultiDimensional = true [Peripherals.ME_Bridge] #Enable the Me Bridge or not. enableMeBridge = true #Power consumption per tick. #Range: > 0 mePowerConsumption = 10 [Peripherals.RS_Bridge] #Enable the Rs Bridge or not. enableRsBridge = true #Power consumption per tick. #Range: > 0 rsPowerConsumption = 10 [Peripherals.Environment_Detector] #Enable the Environment Detector or not. enableEnvironmentDetector = true [Peripherals.AR_Controller] #Enable the AR goggles or not. enableARGoggles = true [Peripherals.Inventory_Manager] #Enable the inventory manager or not. enableInventoryManager = true [Peripherals.Redstone_Integrator] #Enable the redstone integrator or not. enableRedstoneIntegrator = true [Peripherals.Block_Reader] #Enable the block reader or not. enableBlockReader = true [Peripherals.Geo_Scanner] #Enable the geo scanner or not. enableGeoScanner = true [Peripherals.Colony_Integrator] #Enable the colony integrator or not. enableColonyIntegrator = true [Peripherals.Compass_Turtle] #Enable the compass turtle or not. enableCompassTurtle = true [Peripherals.Powered_Peripherals] #Enable RF storage for peripherals, that could use it enablePoweredPeripherals = false #Defines max energy storage in any powered peripheral #Range: > 1000000 poweredPeripheralMaxEnergyStored = 100000000 [Peripherals.Operations] #Range: > 1000 digCooldown = 1000 #Range: > 0 digCost = 1 #Range: > 1000 useOnBlockCooldown = 5000 #Range: > 0 useOnBlockCost = 1 #Range: > 1000 suckCooldown = 1000 #Range: > 0 suckCost = 1 #Range: > 1000 useOnAnimalCooldown = 2500 #Range: > 0 useOnAnimalCost = 10 #Range: > 1000 captureAnimalCooldown = 50000 #Range: > 0 captureAnimalCost = 100 #Range: > 1000 warpCooldown = 1000 #Range: > 0 warpCost = 1 #Range: > 1000 scanBlocksCooldown = 2000 #Range: > 1 scanBlocksMaxFreeRadius = 8 #Range: > 1 scanBlocksMaxCostRadius = 16 #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 scanBlocksExtraBlockCost = 0.17 #Range: > 1000 scanEntitiesCooldown = 2000 #Range: > 1 scanEntitiesMaxFreeRadius = 8 #Range: > 1 scanEntitiesMaxCostRadius = 16 #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 scanEntitiesExtraBlockCost = 0.17 #Range: > 1000 chatMessageCooldown = 1000 [Peripherals.Pocket_Peripherals] #If true, pockets will have infinite fuel disablePocketFuelConsumption = true