
537 lines
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module Main exposing (main)
-- import Html.Lazy as HLazy
import Browser
import Dict
import Html as H exposing (Attribute, Html)
import Html.Attributes as A
import Html.Events as Ev
import Http
import Json.Decode as J exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Encode as Encode
import OrderedDict exposing (OrderedDict)
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view = view
type alias ArgType =
{ kind : String
, name : Maybe String
, ofType : OfArgType
type alias FieldType =
type OfArgType
= OfArgType (Maybe ArgType)
type alias Arg =
{ defaultValue : J.Value
, description : Maybe String
, name : String
, argType : ArgType
type alias Directive =
{ args : List Arg
, locations : Maybe (List String)
, description : Maybe String
, name : String
type alias Field =
{ name : String
, description : Maybe String
, args : List Arg
, fieldType : FieldType
, isDeprecated : Bool
, deprecationReason : Maybe String
type alias Interface =
type alias EnumValue =
type alias PossibleType =
type alias QLType =
{ kind : String
, name : String
, description : Maybe String
, fields : Maybe (List Field)
, inputFields : Maybe (List Field)
, interfaces : Maybe (List Interface)
, enumValues : Maybe (List EnumValue)
, possibleTypes : Maybe (List PossibleType)
type alias Introspection =
{ directives : List Directive
, mutationType : Maybe String
, queryType : Maybe String
, subscriptionType : Maybe String
, types : List QLType
type IntrospectionResult
= Loading
| Error Http.Error
| Success Introspection
type alias Model =
{ introspectUrl : String
, introspections : OrderedDict String IntrospectionResult
, collapsedIntrospections : OrderedDict String Bool
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( Model "" OrderedDict.empty OrderedDict.empty, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= UpdateIntrospectUrl String
| RequestIntrospection
| IntrospectionRequest String (Result Http.Error Introspection)
| CollapseIntrospection String
| UncollapseIntrospection String
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
CollapseIntrospection url ->
( { model | collapsedIntrospections = OrderedDict.insert url True model.collapsedIntrospections }, Cmd.none )
UncollapseIntrospection url ->
( { model | collapsedIntrospections = OrderedDict.insert url False model.collapsedIntrospections }, Cmd.none )
UpdateIntrospectUrl url ->
( { model | introspectUrl = url }, Cmd.none )
RequestIntrospection ->
( { model | introspections = OrderedDict.insert model.introspectUrl Loading model.introspections }, requestIntrospection model.introspectUrl )
IntrospectionRequest url result ->
val =
case result of
Ok i ->
Success i
Err e ->
Error e
( { model | introspections = OrderedDict.insert url val model.introspections }, Cmd.none )
requestIntrospection : String -> Cmd Msg
requestIntrospection url =
{ url = url
, body = introspectionQuery
, expect = Http.expectJson (IntrospectionRequest url) decodeIntrospection
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
H.div [ "app" ]
[ header model
, H.main_
[ H.ul []
(\u -> introspectionResultView
(Maybe.withDefault False (Dict.get u model.collapsedIntrospections.dict))
(Dict.get u model.introspections.dict)
header : Model -> Html Msg
header model =
(styleGroup [ ( "display", "flex" ), ( "align-items", "center" ) ])
[ H.h1
[ ( "font-size", "inherit" )
, ( "padding", "0.5em" )
, ( "width", "100%" )
, ( "white-space", "nowrap" )
, ( "flex", "1" )
[ H.text "GraphQL Introspector" ]
, H.form
(Ev.onSubmit RequestIntrospection
:: styleGroup
[ ( "width", "100%" )
, ( "display", "flex" )
, ( "align-items", "center" )
[ H.input
[ ( "width", "100%" )
, ( "padding", "0.5em" )
, ( "margin", "0.25em 0 0.25em 0" )
++ [ A.value model.introspectUrl
, Ev.onInput UpdateIntrospectUrl
, A.placeholder ""
, H.button
(Ev.onClick RequestIntrospection
:: styleGroup
[ ( "padding", "0.5em" )
, ( "margin", "0.25em" )
[ H.text "Add" ]
introspectionResultView : Bool -> String -> Maybe IntrospectionResult -> Maybe (Html Msg)
introspectionResultView is_hidden url mir =
(\ir ->
[ ( "background-color", lighten )
, ( "padding", "0.5em" )
, ( "border-radius", "0.5em" )
, ( "margin", "0 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em" )
(H.header (styleGroup [ ( "margin-bottom", "0.5em" ), ( "border-bottom", "solid 1px #888" ), ( "padding-bottom", "0.75em" ) ])
[ H.text ""
, H.a
[ A.href url
, "_blank"
, A.title (Debug.toString mir)
[ H.text url ]
, H.span
[ Ev.onClick ((if is_hidden then UncollapseIntrospection else CollapseIntrospection) url) ]
[ H.text (if is_hidden then "Show" else "Hide") ]
:: (case ir of
Loading ->
[ H.text "Loading..." ]
Error e ->
[ H.text ("Error: " ++ httpErrorToString e) ]
Success i ->
if not is_hidden then
[ introspectionView i ]
[ collapsedIntrospectionView i url ]
collapsedIntrospectionView : Introspection -> String -> Html Msg
collapsedIntrospectionView i url = H.div [ Ev.onClick (UncollapseIntrospection url) ] [ H.text "Expand" ]
introspectionView : Introspection -> Html Msg
introspectionView i =
types =
keyBy .name i.types
queryTypes =
List.filter (\t -> Just == i.queryType) i.types
mutationTypes =
List.filter (\t -> Just == i.mutationType) i.types
allTypes =
(\t ->
(List.member <|
List.filterMap identity [ i.mutationType, i.queryType ]
&& not (String.startsWith "__" t.kind)
sg =
styleGroup [ ( "margin", "1em 0" ) ]
rootQueryTypes = Debug.log "i.queryType" (
|> Maybe.andThen (\a -> Dict.get a types.dict)
|> Maybe.andThen .fields
|> ( fieldView)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
H.div []
[ H.div sg
[ H.h2 [] [ H.text ("Query Types (" ++ (Maybe.withDefault "N/A" i.queryType) ++ ")") ]
, H.div (styleGroup [ ( "margin-left", "2em" ) ]) rootQueryTypes
, H.div sg
[ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Query Fields" ]
, H.div [] ( typeView queryTypes)
, H.div sg
[ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Mutations" ]
, H.div [] ( typeView mutationTypes)
, H.div sg
[ H.h2 [] [ H.text "All Types" ]
, H.div [] ( typeView allTypes)
kindColor : String -> String
kindColor s =
case s of
"ENUM" ->
"UNION" ->
_ ->
typeView : QLType -> Html Msg
typeView qt =
H.div []
([ H.div
[ ( "display", "flex" )
, ( "align-items", "center" )
, ( "font-size", "16px" )
, ( "margin", "0.25em 0" )
[ H.code
[ ( "margin-right", "0.5em" )
, ( "color", "#111" )
, ( "font-size", "75%" )
, ( "display", "inline-block" )
, ( "padding", "0.25em" )
, ( "border-radius", "0.25em" )
, ( "line-height", "1" )
, ( "background-color", kindColor qt.kind )
[ H.text qt.kind ]
, H.code [ A.title (Debug.toString qt) ] [ H.text ]
++ (case qt.description of
Just s ->
[ H.p (styleGroup [ ( "margin-left", "2em" ) ]) [ H.text s ] ]
Nothing ->
++ (case qt.fields of
Just fields ->
[ H.div (styleGroup [ ( "margin-left", "4em" ) ]) <| fieldView fields ]
Nothing ->
fieldView : Field -> Html Msg
fieldView f = [ A.title <| Debug.toString f ] [ H.text ]
httpErrorToString : Http.Error -> String
httpErrorToString e =
-- TODO: refactor as expect function
case e of
Http.BadUrl s ->
"Bad URL: " ++ s
Http.Timeout ->
Http.NetworkError ->
"Network Error"
Http.BadStatus n ->
"Bad Status: " ++ String.fromInt n
Http.BadBody s ->
"Bad Body: " ++ s
decodeIntrospection : Decoder Introspection
decodeIntrospection =
J.field "data"
(J.field "__schema"
(J.map5 Introspection
(J.field "directives" (J.list decodeDirective))
(J.maybe (J.field "mutationType" (J.field "name" J.string)))
(J.maybe (J.field "queryType" (J.field "name" J.string)))
(J.maybe (J.field "subscriptionType" (J.field "name" J.string)))
(J.field "types" (J.list decodeType))
decodeType : Decoder QLType
decodeType =
J.map8 QLType
(J.field "kind" J.string)
(J.field "name" J.string)
(J.maybe (J.field "description" J.string))
(J.maybe (J.field "fields" (J.list decodeField)))
(J.maybe (J.field "inputFields" (J.list decodeField)))
(J.maybe (J.field "interfaces" (J.list decodeInterface)))
(J.maybe (J.field "enumValues" (J.list decodeEnumValue)))
(J.maybe (J.field "possibleTypes" (J.list decodePossibleType)))
decodeField : Decoder Field
decodeField =
J.map6 Field
(J.field "name" J.string)
(J.maybe (J.field "description" J.string))
(J.field "args" (J.list decodeArg))
(J.field "type" decodeFieldType)
(J.field "isDeprecated" J.bool)
(J.maybe (J.field "deprecationReason" J.string))
decodePossibleType : Decoder PossibleType
decodePossibleType =
decodeEnumValue : Decoder J.Value
decodeEnumValue =
decodeInterface : Decoder J.Value
decodeInterface =
decodeDirective : Decoder Directive
decodeDirective =
J.map4 Directive
(J.field "args" (J.list decodeArg))
(J.maybe (J.field "locations" (J.list J.string)))
(J.maybe (J.field "description" J.string))
(J.field "name" J.string)
decodeArg : Decoder Arg
decodeArg =
J.map4 Arg
(J.field "defaultValue" J.value)
(J.maybe (J.field "description" J.string))
(J.field "name" J.string)
(J.field "type" decodeArgType)
decodeFieldType : Decoder ArgType
decodeFieldType =
J.map3 ArgType
(J.field "kind" J.string)
(J.maybe (J.field "name" J.string))
(J.field "ofType" decodeLazyArgType)
decodeArgType : Decoder ArgType
decodeArgType =
J.map3 ArgType
(J.field "kind" J.string)
(J.maybe (J.field "name" J.string))
(J.field "ofType" decodeLazyArgType)
decodeLazyArgType : Decoder OfArgType
decodeLazyArgType = OfArgType (J.maybe (J.lazy (\_ -> decodeArgType)))
introspectionQuery : Http.Body
introspectionQuery =
-- this query was copied from the one graphiql made
Http.jsonBody (Encode.object [ ( "query", Encode.string "query IntrospectionQuery { __schema { queryType { name } mutationType { name } subscriptionType { name } types { ...FullType } directives { name description args { ...InputValue }}}} fragment FullType on __Type { kind name description fields(includeDeprecated: true) { name description args { ...InputValue } type { ...TypeRef } isDeprecated deprecationReason } inputFields { ...InputValue } interfaces { ...TypeRef } enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } possibleTypes { ...TypeRef }} fragment InputValue on __InputValue { name description type { ...TypeRef } defaultValue} fragment TypeRef on __Type { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name }}}}}}}}" ) ])
styleGroup : List ( String, String ) -> List (Attribute Msg)
styleGroup l = (\( k, v ) -> k v) l
lighten : String
lighten =
"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)"
keyBy : (a -> comparable) -> List a -> OrderedDict comparable a
keyBy f l =
List.foldl (\t -> \d -> OrderedDict.insert (f t) t d) OrderedDict.empty l
getByKey : comparable -> OrderedDict comparable v -> Maybe v
getByKey k d =
Dict.get k d.dict