2021-11-15 15:02:55 -06:00
extends Node
2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
This module is responsible for making a WebSocket connection to the signaller
in order to enable establishish WebRTC P2P connections. Another module is
expected to fully setup the peer connections.
onready var ws: WebSocketClient = WebSocketClient.new()
func _ready():
var _result = ws.connect("data_received", self, "_parse_msg")
_result = ws.connect("connection_established", self, "_connected")
_result = ws.connect("connection_closed", self, "_closed")
_result = ws.connect("connection_error", self, "_closed")
_result = ws.connect("server_close_request", self, "_close_request")
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func close():
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func connect_to_websocket_signaller(url: String):
print("Attempting to connect to WebSocket signalling server at ", url)
var _result = ws.connect_to_url(url)
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func _closed():
# emit_signal("disconnected")
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func _close_request(code: int, reason: String):
print("Received WebSocket close request from signalling server ", code, reason)
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func _connected(protocol = ""):
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print("WebSocket signaller connected via protocol ", protocol)
func _process(_delta: float):
var status: int = ws.get_connection_status()
if status == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_CONNECTING or status == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_CONNECTED:
func _parse_msg():
var pkt_str: String = ws.get_peer(1).get_packet().get_string_from_utf8()
print("Signaller sent: ", pkt_str)
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func _parse_msg():
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var pkt_str: String = ws.get_peer(1).get_packet().get_string_from_utf8()
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var req: PoolStringArray = pkt_str.split("\n", true, 1)
if req.size() != 2: # Invalid request size
var type: String = req[0]
if type.length() < 3: # Invalid type size
if type.begins_with("J: "):
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print("Emitting lobby_joined")
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emit_signal("lobby_joined", type.substr(3, type.length() - 3))
elif type.begins_with("S: "):
var src_str: String = type.substr(3, type.length() - 3)
if not src_str.is_valid_integer(): # Source id is not an integer
var src_id: int = int(src_str)
if type.begins_with("I: "):
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print("Emitting connected")
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emit_signal("connected", src_id)
elif type.begins_with("N: "):
# Client connected
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print("Emitting peer_connected")
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emit_signal("peer_connected", src_id)
elif type.begins_with("D: "):
# Client connected
emit_signal("peer_disconnected", src_id)
elif type.begins_with("O: "):
# Offer received
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print("Emitting offer_received")
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emit_signal("offer_received", src_id, req[1])
elif type.begins_with("A: "):
# Answer received
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print("Emitting answer_received")
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emit_signal("answer_received", src_id, req[1])
elif type.begins_with("C: "):
# Candidate received
var candidate: PoolStringArray = req[1].split("\n", false)
if candidate.size() != 3:
if not candidate[1].is_valid_integer():
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print("Emitting candidate_received")
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emit_signal("candidate_received", src_id, candidate[0], int(candidate[1]), candidate[2])
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func join_lobby(joined_lobby):
2021-11-17 08:18:12 -06:00
return ws.get_peer(1).put_packet(("J: %s\n" % joined_lobby).to_utf8())
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func seal_lobby():
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return ws.get_peer(1).put_packet("S: \n".to_utf8())
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func send_candidate(id, mid, index, sdp) -> int:
return _send_msg("C", id, "\n%s\n%d\n%s" % [mid, index, sdp])
func send_offer(id, offer) -> int:
return _send_msg("O", id, offer)
func send_answer(id, answer) -> int:
return _send_msg("A", id, answer)
func _send_msg(type, id, data) -> int:
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return ws.get_peer(1).put_packet(("%s: %d\n%s" % [type, id, data]).to_utf8())