function has_command --wraps=command --description "Exits non-zero if the given command cannot be found" command --quiet --search $argv[1] end if has_command exa alias ls 'exa --group-directories-first' alias l ls alias tree 'ls --tree --level=3' alias lt 'll --sort=modified' alias lat 'la --sort=modified' alias lc 'lt --sort=accessed' alias lT 'lt --reverse' alias lC 'lc --reverse' end alias lA 'ls --all' alias ll 'ls -l' alias la 'll --all' function scount --wraps=count --description "Silent count exits with a non-zero status if no arguments given to count" count $argv > /dev/null end function d --wraps=cd --description "Quickly jump to NICE_HOME (or given relative or absolute path) and list files." if scount $argv cd $argv else cd $NICE_HOME end la end function c --wraps=cd --description "Quickly jump to a subdirectory of NICE_HOME (or just to NICE_HOME if none given)" if scount $argv cd $NICE_HOME && d $argv else d $NICE_HOME end end alias cd.. "d .." alias cdd "d $DOTFILES_PATH" alias cde "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env" alias cdc "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME" alias cdn "d $NOTES_PATH" alias cdl "d $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR" alias cdg "d $XDG_GAMES_DIR" alias .. "d .." alias ... "d ../.." alias .... "d ../../.." alias ..... "d ../../../.." alias ...... "d ../../../../.." alias ....... "d ../../../../../.." alias ........ "d ../../../../../../.." alias ......... "d ../../../../../../../.." if has_command nnn function r --wraps nnn --description 'Run nnn with support for jump-to-directory-on-exit via ^G' # TODO: this would break with multiple nnn instances, right? # probably need to mktemp instead set -u NNN_TMPFILE (mktemp) export NNN_TMPFILE nnn -P p $argv test -e $NNN_TMPFILE && source $NNN_TMPFILE && cp $NNN_TMPFILE ~/.nnn-last-tmpfile && rm $NNN_TMPFILE end alias l r end has_command tmux && alias t "tmux" has_command rsync && alias rcp 'rsync -r -ah --progress' has_command bat && alias cat bat if has_command git function g -w git if scount $argv; git $argv else; git status; end end end if has_command docker alias dlf "docker logs --tail=500 -f" alias ctop "docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" end if has_command docker-compose alias dclf "docker-compose logs --tail=500 -f" end if has_command weechat function chat set -l pass (pass config/weechat-passphrase | head -n 1) env WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE=$pass weechat end end if has_command rg function rgl; rg --color always $argv | less -r; end alias rg "rg --text" alias grep "rg" alias gr "rg" end if has_command kubectl alias k "kubectl" alias kg "k get" end alias vim $EDITOR alias vi $EDITOR alias v $EDITOR alias e $EDITOR alias sv "sudo -E $EDITOR" alias se sv alias svim sv function ltl --wraps=ls --description "Echoes the name of the file most recently modified either in the current directory or in the given path" set d $argv[1] . set -l l "" for f in $d[1]/* if test -z $l; set l $f; continue; end if command test $f -nt $l; and test ! -d $f set l $f end end echo $l end function ltld --wraps=ls --description "Echoes the name of the directory most recently modified either in the current directory or in the given path" set d $argv[1] . set -l l "" for f in $d[1]/* if test -z $l; set l $f; continue; end if command test $f -nt $l; and test -d $f set l $f end end echo $l end alias vltl "$EDITOR (ltl)" alias cdltl "cd (ltld)" alias p "ping" function pp --description "Keeps trying to ping forever" while not ping -n 1 -t 5 sleep 1 end end alias C "clear; set -q TMUX && begin; has_command tmux && tmux clear-history; end || true" if has_command systemctl alias sctl "sudo systemctl" alias sctlu "systemctl --user" alias bt "sctl start bluetooth && sudo bluetoothctl" alias btctl "bt" end alias resrc "source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/; fish_user_key_bindings" has_command sc && alias scs "sc $NOTES_PATH/" alias dd "dd status=progress" alias year 'cal (date +%Y)' alias mount 'sudo -E mount' alias umount 'sudo -E umount' has_command xdg-open && alias open xdg-open function fish_preexec test -n $TMUX && begin set envlist (tmux show-environment) for var in DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY set -gx $var (echo $envlist | rg '^'$var'=(.*)$' -r '$1') end end end