#!/usr/bin/env sh # TODO: progress bar! HOST="ld" f="${1}" fname="${2:-$(basename "${f}")}" subdir="${3:-uploads}" internal_dir="/home/daniel/services/data/files/${subdir}" url="https://lyte.dev/${subdir}/${fname}" [ "${f}" = "" ] && echo "No file provided. Exiting." >&2 && exit 2 [ ! -f "${f}" ] && echo "File '$f' does not exist. Exiting." >&2 && exit 1 if [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "${url}")" -eq 200 ]; then echo "ERROR: A file already exists at ${url}" exit 3 fi ssh ld mkdir -p "${internal_dir}" rsync --progress --no-owner --no-group --no-perms --stats --ignore-existing "${f}" "${HOST}:${internal_dir}/${fname}" | tee "${HOME}/.upload.log" code="$?" # shellcheck disable=SC2029 ssh ld chmod a+r "${internal_dir}/${fname}" echo "Uploaded to: ${url}" if [ "$code" -ne 0 ]; then printf "ERROR: The file failed to upload - perhaps rsync failed for some reason?\n See \"%s/.upload.log\" for details\n" "$HOME" fi