source "%val{config}/plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak" plug "TeddyDD/kakoune-selenized" theme plug "robertmeta/plug.kak" noload config %{ set global plug_always_ensure true set global plug_max_active_downloads 25 } plug "alexherbo2/connect.kak" plug "kak-lsp/kak-lsp" do %{ cargo install --locked --force --path . } plug 'delapouite/kakoune-buffers' %{ # map global normal ^ q # map global normal <a-^> Q # map global normal q b # map global normal Q B # map global normal <a-q> <a-b> # map global normal <a-Q> <a-B> # map global normal b ': enter-buffers-mode<ret>' -docstring 'buffers' # map global normal B ': enter-user-mode -lock buffers<ret>' -docstring 'buffers (lock)' } # eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session} hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|python|go|javascript|typescript|c|cpp|nim) %{ lsp-enable-window } map global normal D '<a-l>d' -docstring 'delete to end of line' map global normal Y '<a-l>y' -docstring 'yank to end of line' hook global InsertChar k %{ try %{ exec -draft hH <a-k>jk<ret> d exec <esc> }} map global normal '^' '<a-h>' -docstring 'jump to start of line' # add-highlighter global/show-trailing-whitespaces regex '\h+$' 0:Error # add-highlighter global show-matching set global tabstop 2 set global indentwidth 2 face global Information white,black face global MenuBackground white,black face global MenuForeground black,blue face global PrimarySelection black,blue face global PrimarySelection black,white face global MatchingChar default,bright-black