source (dirname (status --current-filename))/ for s in $ENV_PATH/*/ source $s (dirname $s) end for f in vars colors functions source $FISH_PATH/$ end if has_command rtx rtx activate fish | source else if has_command brew && test -f (brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/ set --universal --export ASDF_DIR (brew --prefix asdf) source (brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/ else if test -f $HOME/.asdf/ source $HOME/.asdf/ else if test -f /opt/asdf-vm/ source /opt/asdf-vm/ end if test -f $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ . $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ end if test -f /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/ # for determinate systems install set nix_profiles /nix/var/nix/profiles/default $HOME/.nix-profile set --export --universal NIX_PROFILES "$nix_profiles" if set -q NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE : else if test -e /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt set --export --universal NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt else for p in (string split $NIX_PROFILES) test -e $p/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt && \ set --export --universal NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE $p/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt end end set --prepend --export --global fish_user_paths $HOME/.nix-profile/bin /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin end if has_command direnv direnv hook fish | source end # everything after this is ONLY relevant to interactive shells status --is-interactive || exit if has_command nnn source $DOTFILES_PATH/common/nnn/ end for f in prompt key-bindings source $FISH_PATH/$ end if test -f /usr/share/password-store/extensions/otp.bash source $FISH_PATH/ end if set -q KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR set --global KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION enabled source "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_conf.d/" set --prepend fish_complete_path "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_completions.d" end test $PWD = $HOME && begin cd $NICE_HOME || cd end # If we're running the shell interactively from inside Kitty, assume that we will be using Kitty's multiplexing features # Otherwise, assume we're in a context that is not capable of "native" multiplexing features and run everything inside Zellij if not set --query ZELLIJ && set --query FISH_START_ZELLIJ # simulate auto attach zellij attach -c # simulate auto kill kill $fish_pid else if not set --query TMUX && set --query FISH_START_TMUX tmux att -t default || tmux new -s default end