#!/usr/bin/env bash # this file must be sourced from bashrc in order to have to required variables # filesystem aliases alias lx='ls -lXB' # order by filetype alias lk='ls -lSr' # order by filesize reversed alias lt='ls -ltr' # order by file modified time alias lc='ls -ltcr' # order by filectime alias lu='ls -ltur' # order by file access time alias ls='ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # flat view w/ directories first alias l='ls -h --color --group-directories-first' # same as above alias ll='ls -lv --group-directories-first' # non-flat view alias lm='ll | more' alias lr='ll -R' # please don't - why is this even here...? alias la='ll -A' # show all alias tree='tree -Csuh' # navigation aliases alias c="cd $HOME/.." alias cd..="cd .." alias cdd="cd \"$DOTFILES_PATH\"" alias ..="cd .." alias ...="cd ../.." alias ....="cd ../../.." alias .....="cd ../../../.." alias ......="cd ../../../../.." alias .......="cd ../../../../../.." alias ........="cd ../../../../../../.." alias .........="cd ../../../../../../../.." # trying to get into a terminal-based todo system... alias todo="todo.sh" alias td="todo" # tmux aliases # TODO: see if this can be worked around yet? alias tmux='TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux' # syntax higlighting for vim in tmux alias tmnew="tmux new -s" alias tmls="tmux list-sessions" alias tmatt="tmux attach -t" alias tU="tmux attach -t utils || tmux new -s utils" alias tdf="tmux attach -t df || tmux new -s utils -c \"$DOTFILES_PATH\"" # git aliases alias gs="git status" alias gl="git log" alias gpl="git pull" alias gp="git push" alias gac="git add -A && git commit -m" # browser aliases alias qutebrowser="qutebrowser --backend webengine" # networking aliases alias p="ping" alias wifi-menu="sudo wifi-menu" # start netctl using any available profile on the first wireless network # interface alias wifi="sudo systemctl start netctl-auto@$(for wli in /sys/class/net/wl*; do echo $(basename $wli); break; done)" # emacs aliases alias emacs="emacs -nw" # arch aliases alias archupdate="pacaur -Syyu --noconfirm --noedit" # misc aliases alias setbg="feh --bg-fill" alias C="clear" alias keyrepeat="xset r rate 250 80" # games aliases # alias steam="LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/$LIB/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/$LIB/libxcb.so.1 /usr/$LIB/libgpg-error.so' steam" export EDITOR="vim" if command -v nvim >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias vim="nvim" alias ovim="\\vim" export EDITOR="nvim" fi