local fn = vim.fn local api = vim.api local status_line_max_length = 5 -- TODO: only update this portion when needed instead of every render? local status_line_buffer_by_num = function(bufnum) local is_active = false local bufinfo = fn.getbufinfo(bufnum)[1] local prefix = ' %#InactiveBuffer#' local suffix = '%* ' if bufinfo.changed == 1 then prefix = '%#DirtyBuffer# ' suffix = ' %*' end local windex = fn.index(bufinfo.windows, vim.g.statusline_winid) if bufinfo.hidden and windex >= 0 then is_active = true prefix = '%#ActiveBuffer# ' suffix = ' %*' if bufinfo.changed == 1 then prefix = '%#ActiveDirtyBuffer# *' suffix = ' %*' end end return (prefix .. fn.fnamemodify(fn.bufname(bufnum), ':t') .. suffix), is_active end local status_line_buffers = function() -- TODO: mark buffers with unsaved changes local active_index = -1 local acc = {} for _,bufnum in ipairs(api.nvim_list_bufs()) do local bufinfo = fn.getbufinfo(bufnum)[1] if bufinfo.listed ~= 0 then local entry, is_active = status_line_buffer_by_num(bufnum) table.insert(acc, entry) if is_active then active_index = #acc end end end if active_index >= 0 then -- TODO: instead implement this as a wraparound carousel? local offset = status_line_max_length / 2 local min_buf_num = math.max(0, (active_index - offset)) local max_buf_num = math.min(#acc - 1, min_buf_num + status_line_max_length - 1) min_buf_num = math.max(0, max_buf_num - status_line_max_length + 1) local buflist = table.concat({unpack(acc, min_buf_num+1, max_buf_num+1)}, '') local prefix = '' local suffix = '' if min_buf_num > 0 then prefix = '< ' end if max_buf_num < (#acc - 1) then suffix = ' >' end return prefix .. buflist .. suffix else local suffix = '' if #acc - 1 >status_line_max_length then suffix = ' >' end local buflist = table.concat({unpack(acc, 1, math.min(#acc, status_line_max_length))}, '') return buflist .. suffix .. active_index end end function StatusLine() return status_line_buffers() .. '%*%=%c,%l/%L (%p%%)' end vim.o.statusline = '%!v:lua.StatusLine()'