{ pkgs, ... }: { # TODO: email access? # accounts.email.accounts = { # google = { # address = "wraithx2@gmail.com"; # }; # }; home.username = "daniel"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/daniel/.home"; home.stateVersion = "23.05"; home.packages = [ ]; programs.broot = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; programs.home-manager.enable = true; programs.direnv.enable = true; programs.direnv.nix-direnv.enable = true; programs.fish = { enable = true; shellInit = '' # paths if not set --query NICE_HOME set --export --universal NICE_HOME $HOME # if HOME ends with a dir called .home, assume that NICE_HOME is HOME's parent dir test (basename $HOME) = .home \ && set --export --universal NICE_HOME (realpath $HOME/..) end set --export --universal XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config set --export --universal XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache set --export --universal XDG_DATA_HOME $HOME/.local/share set --export --universal XDG_STATE_HOME $HOME/.local/state set --export --universal XDG_DESKTOP_DIR $HOME/desktop set --export --universal XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR $HOME/public set --export --universal XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR $HOME/templates set --export --universal XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR $NICE_HOME/doc set --export --universal XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR $NICE_HOME/dl set --export --universal XDG_MUSIC_DIR $NICE_HOME/music set --export --universal XDG_PICTURES_DIR $NICE_HOME/img set --export --universal XDG_VIDEOS_DIR $NICE_HOME/video set --export --universal XDG_GAMES_DIR $NICE_HOME/games set --export --universal DOTFILES_PATH $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-dotfiles set --export --universal ENV_PATH $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env set --export --universal FISH_PATH $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish set --export --universal NOTES_PATH $NICE_HOME/doc/notes set --export --universal SCROTS_PATH $NICE_HOME/img/scrots set --export --universal USER_LOGS_PATH $NICE_HOME/doc/logs for s in $ENV_PATH/*/config.d.fish source $s (dirname $s) end # vars set --export --universal LS_COLORS 'ow=01;36;40' set --export --universal EXA_COLORS '*=0' set --export --universal ERL_AFLAGS "-kernel shell_history enabled -kernel shell_history_file_bytes 1024000" set --export --universal BROWSER firefox set --export --universal EDITOR hx set --export --universal VISUAL hx # TODO: helix ($EDITOR) as man/pager set --export --universal PAGER "less" set --export --universal MANPAGER "less" set --export --universal SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sops/age/keys.txt" set --export --universal SKIM_ALT_C_COMMAND "fd --hidden --type directory" set --export --universal SKIM_CTRL_T_COMMAND "fd --hidden" # colors set -U fish_color_normal normal # default color set -U fish_color_command white # base command being run (>ls< -la) set -U fish_color_param white # command's parameters set -U fish_color_end green # command delimiter/separators (; and &) set -U fish_color_error red # color of errors set -U fish_color_escape yellow # color of escape codes (\n, \x2d, etc.) set -U fish_color_operator blue # expansion operators (~, *) set -U fish_color_quote yellow set -U fish_color_redirection blue # redirection operators (|, >, etc.) set -U fish_color_cancel 333 brblack # sigint at prompt (^C) set -U fish_color_autosuggestion 666 brblack # as-you-type suggestions set -U fish_color_match blue # matching parens and the like set -U fish_color_search_match white\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3d333 # selected pager item set -U fish_color_selection blue # vi mode visual selection (only fg) set -U fish_color_valid_path yellow # if an argument is a valid path (only -u?) set -U fish_color_comment 666 brblack # comments like this one! set -U fish_pager_color_completion white # main color for pager set -U fish_pager_color_description magenta # color for meta description set -U fish_pager_color_prefix blue # the string being completed set -U fish_pager_color_progress white\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3d333 # status indicator at the bottom # set -U fish_pager_color_secondary \x2d\x2dbackground\x3d181818 # alternating rows function has_command --wraps=command --description "Exits non-zero if the given command cannot be found" command --quiet --search $argv[1] end ''; # TODO: rtx? # TODO: homebrew? # TODO: asdf? # TODO: direnv? # TODO: pass and pass-otp # TODO: kitty integration # TODO: zellij and/or tmux? functions = { d = '' # --wraps=cd --description "Quickly jump to NICE_HOME (or given relative or absolute path) and list files." if count $argv > /dev/null cd $argv else cd $NICE_HOME end la ''; c = '' if count $argv > /dev/null cd $NICE_HOME && d $argv else d $NICE_HOME end ''; g = '' if count $argv > /dev/null git $argv else git status end ''; ltl = '' set d $argv[1] . set -l l "" for f in $d[1]/* if test -z $l; set l $f; continue; end if command test $f -nt $l; and test ! -d $f set l $f end end echo $l ''; has_command = "command --quiet --search $argv[1]"; }; interactiveShellInit = '' # prompt function get_hostname if test (uname) = Linux || test (uname) = Darwin has_command hostname && hostname | cut -d. -f1 || cat /etc/hostname else # assume bsd hostname | head -n 1 | cut -d. -f1 end end function fish_greeting _prompt_prefix printf "%s\n" (date) end function preprocess_pwd test (pwd) = / && echo "/" && return 1 test (pwd) = $NICE_HOME && echo "~" && return 0 pwd \ | cut -c2- \ | gawk '{n=split($0,p,"/");for(i=1;i<=n;i++){if(i==n){printf "/%s",p[i]}else{printf "/%.3s",p[i]}}}' end function _maybe_sudo_prefix if set -q SUDO_USER set_color -b yellow black printf " SUDO " set_color -b normal normal printf " " end end function _maybe_aws_profile if set -q AWS_PROFILE && test $AWS_PROFILE = prd printf " " set_color -b yellow black printf " AWS_PROFILE=prd " set_color -b normal normal end end function _user_and_host if test $argv[1] -eq 0 set_color -b normal blue else set_color -b normal red end printf "%s@%s" $USER (get_hostname) end function _cur_work_dir set_color -b normal magenta printf " %s" (preprocess_pwd) end function _last_cmd_duration set_color -b normal green set -q CMD_DURATION && printf " %dms" $CMD_DURATION end function _maybe_jobs_summary if jobs -q set_color -b normal cyan printf " &%d" (jobs -p | wc -l) end end function _user_prompt printf "\n" set_color brblack if test (id -u) -eq 0 printf '# ' else printf '$ ' end set_color -b normal normal end function _maybe_git_summary set_color -b normal yellow set cur_sha (git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) if test $status = 0 set num_changes (git status --porcelain | wc -l | string trim) if test $num_changes = 0 set num_changes "✔" else set num_changes "+$num_changes" end printf " %s %s %s" (git branch --show-current) $cur_sha $num_changes end end function _prompt_marker printf "%b133;A%b" "\x1b\x5d" "\x1b\x5c" end function _prompt_continuation_marker printf "%b133;A;k=s%b" "\x1b\x5d" "\x1b\x5c" end function cmd_marker --on-variable _ printf "%b133;C%b" "\x1b\x5d" "\x1b\x5c" end function _prompt_prefix set_color -b normal brblack printf "# " end function fish_prompt set last_cmd_status $status _prompt_marker _prompt_prefix _maybe_sudo_prefix _user_and_host $last_cmd_status _cur_work_dir _maybe_git_summary _maybe_aws_profile _last_cmd_duration _maybe_jobs_summary _user_prompt end function fish_mode_prompt; end function fish_right_prompt; end # key bindings set normal_mode "if commandline -P; commandline -f cancel; else; set fish_bind_mode default; commandline -f backward-char force-repaint; end" bind -M insert \cg skim-cd-widget bind -M insert jk $normal_mode bind -M insert jK $normal_mode bind -M insert Jk $normal_mode bind -M insert JK $normal_mode bind -M insert jj $normal_mode bind -M insert jJ $normal_mode bind -M insert Jj $normal_mode bind -M insert JJ $normal_mode bind -M insert \cp up-or-search bind -M insert \cn down-or-search bind -M insert \ce end-of-line bind -M insert \ca beginning-of-line bind -M insert \cv edit_command_buffer bind -M default \cv edit_command_buffer ''; loginShellInit = '' ''; shellAbbrs = { }; shellAliases = { l = "br"; ls = "exa --group-directories-first --classify"; la = "exa -la --group-directories-first --classify"; lA = "exa -la --all --group-directories-first --classify"; tree = "exa --tree --level=3"; lt = "exa -l --sort=modified"; lat = "exa -la --sort=modified"; lc = "lt --sort=accessed"; lT = "lt --reverse"; lC = "lc --reverse"; lD = "la --only-dirs"; "cd.." = "d .."; "cdd" = "d $DOTFILES_PATH"; "cde" = "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env"; "cdc" = "d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME"; "cdn" = "d $NOTES_PATH"; "cdl" = "d $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"; "cdg" = "d $XDG_GAMES_DIR"; ".." = "d .."; "..." = "d ../.."; "...." = "d ../../.."; "....." = "d ../../../.."; "......" = "d ../../../../.."; "......." = "d ../../../../../.."; "........" = "d ../../../../../../.."; "........." = "d ../../../../../../../.."; cat = "bat"; dc = "docker compose"; k = "kubectl"; kg = "kubectl get"; v = "$EDITOR"; sv = "sudo $EDITOR"; kssh = "kitty +kitten ssh"; }; }; programs.exa.enable = true; programs.skim = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; programs.nix-index = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; home.pointerCursor = { name = "Catppuccin-Mocha-Sapphire-Cursors"; package = pkgs.catppuccin-cursors.mochaSapphire; size = 64; # TODO: this doesn't seem to work -- at least in Sway }; programs.firefox = { enable = true; package = (pkgs.firefox.override { extraNativeMessagingHosts = [ pkgs.passff-host ]; }); # extensions = with pkgs.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons; [ # ublock-origin # ]; # TODO: would be nice to have _all_ my firefox stuff managed here instead of Firefox Sync maybe? profiles = { daniel = { id = 0; settings = { "general.smoothScroll" = true; }; extraConfig = '' user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true); // user_pref("full-screen-api.ignore-widgets", true); user_pref("media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled", true); user_pref("media.rdd-vpx.enabled", true); ''; userChrome = '' /* Remove close button */ .titlebar-buttonbox-container{ display:none } #webrtcIndicator { display: none; } #main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar>.toolbar-items { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } #main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse !important; } ''; # userContent = '' # ''; }; }; }; # wayland.windowManager.sway = { # enable = true; # }; # TODO: would be nice to have my sway config declared here instead of symlinked in by dotfiles scripts? # maybe we can share somehow so things for nix-y systems and non-nix-y systems alike }