#!/bin/sh # as far as I can tell, this file is only executed when you run startx from the # TTY # you probably want to modify xprofile echo '' > "$HOME/.xstartup_log" echo "xinitrc" >> "$HOME/.xstartup_log" # load our xprofile if [ -f "$HOME/.xprofile" ]; then source "$HOME/.xprofile" fi # allow a per-device config to override options if [ -f "$HOME/.env_xinitrc" ]; then source "$HOME/.env_xinitrc" fi if [ -f "$HOME/.xmodmap" ]; then xmodmap "$HOME/.xmodmap" fi echo "a" > ~/.xinitrc.log echo "initrc" > ~/.xstartup_log eval $(/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK # xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape' & # pulseaudio --start & # xset s off -dpms & # redshift & # urxvtd & # autocutsel -fork & # autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork & # autocutsel -selection SECONDARY -fork & # fire up wm exec "$DOTFILES_PATH/de/bspwm/wmstart"