#!/usr/bin/env bash calc() { tp="$@" python -c "print($tp)" } export -f calc stopbar() { # TODO: get the proper monitor! BAR_MONITOR="$(polybar --list-monitors | tail -n 1 | sed -n 's/^\s*\(.*\):.*$/\1/p')" bspc config -m "$BAR_MONITOR" bottom_padding "0" bspc config -m "$BAR_MONITOR" top_padding "0" killall -q polybar while pgrep -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done } export -f stopbar # wm aliases startbar() { bash "$DOTFILES_PATH/de/bar/bar.bash" & bg disown } export -f startbar # save the current directory for later retrieval scwd() { addon="" if [[ -n $1 ]]; then addon="-$1" fi echo "$PWD" > "$DOTFILES_PATH/.cwd$addon.tmp" } export -f scwd bind '"\C-s"':"\"scwd\C-m\"" # go to the saved current directory gcwd() { addon="" if [[ -n $1 ]]; then addon="-$1" fi cd "$(cat "$DOTFILES_PATH/.cwd$addon.tmp")" } export -f gcwd bind '"\C-g"':"\"gcwd\C-m\""