#!/usr/bin/env bash COLOR_RESET='\[\e[0m\]' # TODO: if root, background instead? PROMPT_SUCCESS_COLOR='\[\e[0;34m\]' PROMPT_FAILURE_COLOR='\[\e[0;31m\]' DIR_COLOR='\[\e[0;35m\]' MAX_PATH_PIECE_CHARS=3 # prompt rendering functions preprocess_pwd() { p="$PWD" [[ "$p" == "/" ]] && echo "/" && return 1 [[ "$p" == "${NICE_HOME}" ]] && echo "~" && return 0 # with ellipsis # echo "$(<<< "$p" cut -c2- | awk '{split($0,p,"/");for(k in p){if(length(p[k])>'"$((MAX_PATH_PIECE_CHARS+1))"'){printf "/%.'"$((MAX_PATH_PIECE_CHARS))"'s…",p[k]}else{printf "/%s",p[k]}}}')" # without ellipsis echo "$(<<< "$p" cut -c2- | awk '{split($0,p,"/");for(k in p){printf "/%.'"$MAX_PATH_PIECE_CHARS"'s",p[k]}}')" } export -f "preprocess_pwd" prompt_command_func() { RET=$? history -a # commit history to prevent data loss from edge cases # set the color of user@host based on the result of the previous command if [[ $RET -eq 0 ]]; then STATUS_COLOR=$PROMPT_SUCCESS_COLOR else STATUS_COLOR=$PROMPT_FAILURE_COLOR fi PS1="$STATUS_COLOR\u@\h$COLOR_RESET $DIR_COLOR$(preprocess_pwd)$COLOR_RESET " } export -f "prompt_command_func" export PROMPT_COMMAND="prompt_command_func"