#!/usr/bin/env bash # the path to the bar stuff export BAR_PATH="$DOTFILES_PATH/env/wm/extras/bar" # where to put the file that contains the bar's pid export BAR_PID_FILE="$BAR_PATH/wm_bar.pid" # whether or not to start the bar when X starts export BAR_ON_XINIT=1 # the path to the bar's FIFO export BAR_FIFO="$BAR_PATH/wm_bar_fifo.lock" # the monitor on which to display the bar (see BSPWM(1)) export BAR_MONITOR=0 # detect monitor automatically # the bar's log file export BAR_LOG="$BAR_PATH/wm_bar.log" # whether or not the bar is anchored to the top of the monitor (or the bottom if # not) export BAR_TOP=0 # the pixel height of the bar export BAR_HEIGHT=24 # the bar's underline line width export BAR_BORDER_WIDTH=0 # the bar's font export BAR_FONT_FAMILY="$PRIMARY_FONT_FAMILY_WITH_SIZE" # whether or not the "underline" appears above or below the desktop names on # lemonbar export BAR_UNDERLINE=0 # the bar's spacing on the left and right sides export BAR_MARGIN=0 # export BAR_MARGIN=$WINDOW_GAP # how far left the display the bar note that the margin will be used to attempt # to center the bar on the monitor it is being displayed on export BAR_OFFSET=0 # the window ID to give to bar so that other scripts may raise or lower it in # bspwm export BAR_WID="wmpanel" # the amount of pixel padding space to place above the bar export BAR_TOP_PADDING=0 # the amount of pixel padding space to place below the bar export BAR_BOTTOM_PADDING=0 # the characters to always print on the left-most side of the bar export BAR_LEFT_CHARS="" # the characters to always print on the right-most side of the bar export BAR_RIGHT_CHARS=" "