# lytedev's dotfiles My various configuration files. I can't recommend using them directly, just take what you like. [🖥️ Upstream][upstream] • [🐙 GitHub Mirror][github] ![Battlestation][battlestation-photo] ![Desktop Screenshot][desktop-screenshot] # Basic Setup curl -LsSf https://lyte.dev/df.sh | sh ## I don't like `curl ... | sh` Clone the repo: git clone https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/dotfiles.git "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles" Inspect and run the common (no macOS- or Linux-specific configuration) setup `fish` script: $EDITOR "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles/common/bin/dotfiles-setup" "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles/common/bin/dotfiles-setup" ## Advanced Setup You will want to symlink relevant environment layers into the `$ENV_PATH` in order to have your OS-specific applications be configured and common applications configured for the host OS. There's a handy `fzf`-based script that makes this super easy: dotfiles-link-environments # note that you can select multiple with TAB You can also list the possible environments: cat $DOTFILES_PATH/common/envs And then link them yourself (note the replacing of slashes with dashes): ln -s (pwd)/os/linux $ENV_PATH/os-linux ln -s (pwd)/os/linux/arch $ENV_PATH/os-linux-arch ln -s (pwd)/host/laptop $ENV_PATH/host-laptop ln -s (pwd)/host/laptop/third $ENV_PATH/os-laptop-third And run setup again once you've finished linking all related environments: dotfiles-setup # To Do - Home DNS/Wireguard VPN? - Layered gitconfig? - Get out of Google! - `calcurse` for Calendar management? - `aerc` or `neomutt` for email? - My home-grown backup network for Drive? - Photos? - **Learn to use `journalctl`** - Neovim LSP - Move to NixOS or Guix? Declarative may be the future...? - Better/more secure remote management configuration? - Why can't I hold all these SSH keys/configs/target hosts? - Setup network file share that's easily accessible from Windows and macOS hosts? - Samba? - Add vim in the terminal as the handler for many MIME types (xdg-open and such) for the rare time I'm in a file manager or for opening easily from the browser. - This goes for navigating "into" a file in `nnn` - Investigate systemd services that may help with various tasks (homed, etc.) [upstream]: https://git.faceless.lytedev.io/lytedev/dotfiles [github]: https://github.com/lytedev/dotfiles [desktop-screenshot]: https://files.lyte.dev/unix/desktop-screenshot.png [battlestation-photo]: https://files.lyte.dev/unix/battlestation.jpg