#!/usr/bin/env sh # NOTE: run this from inside a NixOS installation, not from the live USB/CD root_home="/root" daniel_home="/home/daniel/.home" nice_home="/home/daniel" dotfiles="/.config/dotfiles" add_unstable_channel() { nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable nix-channel --update } clone_dotfiles() { echo "Setting up dotfiles for root..." mkdir --parents "$1" git clone "https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/dotfiles" "$1" } symlink_nixos() { rm --force "/etc/nixos/lytedev" ln --symbolic "$1" "/etc/nixos/lytedev" } setup_wallpaper() { mkdir --parents "$nice_home/img/walls" curl --silent --output "$nice_home/img/walls/clouds_by_souredapply.png" \ "https://art.ngfiles.com/images/530000/530895_souredapple_clouds.png" rm --recursive --force "$daniel_home/.wallpaper" ln --symbolic "$nice_home/img/walls/clouds_by_souredapply.png" "$daniel_home/.wallpaper" } generate_ssh_key() { mkdir --mode 600 --parents "$daniel_home/.ssh" keyfile="$daniel_home/.ssh/$(hostname --short)" ssh-keygen -N '' -t ed25519 -f "$keyfile" mkdir --mode 640 --parents "$nice_home/public" cp "$keyfile.pub" "$nice_home/public" ssh-add "$keyfile" } fix_dotfiles_origin() { cd "$daniel_home$dotfiles" git remote set-url origin "ssh://git@git.lyte.dev:2222/lytedev/dotfiles.git" } init_for_root() { clone_dotfiles "$root_home$dotfiles" symlink_nixos "$root_home$dotfiles/env/nix/" add_unstable_channel nixos-rebuild switch chown daniel:users "$daniel_home" echo "Re-running as user daniel..." sudo --user daniel "$root_home$dotfiles/init.sh" } init_for_daniel() { clone_dotfiles "$daniel_home$dotfiles" generate_ssh_key symlink_nixos "$daniel_home$dotfiles/env/nix/" setup_wallpaper # TODO: setup ssh/gpg keys # TODO: setup password store fix_dotfiles_origin } if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] init_for_root else init_for_daniel fi echo "Here is this machine's public SSH key:" echo " $(cat "$daniel_home/.ssh/$(hostname --short).pub")" echo "It needs to be added to existing cloud-based git accounts" echo "and other machines before proceeding." echo echo "Don't forget to setup GPG keys by importing from an existing machine" echo "or adding new child keys!" echo echo "The simplest method for doing this is to run the following:" echo ' scp -r "$TARGET_MACHINE:~/.gnupg" "$HOME/.gnupg"