#!/usr/bin/env bash dir="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" echo "Inside $dir" yn() { echo "$1 [y/N]" read -r y # bash convert to lowercase magic [[ ${y,,} =~ ^y ]] } yn "Do you want to install UI packages?" && "$dir/optional/ui-packages.bash" paru -Sy --needed --noconfirm \ weechat `# IRC Client` \ rtx-bin `# Version Manager` \ bluetuith `# Disk Usage Analyzer` \ aria2 `# Downloads Manager` \ oath-toolkit `# TOTP Utility` \ pass pass-otp `# Password Management` \ sc-im `# Spreadsheets` \ cloc `# For counting lines of code` \ gitui `# Git TUI` \ tokei `# Counting Lines of Code (cloc alternative)` \ pigz `# Multicore Compression Utility` \