{ config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; in { fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ # helvetica # needed by zoom ]; users.users.daniel = { isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "docker" ]; shell = pkgs.fish; home = "/home/daniel/.home"; packages = with pkgs; [ fortune # fun sayings steam # games pulsemixer # audio file # identify file types kitty # terminal emulator unstable.fzf # fuzzy finder dmenu # TODO: currently only using this for dmenu_path in `bin/launch` ranger # tui for file management pass # the standard unix password manager vulkan-tools # vkcube for making sure vulkan still works rustup clang pavucontrol # gui pulseaudio manager pamixer # tui pulseaudio manager strongswan # work vpn gnumake elixir postgresql # database htop # almost as good as bottom (btm) unzip # needed by a handful of other utilities autoconf automake # autotools weechat # irc python39Full # python 3.9 jq # awk for json xfce.thunar xfce.thunar-archive-plugin xfce.thunar-volman # gui file manager mpd # music player daemon ncmpcpp # ncurses music player client vlc # video player google-chrome # sometimes ya gotta screenshare # TODO: work module? google-cloud-sdk # gcloud kubectl # kubernetes cli awscli # aws cli zoom-us # video conferencing lastpass-cli # TODO: move this one to just laptop? brightnessctl # laptop screen brightness # nix utils nox # package querying and installation? # yay is to pacman, nox is to nix-env niv # dependency pinning? lorri # project envrc - like asdf-vm? ]; }; }