#!/usr/bin/env bash export BAR_MONITOR="$(polybar --list-monitors | tail -n 1 | sed -n 's/^\s*\(.*\):.*$/\1/p')" export BAR_HEIGHT=40 export BAR_ON_TOP=0 export BAR_SIDE_MARGIN=200 MONITOR_WIDTH=$(xrandr | grep "$BAR_MONITOR" | grep -Po ' \d+' | head -n 1) export BAR_FONT=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:\([^-]*\)\-.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1) export BAR_ICON_FONT="FontAwesome" export BAR_FONT_SIZE=$(xrdb -query | sed -ne 's/.*font:\s*xft:[^-]*\-\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/p' | head -n 1) export BAR_ICON_FONT_SIZE=$((BAR_FONT_SIZE)) export BAR_FONT_DECLARATION="${BAR_FONT}:size=${BAR_FONT_SIZE};1" export BAR_ICON_FONT_DECLARATION="${BAR_ICON_FONT}:size=${BAR_ICON_FONT_SIZE};1" export GAP=$(bspc wm -d | grep -Po '(windowGap.*?,)' | grep -Po '\d*' | head -n 1) export BAR_BOTTOM="false" export POS_Y=0 # allow a per-device config to override options if [ -f "$HOME/.env_bar" ]; then source "$HOME/.env_bar" fi export BAR_WIDTH=$((MONITOR_WIDTH - GAP - GAP - BAR_SIDE_MARGIN - BAR_SIDE_MARGIN)) export POS_X=$((GAP + BAR_SIDE_MARGIN)) export EHEIGHT=$((BAR_HEIGHT + GAP)) # if we just want the variables set here, pass an argument if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then return fi if [ $BAR_ON_TOP -eq 1 ]; then export BAR_BOTTOM="false" export POS_Y=$GAP bspc config -m ${BAR_MONITOR} top_padding "$EHEIGHT" bspc config -m ${BAR_MONITOR} bottom_padding "0" else export POS_Y=$GAP bspc config -m ${BAR_MONITOR} top_padding "0" bspc config -m ${BAR_MONITOR} bottom_padding "$EHEIGHT" fi # bspc polybar lytedev