#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will seriously nuke your home directory. You should really read # each of the scripts that will be executed in those process. # the path to the dotfiles directory/repository export DOTFILES_PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles" # this variable controls whether or not we have a separate dir we like to # actually use as home instead of $HOME in order to avoid dotfiles clutter # for all user-facing purposes, we try to use this as the home directory while # programs will still use $HOME (which in my case is usually /home/username/usr) export NICE_HOME=$(realpath "$HOME/..") # this prevents different bar modules from being loaded you should probably # avoid setting them here and set them in "$HOME/.bashrc_env" export BLACKLISTED_BAR_MODULES="" # in some cases (mainly OS provisioning) we clone repositories or download code # for later use # as I'm writing this, I realize I should almost certainly be using /tmp and am more # than a little bit ashamed # TODO: use /tmp ? export REPOSITORY_PATH="$NICE_HOME/code/open-source" export IMG_PATH="$NICE_HOME/img" # the width of the border around the bspwm windows export BORDER_WIDTH=0 # the gap between bspwm windows export WINDOW_GAP=5 # load our font variables source "$DOTFILES_PATH/scripts/get_x_fonts.sh" # load our color info source "$DOTFILES_PATH/scripts/get_color.sh" # load our bar variables source "$DOTFILES_PATH/env/wm/extras/bar/variables.bash" # when we kill bspwm we can export the state to this file export BSPWM_STATE_FILE="$DOTFILES_PATH/bspwm_state.json.tmp" # disables the clickable launcher buttons for touch or keyboardless devices if 1 export NO_LAUNCHER_BUTTONS=0 # this lets our window gap account for the border width # if this is enabled, it is usually so that I can reduce border width on my # desktops with a single chrome window on them so that I can click that tabs at # the top quickly # I really need to migrate browsers # export WINDOW_GAP=$(expr $WINDOW_GAP - $BORDER_WIDTH) # load per-device bashrc_env if it exists if [ -a "$HOME/.bashrc_env" ]; then . "$HOME/.bashrc_env" fi